Capital | CopenhagenFLAG DESCRIPTION: red with a white cross that extends to the edges of the flag; the vertical part of the cross is shifted to the hoist side; the banner is referred to as the Dannebrog (Danish flag) and is one of the oldest national flags in the world; traditions as to the origin of the flag design vary, but the best known is a legend that the banner fell from the sky during an early-13th century battle; caught up by the Danish king before it ever touched the earth, this heavenly talisman inspired the royal army to victory *note: the shifted design element was subsequently adopted by the other Nordic countries of Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden
Population | 5,515,575 (July 2010 est.)
Area | 43,094 SQ KM
Official Language | Danish
Holidays | Constitution Day 5 June
Currency | Danish Kroner (DKK)
Time Zone | UTC+1 / UTC+2 (summer)
Best Time to Visit | May and June – or AD 900 if pillaging is you thing
Connecting with the Culture | Knocking back a local beer while enjoying a summer evening in Nyhavn canal; Letting your hair down at the northern Europe’s largest rock festival, Roskilde Festival; Being charmed by the cobbled streets and well-preserved buildings of Ribe, Denmark’s oldest town; Dipping a toe at Skagen, where the waters of Kattegat and Skagerrak clash; Cycling from end to end of this flat landscape on the extensive bike routes; Exploring a Viking ring fortress at Trelleborg
Read | Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow by Peter Hoeg, a suspense set in Copenhagen; or for a change of pace, Kierkegaard’s philosophical works or Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales
Listen | to pop of Aqua, dance beats of Junior Senior or raw rock of D-A-D
Watch | anything by Lars Von Trier, particularly The Idiots, a black comedy set in Denmark
Eat | smorrebrod (the famous Danish open-faced sandwich), frikadeller (Danish meatballs of pork minced, served with potatoes and gravy), slid (pickled herring), and of course Danish pastries, known locally as wienerbrod (literally Vienna bread)
Drink | ol (beer), or akvavit (schnapps) – but you have to swallow it in one swig
In a Word | Det var hyggeligt! (that was cozy!)
Characteristics | Butter cookies; brightly coloured plastic bricks; social progressiveness; ‘The Little Mermaid’; Bang and Olufsen stereos; Royal Copenhagen plates; and George Jensen jewelry; Arne Jacobsen’s egg chair
Surprises | Denmark has virtually no down-hill skiing because its highest ‘mountain’ is 147m; not all Danes are blond and blue-eyed