Greece: Cradle of Olympics, forced to cut sport funds
(PHOTO: Athens Summer Olympic medals, 2004/Heritage) (HN, 4/2/2012) - Greece's governing `Board of Athletics Federation' has unanimously decided to suspend all operations because of federal funding cuts, a month before the country hosts this year’s Olympic flame-lighting at a ceremony in Ancient Olympia for London's Summer Games - & just 8 years since the modern home of the Olympics itself hosted the Summer Games, 8 years ago. Federation president Vassilis Sevastis said coaching staff & suppliers had not been paid for months due to budget reductions. The officials made the decision after an emergency meeting & its suspension is indefinite.
(PHOTO: Greek Reporter) In the meantime, it has the immediate effect of halting all domestic competitions including a scheduled event on May 12-13. Although the halt does not affect international meets such as the 2012 London Olympics now, the body will meet again in 2 weeks & could toughen its stance if the government fails to respond. “We call on the sporting leadership to intervene & avert the disintegration of track & field in Greece,” the federation said. Faced with the threat of financial collapse risking to bring Europe down with it since 2009, Greece has abruptly slashed funding for sports, healthcare & public services. (Read more at the Greek Reporter)