HUMNEWS HEADLINES - September 28, 2010 (The Caribbean)

Domestic, sexual violence rates soaring in Caribbean
Impulse point launches safe connect 5.0
SmartTrend watching for pullback in shares of Aruba Networks after 0.05% gain (ARUN)
Mr Bermuda wins gold medal in Caribbean
Valero selling refinery for $360M
Grant urges Bahamians to educate themselves on disaster preparedness
Bahamas Waste biodiesel trials start this week
Bahamas to honour Shaunae Miller (sports)
Possible Air Transat flight from Canada on the way
Bakke Graduate University comes to The Bahamas
Early warning system for economy
14,000 more stay-over visitors than last year (tourism)
Barbados trounced by Dominica (sports)
The Caribbean offers endless vacation options (travel)
Premier wants UN to include Cayman
This is not the end for tax havens
The unreported UN general assembly
Dominica, whale friendly nation is now demonstrating global leadership by going green (blog)
Dutch Caribbean security exchange taps Trayport for trading system
Puerto Rico: A personal mission creates a new life experience for student journalist
Cuba announces baseball team world qualifier in Puerto Rico (sports)
PREPA readies $200 million in revenue bonds
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