January 13, 2020

Two new flags will be flying high at the Olympic Games in Rio.

For the first time, South Sudan and Kosovo have been recognized by the International Olympic Committee. Kosovo, which was a province of the former Yugoslavia, will have 8 athletes competing; and a good shot for a medal in women's judo: Majlinda Kelmendi is considered a favorite. She's ranked first in the world in her weight class.

(South Sudan's James Chiengjiek, Yiech Biel & coach Joe Domongole, © AFP) South Sudan, which became independent in 2011, will have three runners competing in the country's first Olympic Games.

When Will Chile's Post Office's Re-open? 

(PHOTO: Workers set up camp at Santiago's Rio Mapocho/Mason Bryan, The Santiago Times)Chile nears 1 month without mail service as postal worker protests continue. This week local branches of the 5 unions representing Correos de Chile voted on whether to continue their strike into a 2nd month, rejecting the union's offer. For a week the workers have set up camp on the banks of Santiago's Río Mapocho displaying banners outlining their demands; framing the issue as a division of the rich & the poor. The strike’s main slogan? “Si tocan a uno, nos tocan a todos,” it reads - if it affects 1 of us, it affects all of us. (Read more at The Santiago Times)

WHO convenes emergency talks on MERS virus


(PHOTO: Saudi men walk to the King Fahad hospital in the city of Hofuf, east of the capital Riyadh on June 16, 2013/Fayez Nureldine)The World Health Organization announced Friday it had convened emergency talks on the enigmatic, deadly MERS virus, which is striking hardest in Saudi Arabia. The move comes amid concern about the potential impact of October's Islamic hajj pilgrimage, when millions of people from around the globe will head to & from Saudi Arabia.  WHO health security chief Keiji Fukuda said the MERS meeting would take place Tuesday as a telephone conference & he  told reporters it was a "proactive move".  The meeting could decide whether to label MERS an international health emergency, he added.  The first recorded MERS death was in June 2012 in Saudi Arabia & the number of infections has ticked up, with almost 20 per month in April, May & June taking it to 79.  (Read more at Xinhua)



Dreams and nightmares - Chinese leaders have come to realize the country should become a great paladin of the free market & democracy & embrace them strongly, just as the West is rejecting them because it's realizing they're backfiring. This is the "Chinese Dream" - working better than the American dream.  Or is it just too fanciful?  By Francesco Sisci

Baby step towards democracy in Myanmar  - While the sweeping wins Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy has projected in Sunday's by-elections haven't been confirmed, it is certain that the surging grassroots support on display has put Myanmar's military-backed ruling party on notice. By Brian McCartan

The South: Busy at the polls - South Korea's parliamentary polls will indicate how potent a national backlash is against President Lee Myung-bak's conservatism, perceived cronyism & pro-conglomerate policies, while offering insight into December's presidential vote. Desire for change in the macho milieu of politics in Seoul can be seen in a proliferation of female candidates.  By Aidan Foster-Carter  

Pakistan climbs 'wind' league - Pakistan is turning to wind power to help ease its desperate shortage of energy,& the country could soon be among the world's top 20 producers. Workers & farmers, their land taken for the turbine towers, may be the last to benefit.  By Zofeen Ebrahim

Turkey cuts Iran oil imports - Turkey is to slash its Iranian oil imports as it seeks exemptions from United States penalties linked to sanctions against Tehran. Less noticed, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the Iranian capital last week, signed deals aimed at doubling trade between the two countries.  By Robert M. Cutler



CARTOON: Peter Broelman, Australia/BROELMAN.com.au)


San Marino     Mongolia
Vancouver     Ghana





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    Friendship in an Age of Economics: Resisting the Forces of Neoliberalism
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  • Friends to the End: The True Value of Friendship
    Friends to the End: The True Value of Friendship
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  • Friendship as a Way of Life: Foucault, AIDS, and the Politics of Shared Estrangement
    Friendship as a Way of Life: Foucault, AIDS, and the Politics of Shared Estrangement
    by Tom Roach

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Entries by HUMNEWS (757)


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 17, 2010 - (the Americas) 

The Americas:  

BELIZE:   Ministry of Human Development expands roving caregivers program - http://bit.ly/aUtrgZ 

BELIZE:   Armed robbery at the Social Security Belize Branch - http://bit.ly/agBDkW 

BELIZE:    Fifth Annual Women’s Summit to be held tomorrow - http://bit.ly/b1aRqB 


Argentina threatens to ban trade operators in the Falkland Islands – http://bit.ly/9smOrW 

FALKLAND ISLANDS:    Past ghosts, present tensions (COLUMN) - http://bit.ly/aPg0Q7

FALKLAND ISLANDS:   The long road to clearing Falkland’s landmines - http://bit.ly/bFsfBR 


Gold, Guns and Garimpeiros: France Battles Wildcat Miners in French Guiana - http://bit.ly/ciXQ3x 


The `coldest stuff in space’ as seen from the Planck Mission, launched  May 2009 from Kourou, French Guiana (PICTURES) - http://bit.ly/aMVnTo 

FRENCH GUIANA:    Parallel Preparations Continue for upcoming Ariane 5 Flights - http://bit.ly/9HjTsI


Guyana's president announces plan to provide further assistance to Haiti this week- http://bit.ly/9NwLgK

GUYANA:   Local call centre wins `race reviews' from Office Depot - http://bit.ly/9FFl6V 


It is the government's responsibility to subsidize tertiary education (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/cHiPDW

GUYANA:  Guyana's parties venture into the virtual world - http://bit.ly/cYItC8

GUYANA:    Youngest solo rower lands in Guyana - http://bit.ly/92K5O6 


Jamaican government to announce rice increase from Guyana due to `El Nino’ - http://bit.ly/9Dcyio


CARICOM to launch Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) in Paramaribo tomorrow - http://bit.ly/cOUhFA

SURINAME:   Guyana and Suriname meet to grapple with cross-border crime - http://bit.ly/93oIoU


Suriname to answer Guyana's concerns on past invasion plan says Santokhi - http://bit.ly/bQoOuy


Wrong about national security, wrong about national interest (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/bDLX9K

SURINAME:   Allowing Suriname to be admitted to CARICOM before settling frontier claims undermined Guyana's position (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/bwPgpv


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 17, 2010 (North and South Oceans) 

North and South Oceans

ANTARCTICA:   S Korea picks site for its second research base in Antarctica - http://bit.ly/aZq4P6 

ANTARCTICA:   Underwater volcanoes help suck carbon from the air – (blog) http://bit.ly/aMp7a3 

ANTARCTICA:   Australia’s Antarctic gateway will host 2012 treaty meeting - http://bit.ly/bR4dJy 

ANTARCTICA:   Nature photographer plans free presentation in Vail – (art/culture) http://bit.ly/acMH0R 


A Terrible Beauty: Edward Wilson in Antarctica 1902-1912 at Bantwood – (art/culture) http://bit.ly/b2QWTF 

BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORIES:   Final destination Iran?  - http://bit.ly/cnz2yS 

GREENLAND:  Ram resources to buy tantalum/niobium project in Greenland - http://bit.ly/b12TEI 

GREENLAND:  Nature’s will must not be ignored – (opinion) http://bit.ly/dCcQfw 

GREENLAND:   Dutch artist puts giant sculpture on iceberg in Greenland – - http://bit.ly/9fHScN 

ICELAND:    Iceland cuts rate to 9% as capital controls aid krona - http://bit.ly/dbua9D 

ICELAND:    They also serve who wait for a prison seat - http://bit.ly/bo7ybM

ICELAND:    Iceland currency exchange lead to 28 legal cases -  http://bit.ly/cjpFiU


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 17, 2010 (the Caribbean) 

The Caribbean:  

ANGUILLA:   Anguilla Social Security Board Recognized by ISSA for Good Practices- http://bit.ly/96K4bj 


IMF Mission and Antigua and Barbuda Reach Agreement in Principle on US$125 Million Loan- http://bit.ly/dC8D6t

ARUBA:   Aruban company interested in Guyana's fruits, vegetables - http://bit.ly/9aVnMM 

BAHAMAS:   The Bahamas expresses interest in World Youth- http://bit.ly/dmaaAy 


Bahamas to push for public-private partnership as Inter-American Committee against Terrorism Chair- http://bit.ly/92PEVh 

BAHAMAS:  Bahamas must 'pull its socks up' on education (OPINION) – http://bit.ly/cyDnr7 

BARBADOS: Mavado, Vybz Kartel Concert Still on in Barbados (OPINION) – http://bit.ly/c8f8wf 

BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS:     Anegada Water Expansion Project in full swing - http://bit.ly/a1BziM 


Communique issued at the conclusion of the 21st Inter-Sessional Meeting of CARICOM (Dominica) - http://bit.ly/abBDJH 


Grenada's acting PM welcomes debt reduction commitment by World Bank -http://bit.ly/cp7D4B

CAYMAN ISLANDS:    Report rules out direct taxation in the Cayman Islands - http://bit.ly/apfalW 

CAYMAN ISLANDS:  IMF finds undeclared wealth in the Cayman Islands - http://bit.ly/c2E2gK 

CAYMAN ISLANDS:  Medical visionary due in Cayman to finalize plans - http://bit.ly/btI6gQ 

GUADELOUPE:   Regional Council elections held in Guadeloupe - http://bit.ly/cgdmEt 


Haitian state and local government to hold meetings in Martinique in preparation for donors meeting – http://bit.ly/aXE3m1 

MARTINIQUE:   Drought: O rage, despair water... (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/a8kBD5 

MONTSERRAT:   St Patrick’s Day parades around the world - http://bit.ly/a2D4Oa 

PUERTO RICO:     Controlled burning in the dry forest - http://bit.ly/bLmkFY 


Water resources should be viewed like oil, natural gas and minerals, says St Kitts-Nevis PM - http://bit.ly/9D0Tyx 


1st National Bank invests over $100,000 in first ever annual international literary festival - http://bit.ly/dgdpCw 

SAINT LUCIA:   St. Lucia to join Caribbean Court of Justice - http://bit.ly/9dBXVW 


New Zealand signs tax info agreements with Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - http://bit.ly/cYvGvJ


Former premier Galmo “Gilley” Williams says life in the Turks and Caicos Islands under Governor Gordon Wetherall is like “an Adolf Hitler era” (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/avGN9o



HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 17, 2010 (Africa and the Middle East) 

Africa and the Middle East:  

ALGERIA:    Sahelian Foreign Ministers Discuss al-Qaida Threat - http://bit.ly/9fpQlS 

ALGERIA:    Algeria plans barley exports- http://bit.ly/93z0wd 


International Agency for Development calls on world community to look into disappearances in Tindouf, Algeria - http://bit.ly/aJo0Ie 

ALGERIA:   Africa: Increased connectivity leads to rise in botnets - http://bit.ly/cfm9oe 

ANGOLA:    Angola saves over USD 500 million with fast goods clearance - http://bit.ly/9bNBVk 

ANGOLA:    Angola, Portugal analyse higher education, technology issues - http://bit.ly/bj9JlY 

ANGOLA:     Feature - Angola low on priests, high on poverty - http://bit.ly/cAlbjl 

ANGOLA:      Culture minister praises UNESCO workshop – http://bit.ly/aUbhy2 

BENIN:        Developing Weed Resistance in Corn Hybrids - http://bit.ly/9S2Fhd 

BENIN:       Cotton output forecast to double in 2010 - http://bit.ly/944S0j 

BENIN:      ECOWAS demands EU's commitment to development fund – http://bit.ly/9PE8HB 

BOTSWANA:   Court president warn youth on HIV/AIDS - http://bit.ly/aXz7hj 

BOTSWANA:    Teachers advocate for global warming education in schools - http://bit.ly/ditr5m 

BOTSWANA:   Botswana want flogging back-Minister says - http://bit.ly/c7rUMx 

BOTSWANA:   Puma Enters Botswana through the Wilderness - http://bit.ly/bvSgmo 

BOTSWANA:     National bio-diversity framework ready for submission to Cabinet - http://bit.ly/cpdSWf 

BURKINA FASO:   Pope Meets Bishops from Burkina Faso and Niger - http://bit.ly/clGkoN 

CAMEROON:    New Strategies to Sustain Mangrove Ecosystems - http://bit.ly/caHQ5q 

CAMEROON:    Cameroon hit hard by brain drain - http://bit.ly/a5IMJD 

CAPE VERDE:   Barefoot diva to appear on Kremlin's stage again - http://bit.ly/c7tv6k 

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC:  Rebels Now Terrorize Central African Republic- http://bit.ly/bLmYQI


Security Council extends UN force for two months, as talks with Chad continue- http://bit.ly/cFSdeK 

CHAD:     Food crisis affecting 2 million in Chad- http://bit.ly/dlhqyO 

COMOROS:    $540mn pledged for Comoros Islands- http://bit.ly/cvuDpK 

COMOROS:     Comorian justice minister arrives in Sana'a, Yemen - http://bit.ly/aD8FOR 

DJIBOUTI:        Djibouti receiving food aid - http://bit.ly/ajR2dp 

DJIBOUTI:        A critical situation - http://bit.ly/b7ztIQ 

EQUATORIAL GUINEA:  Tourist in Equatorial Guinea Finds White Worms in Her Eyes - http://bit.ly/deGYqz 

ERITREA:    National School Leaving Certificate Examination Underway- http://bit.ly/aSj5iI 

ERITREA:  UN Security Council Wants Probe into Aid Corruption in Somalia via Eritrea- http://bit.ly/bcZyJp 

GABON:    Gabon's Ali Bongo elected president of ruling party- http://bit.ly/coIGWC 

GABON:     President Bongo in Morocco - http://bit.ly/9DJjlQ 

GAMBIA:    Amnesty International asks Gambia to charge or free detainees- http://bit.ly/c24I3S 

GHANA:     Will Oil Revenues Wane Foreign Aid To Ghana? - http://bit.ly/ch6pUl 

GHANA:     On media irresponsibility (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/bDYENP 


Ghana Ranked Top in Press Freedom in Africa by Reporters without Borders - http://bit.ly/9QPJ5K 

GUINEA:   No chance of coup, says Guinea leader- http://bit.ly/aptNfj 


Brazil wants to encourage production of biofuels in West Africa, particularly Guinea Bissau - http://bit.ly/bJjguR 


New campaign to help prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Lesotho (RELEASE) - http://bit.ly/bCBF5f 

LESOTHO:   Canadian doctors fear 'life and death' crisis at Lesotho AIDS clinic - http://bit.ly/9oopNn


The Need for a National Educational Technology Plan in Liberia (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/aW3OMD


Liberian, Swedish, Malawian Red Cross Pledge to Develop Capacity of Girls- http://bit.ly/b77NS3

LIBERIA:   UN Deputy Envoy Decorates 558 Chinese Peacekeepers in Liberia- http://bit.ly/aYK4ys 

LIBYA:     Libya as an African Power (COLUMN) - http://bit.ly/d9g5Ci 

LIBYA:    For end to violence in Nigeria, Gaddafi proposes partition- http://bit.ly/dvx56U 

MADAGASCAR:  Death toll rises after tropical cyclone Hubert - http://bit.ly/bMdUIv 

MADAGASCAR:     A year of crisis- http://bit.ly/atJZn0 

MADAGASCAR:     UN scheme aims to give youth employment a boost- http://bit.ly/dpKv7i 

MALAWI:     U.K. Lawmakers Denounce Malawi Gay Trial - http://bit.ly/aoZIdr 

MALAWI:      Malawi warned- http://bit.ly/coQfY2 

MALAWI:      Malawian churches open debate on gays- http://bit.ly/aGR5SC 

MALAWI:     Malawi tobacco sales kick off on promising note - http://bit.ly/aP1Ab6 

MALI:       Mali leprosy rates decline - http://bit.ly/9oDRFK 

MAURITANIA:  Mauritanians shed tradition for healthier beauty ideal- http://bit.ly/9rn9ue 

MAYOTTE:   An international swindler arrested in Mayotte- http://bit.ly/d7ElgN 

MOZAMBIQUE:    Cholera kills 41 in Mozambique- http://bit.ly/9ZxBTm 


Mozambican television strengthens cooperation with Angola's TPA- http://bit.ly/dnaO8w 

NAMIBIA:    Lithuania and Namibia will Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation- http://bit.ly/9c6iQg 

NAMIBIA:     Government Aims to Go Nuclear in 20 Years- http://bit.ly/9NGF9Z 

NAMIBIA:      Church Discusses Domestic Violence- http://bit.ly/cBtyMy 

NIGER:   Experts explain why malnutrition is recurrent - http://bit.ly/didmG9 

NIGER:    Niger needs $123m in food aid - http://bit.ly/9ypS16 

NIGER:     Students to Undergo Body Search- http://bit.ly/bjPjS7

QATAR:   Dream comes true for Qatar’s first woman judge- http://bit.ly/cUF1Ko


Taiwan to help African allies, including Sao Tome and Principe to develop green energy for carbon rights- http://bit.ly/a7gSCd

SEYCHELLES:  Reconciling conservation and commerce in the name of sustainability- http://bit.ly/civviC 


Exclusive: Football Made Me Somebody-Sierra Leone Goalkeeper Christian Caulker- http://bit.ly/ds4KbG 

SUDAN:    Uganda accuse Sudan of abhorring rebels - http://bit.ly/doopEP 

SUDAN:     Sudan denies Ugandan rebel leader relocated to Darfur - http://bit.ly/9oUYTF 

SWAZILAND:    Swaziland drafts bill to regulate broadcasting industry- http://bit.ly/bUgJY4 

SWAZILAND:     New Customs Terminal on Swazi Border with Mozambique - http://bit.ly/cya68E

TOGO:  The Togo Election (OPINION) - http://bit.ly/cnLBBa 

WESTERN SAHARA:   Sun power project "may eye Western Sahara location" - http://bit.ly/aGSNTU 

YEMEN:    ICRC's bureau to be opened in Aden- http://bit.ly/di5lLX 

YEMEN:     Yemen sends delegation to Somaliland to open diplomatic office-http://bit.ly/c0QaI2



HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 16, 2010 (Europe/Eurasia) 



When Did the First 'Modern' Human Beings Appear in the Iberian Peninsula? - http://bit.ly/cFkWAM

ARMENIA:   Armenia reports new case of African Swine Fever - http://bit.ly/9ZzLG7

ARMENIA:  300 schools to be connected to Internet in Armenia - http://bit.ly/dgipGo


The Customer is Always Wrong? Consumer rights violations remain commonplace in Armenia- http://bit.ly/bsgXe4

ARMENIA:  How trees are restoring hope to Armenia - http://bit.ly/9RPTEp


Armenia expects about $19 Million (US) from the Millennium Challenge Corporation - http://bit.ly/9AssYo


Gibraltar Broadcasting Corporation hands reins to former SKY News presenter Allan King - http://bit.ly/cyK1fN

GIBRALTAR:   (OPINION) The future of relations with Spain, Britain - http://bit.ly/bOGks7


The Kyrgyz authorities continue information filtering: the circulation of the Forum newspaper is arrested and BBC radio broadcast is suspended- http://bit.ly/aBDlAl

KYRGYZSTAN:   Kyrgyz association of entrepreneurs established in Russia- http://bit.ly/aZ7KN4

KYRGYZSTAN:   Youth policy in Kyrgyzstan: stiff mission - http://bit.ly/aLm8J6

KYRGYZSTAN:   Kyrgyz Web Sites Blocked- http://bit.ly/apXHfL


Service agreement for "Special Olympics Liechtenstein Foundation - http://bit.ly/cHZZWE

LIECHTENSTEIN:  Higher Education Reform - Liechtenstein rises to the challenge - http://bit.ly/ckv80H

MOLDOVA:  Moldova likely to hold constitutional referendum on 6 or 13 June 2010- http://bit.ly/dDbNqi

MOLDOVA:  Moldova, Kuwait sign tax-related agreement - http://bit.ly/93h296

MOLDOVA:   UK to grant Moldova 4.5 million pounds to back social assistance sector - http://bit.ly/bTpklf

MONGOLIA:   (BLOG) Mongolia faces climate-driven humanitarian crisis- http://bit.ly/d3FXzd

MONGOLIA:    Mothers in Mongolia receive aid during 'dzud' weather pattern - http://bit.ly/bhFy9b

MONGOLIA:    Japan Steps up Its Dzud Assistance to Mongolia- http://bit.ly/9AP9Ed

MONGOLIA:    UN Allocates US$3.7 Million to Dzud Affected People- http://bit.ly/9MCVke

MONGOLIA:    Leeds students plan road trip to Mongolia in aged ambulance - http://bit.ly/amtCJN


Deposed Thai leader Thaksin reported to be in Montenegro-(report) - http://bit.ly/9eXvQ6


IMF: San Marino must strengthen measures against vulnerabilities - http://bit.ly/9qvnjS

TAJIKISTAN:   Missing Kyrgyz Rights Activist In Detention In Tajikistan - http://bit.ly/dcIFzz


Tajikistan to get about 3m dollars from South Korea to build small power plants - http://bit.ly/9AWRAR

TAJIKISTAN:  Tajikistan: UN helping to boost resilience to natural disasters - http://bit.ly/9YZCKS


U.S. State Department Report Takes Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan to Task - http://bit.ly/aQXBp6

TURKMENISTAN:  President of Turkmenistan orders construction of expressways- http://bit.ly/a2IZbB


President of Turkmenistan gives start to mass tree planting campaign - http://bit.ly/90HZYw


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 16, 2010 (North and South Oceans) 

ANTARCTICA: Scientists “gaga” over life found 200m beneath Antarctica -  http://bit.ly/atpltY

ANTARCTICA: Killing whales ‘wrong way’ to learn more about them - http://bit.ly/b3mRVw

ANTARCTICA: Iceberg forensics: Predicting the planet’s future with Antarctic ice - http://bit.ly/dqByrm

ANTARCTICA: Antarctic broadband satellite team celebrates grant -  http://bit.ly/9msebg

ANTARCTICA: Does Antarctic shrimp mean extraterrestrial life? -  http://bit.ly/aIZ9l8

ICELAND: UK and NL waiting for Iceland’s next Icesave move - http://bit.ly/aQlXr1

ICELAND: Could geothermal energy save Iceland’s economy? - http://bit.ly/9odMIs

ICELAND: Bill banning striptease debated in Iceland’s parliament  - http://bit.ly/cUmyWp

ICELAND: Iceland faces decreasing population trends - http://bit.ly/bXoYrC

ICELAND: Iceland banks deliberately weakened krona before collapse -  http://bit.ly/d6nPX5

ICELAND: Wikileaks potential security threat to US Army - http://bit.ly/buP5hT

SVALBARD: CO2 levels rise despite recession  - http://bit.ly/9YHTZM




HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 15, 2010 (the Americas) 


The Americas:  

BELIZE:      Guatemala Reasserts Challenges to Belize’s Sovereignty - http://bit.ly/chzkg4

FALKLAND ISLANDS:  Pirate radio in the Falkland Islands - http://bit.ly/aK3Bh9

FALKLAND ISLANDS:   Falklands Achieve New Record for Most Southerly Marathon - http://bit.ly/clItUY


(RELEASE) The Falkland Islands have been given a new online look! - http://bit.ly/akw7Ag

FRENCH GUIANA:   OHO-1 satellite to be launched by Arianespace from Europe’s spaceport in French Guiana - http://bit.ly/cYUSah

GUYANA:    New code of conduct for Guyanese media - http://bit.ly/bRBQNT

GUYANA:    Drought in Guyana withers sugarcane fields - http://bit.ly/aDypzK

GUYANA:    Guyana revisited-http://bit.ly/9LwfO3

GUYANA:    (OPINION) Guyana has a growing drug-trafficking problem - http://bit.ly/9OTqGz


(REPORT)  Technical Developments But No Competition Mean Suriname Is Awash With Mobiles But Has Few Internet Connections - http://bit.ly/cETtim 


(RELEASE)   Suriname to host OAS Caribbean Conference on Higher Education - http://bit.ly/9MSjFB


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 15/16, 2010 (Asia and the Pacific) 

Asia and the Pacific:

AMERICAN SAMOA: Togiola wants new American Samoan citizenship - http://bit.ly/9ZTtCK

AMERICAN SAMOA: Government cutbacks in American Samoa - http://bit.ly/blA0wV 


Former Samoa police commissioner selected for peace keeping mission - http://bit.ly/bouWxF 

BHUTAN:    Philippines- Farm department bans poultry from Bhutan- http://bit.ly/bBk6Vm 

BHUTAN:   Getting Bhutan schools W.I.R.ED- http://bit.ly/bfGKP5 

BHUTAN:    Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Bhutan to see Tata Nano this year- http://bit.ly/b3cGSk 

BHUTAN:     Bhutan set for Saarc summit- http://bit.ly/aoDcaK 

BHUTAN:     Bangladesh to offer Bhutan duty-free access for 18 products http://bit.ly/a2eKKc 

BHUTAN:     Call for a rural development policy- http://bit.ly/cdkF27 

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM:   20pc Of Population Faces Diabetes Risk- http://bit.ly/a9ku16 


Brunei Darussalam Community Welfare Council Held its First Congress - http://bit.ly/bSMeCx 


Hong Kong Financial Secretary to visit Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia - http://bit.ly/cHG2sq 

CHRISTMAS ISLAND:  Darwin on alert as flood of boat people heads to Australia - http://bit.ly/blAuoT 


Iraqi witness denies putting pressure on Indonesian fisherman - http://bit.ly/aC6IWk 

CHRISTMAS ISLAND:   Sink boat policy - http://bit.ly/abbvx2 


No apologies from Cook Islands Government for slow progress on Aitutaki rebuild - http://bit.ly/crSiXO


NZ provides multi-million dollar reconstruction package for Cook Islands after Cyclone Pat - http://bit.ly/97uS4o 

EAST TIMOR:  East Timor government excludes foreigners from land owning rights - http://bit.ly/bZovNW 

EAST TIMOR:  East Timor economy grows 14 pct in 2009, government says - http://bit.ly/9lwJHn

EAST TIMOR:  Timor-Leste: UN peacekeeping mission mourns death of deputy leader - http://bit.ly/b4yMki 

FRENCH POLYNESIA:  France asked again to reconsider nuclear compensation laws - http://bit.ly/aewwLC 

GUAM:   For Taipei President Ma, Guam stopover won't include meet with Obama- http://bit.ly/9T4i7x 

GUAM:    (COLUMN) Guam: Progressive and proud of its heritage- http://bit.ly/bujGMb 

GUAM:   Conan O'Brien tweets "bad news" about Guam; “no show in Guam yet”- http://bit.ly/bccJzM 

KIRIBATI:      Pacific activists urge NZ leaders to act on climate change -http://bit.ly/cMRA8v


Laos Gets Help from Nordic Development Fund to Boost Resilience to Climate Change - http://bit.ly/9lqRCn

LAOS:    Lao PM welcomes Vietnamese Minister of Justice - http://bit.ly/c2HMbR 

LAOS:    Thailand approves $19 million loan to Laos for road construction - http://bit.ly/bKPzAU 

LAOS:     Vietnam workers leave home for illegal work in Laos, Thailand - http://bit.ly/aqHvYy 

MACAU:   Roof-tops and bridges to get the ‘green treatment’- http://bit.ly/ce28T0 


Maldives - President meets with officials from major human rights NGOs in Geneva- http://bit.ly/aXUgDl

MALDIVES:   Maldives Parliament to vote on repealing gender restrictions in politics - http://bit.ly/bjyIzs

MARSHALL ISLANDS:   Pacific's slow recovery from recession - http://bit.ly/bImpeL

MICRONESIA:    Fishing in troubled waters - http://bit.ly/dnK1fp

NEW CALEDONIA: Your tribe for the night – (travel) http://bit.ly/avKfCV

NORTH KOREA:   Report names 'enemies of the Internet' - http://bit.ly/90i0Yr

NORTH KOREA:   Private sector aid arrives in N. Korea- http://bit.ly/d7f2sg 


Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to participate in its first Earth Hour - http://bit.ly/aKLPJO


Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) convened in the Republic of Palau on Sunday - http://bit.ly/d5cd60


ICANN Formalizes Relationship with the Domain Manager for Papua New Guinea's .PG ccTLD - http://bit.ly/9Hryt0 

PAPUA NEW GUINEA:   PNG official says oil money wasted while women suffer - http://bit.ly/9I8aqC 

SAMOA:    Samoa government proposes legislation to operate casinos- http://bit.ly/cRviK4 

SOLOMON ISLANDS:    Cyclone Ului Eases While Heading West- http://bit.ly/9CDRHo 

SOLOMON ISLANDS:  Solomon’s to benefit from Global Climate Change Alliance - http://bit.ly/cGoAdZ 

TONGA:   Strong Wind Warning for Tonga waters - http://bit.ly/bXxdAS 

TONGA:   Tonga seeks medical expertise from China - http://bit.ly/cWUvz1 

TONGA:    Tomas effect continues - http://bit.ly/csbGat

TONGA:     Australian government gives $7 million health care funding to Tonga - http://bit.ly/aELBSY 

TONGA:    Japan commits $11 million for Solar Home Systems to Tonga - http://bit.ly/clDIVL 


(COLUMN) Pacific business women need better access to information and knowledge- http://bit.ly/d8Vlk3

TUVALU ISLAND: Hurricane status update - http://bit.ly/cOqhdZ

WALLIS AND FUTUNA: Tomas batters Wallis and Futuna with 200km/h winds - http://bit.ly/b1cYhL


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 15, 2010 (The Caribbean) 

The Caribbean:


Joint Statement by Chief Minister Hughes and HE the Governor of Anguilla- http://bit.ly/atezs7


Trading words over the governance of Antigua and Barbuda-http://bit.ly/acJka6

ARUBA:   Expect Higher Gas Prices as Supply Declines Due To Refinery Closures-http://bit.ly/cJdrX0


Nordic tax fraud probe stretches to Bahamas- http://bit.ly/de1xdL

OECD Announces Bahamas' Removal from "Grey List" - The Bahamas expands its network for international exchange of tax information - http://bit.ly/9V2uwC


Barbados shuts out dancehall musician - http://bit.ly/b2Ns4f

Greater info on the topography of Barbados needed to identify safe zones during a tsunami - http://bit.ly/cCHcNH


$600K Contract Inked for National Health Insurance Scheme - http://bit.ly/afRkDW


University shaping tomorrow's Caymanians- http://bit.ly/cMKWUa

SpongeBob comes to Cayman this summer - http://bit.ly/abOAGx


World Bank assures support for CARICOM - http://bit.ly/9Jgujk

World Bank pledges debt relief support for CARICOM-http://bit.ly/bi4gKz

Region's youth worry about galloping crime-  http://bit.ly/cbUIjY 


Grenada government creates Office of the Diaspora Affairs – http://bit.ly/c0e0GH

Success in Grenada/Trinidad Maritime discussions - http://bit.ly/bEyzeR

UNESCO approves funds for Media Training in Grenada - http://bit.ly/awNSsN 


Low turnout for first round of French regional elections, including Guadeloupe - http://bit.ly/ckdTYE


(OPINION) Harpooning Caribbean Tourism: Swallowing a Dead Rat - http://bit.ly/cTOrml


Montserrat makes top 10 list of places to celebrate St Patrick's Day - http://bit.ly/cOfqKf


World Wind Energy Report 2009 features Netherlands Antilles, Caribbean región - http://bit.ly/afI677

PUERTO RICO:   70 soldiers returning from Africa, after spending a year in Africa - http://bit.ly/bmv1L7


Negative Growth! -- St. Kitts and Nevis second to last in CARICOM in 2009- http://bit.ly/9ReUI2 

Development Bank of St Kitts offering interest free loans to support food production - http://bit.ly/awByZT

St Kitts-Nevis moves towards universal healthcare - http://bit.ly/d48jAd

SKN signs TIEA with Australia - http://bit.ly/9B1nFH

VAT Coming by November to SKN - http://bit.ly/9GYwD6


Taiwan helps Saint Lucia build a national tennis center - http://bit.ly/bWiIBz  

Azerbaijan establishes diplomatic relations with Saint Lucia- http://bit.ly/afkqFT


10% cut in salaries of civil servants in Turks & Caicos-http://bit.ly/9mrKMg

British: Go home! Massive protest rally in Turks and Caicos-http://bit.ly/bdFaQa


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 15, 2010 (North and South Oceans)

ANTARCTICA: Non lethal whale research team returns - http://bit.ly/aCnRbU

ANTARCTICA: Sea shepherd man handed over to Japanese prosecutors - http://bit.ly/d9XS54

ANTARCTICA: Sculpted icebergs in Antarctica - http://bit.ly/981xJ1

ANTARCTICA: Deep-sea volcanoes play key climate role: Scientists  - http://bit.ly/dxRsfg

ANTARCTICA: USF scientist leads Antarctic expedition to study effects of climate change on animals - http://bit.ly/9Cf1Ay

ANTARCTICA: Antarctic winds affect ocean layer - http://bit.ly/bIX9W1

BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORIES: Final destination Iran? - http://bit.ly/cnz2yS

GREENLAND: New evidence confirms presence of oceans on the Earth 4 billion years ago - http://bit.ly/cJg1Xm

GREENLAND: Hair equals bone for ancient diet research - http://bit.ly/bfuM5D

GREENLAND: Why the traditional meat diet makes sense - http://bit.ly/9F2uaP

ICELAND: Maldives President meets with Iceland’s ministers - http://bit.ly/aDk2KG

ICELAND: The Iceland experience - http://bit.ly/bD696E

ICELAND: Icelanders vote ‘NO’ payback for bank failure - http://bit.ly/bI1Te1

ICELAND: Iceland sets new path toward press freedom - http://bit.ly/cQbuYbICELAND

ICELAND: Icelandic manuscript good source on climate - http://bit.ly/aOubpL

ICELAND: No clear end to this Greek tragedy – (column) http://bit.ly/9p9Eb2



HUMNEWS HEADLINES-March 13, 2010 (The Americas)

The Americas:  

BELIZE:   Xate harvesting in Belize enters a new era- http://bit.ly/dkCFdM

BELIZE:  Guatemala Reasserts Challenges to Belize’s Sovereignty- http://bit.ly/chzkg4


Commentary: Belize needs a long term plan to become competitive in international sports- http://bit.ly/dCRA8B


Belize looks at recommendations on the Inter-American Convention against corruption- http://bit.ly/9iNHk5

FALKLAND ISLANDS:    Volunteer Monitors Sought for Falklands- http://bit.ly/bccbQA


Falklands’ economy poised to expand 5.3% following a contraction in 2009- http://bit.ly/bDDgLH

FRENCH GUIANA:     As deadlines near for US, EU bans on mercury…… http://bit.ly/d6bAHM

FRENCH GUIANA:       Arabsat 5A is delivered to French Guiana for its Ariane 5 flight - http://bit.ly/9JhQBl

GUYANA:             Guyana’s water company increases restrictions- http://bit.ly/a4dWfa

GUYANA:              Arubans see ‘gold mine’ in Guyana’s fruits and vegetables- http://bit.ly/d08ppP

GUYANA:       Media sign revised code of conduct for upcoming elections- http://bit.ly/dluSin

SURINAME:    Suriname to host Caribbean Conference on Higher Education- http://bit.ly/aOaJ2r

SURINAME:     Suriname Elections Bureau sworn in- http://bit.ly/dwimOe

SURINAME:   Health workers in Suriname end strike- http://bit.ly/aJY0GU


HUMNEWS HEADLINES-March 13, 2010 (North and South Oceans) 

North and South Oceans:

ANTARCTICA: Longwood man Mike Dann to head Polar challenge - http://bit.ly/aPz87i

ANTARCTICA: Violent backlash on against climate scientists - http://bit.ly/biHUWe

GREENLAND: Dramatic decline of male births in indigenous communities tied to industrial pollution - http://bit.ly/dnoxgm

GREENLAND: The Old Norse Predicament - http://bit.ly/bWLTEd

GREENLAND: “Ice Arches” act as gatekeepers to melting Arctic ice - http://bit.ly/dBhPtQ

ICELAND: Webstore on Icelandic design opens in France - http://bit.ly/cj2D03

ICELAND: Iceland airline bullish about Winnipeg - http://bit.ly/9UcKSN

ICELAND: 2010: The year of global insurrection? - http://bit.ly/aXIc7V

ICELAND: First dog sled competition held in Iceland - http://bit.ly/acW6qw

ICELAND: Debt ridden and not a worry in the world - http://bit.ly/b1RFRf

SVALBARD: Is the future of food in frozen, seed-filled Tupperware containers? - http://bit.ly/buyiHo


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 13, 2010 (Asia and the Pacific) 

Asia and the Pacific:


Former official of federally-funded organization in American Samoa pleads guilty to theft - http://bit.ly/d5Ls8b

BHUTAN:  Bhutan duo on mountain mission to lift women's football - http://bit.ly/b0iDRn 

BHUTAN:   Many fingers in one pie- http://bit.ly/cmunQT   

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM:  Bruneian Organisations Unite Under One Body- http://bit.ly/9fYQdT  

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM:  Brunei farmers can quadruple rice yield by double cropping - http://bit.ly/cprx4X 

BRUNEI DARUSSALAM:   Litterbugs slapped with fines - http://bit.ly/cDt2zT 

CHRISTMAS ISLAND:    Navy intercepts another asylum boat - http://bit.ly/9Yf4CQ 

CHRISTMAS ISLAND:    UN changes may see detainees sent home http://bit.ly/aJm8av  

CHRISTMAS ISLAND:     Crew from asylum boats transferred to Darwin - http://bit.ly/9Z0EWS

CHRISTMAS ISLAND: Evidence on detention centre riot in doubt - http://bit.ly/bZ4aA1  

COOK ISLANDS:    Aitutaki reconstruction aid announced - http://bit.ly/an4sdY   


Thousands flock to Pasifika festival, Cook Islands village is one of the most popular attractions-http://bit.ly/dkmXfc


Human Rights Watch Film Festival features East Timor in “The Balibo Conspiracy”; in London - http://bit.ly/99LUR4

EAST TIMOR:  East Timor denies supporting human rights tribunal- http://bit.ly/94qfyV

EAST TIMOR:   A haven gone, but Old John keeps the faith- http://bit.ly/br0mjf

EAST TIMOR:    East Timor development reveals multiple graves - http://bit.ly/8YDZhD 


55,000 in poverty in French Polynesia, says study - http://bit.ly/bPeeSN 


French Polynesia defection strengthens ruling majority - http://bit.ly/b4krQ5 

GUAM:   Guam Airport Gets $7.7 Million in Federal Grants - http://bit.ly/d3cwdC  

LAOS:   Thieves loot Lao city's Buddha statue heritage- http://bit.ly/cUuasV  

LAOS:    When the Mekong runs dry- http://bit.ly/cRWTtf

LAOS:     First TBM launched in Laos- http://bit.ly/aRPa2w 

LAOS:     Laos and US discuss comprehensive accord- http://bit.ly/aZGRcN  

LAOS:  (INTERVIEW)  China No. 2 fuel ethanol maker eyes overseas plant in Laos - http://bit.ly/ahh4Nx 

MACAU:    US reports ‘sex trade’, trafficking in Macau- http://bit.ly/95rOAh 

MALDIVES:  Maldives - President Nasheed meets President and PM of Iceland- http://bit.ly/cqrWTM

MALDIVES:    Vice President meets with WHO Director General- http://bit.ly/9qBIng

MALDIVES:     Maldives president: We must find out who hacked climate emails- http://bit.ly/bFVGv6 

MARSHALL ISLANDS:   Maritime Labour Convention: Marshall Islands authorizes GL- http://bit.ly/9qhV6W 

MARSHALL ISLANDS:  Piracy update – Marshall Islands Chemical tanker hijacked- http://bit.ly/cgZTS8   

MICRONESIA:   PNA seeks tuna certification - http://bit.ly/daP1A1   

MICRONESIA:    Coast Guard on alert for missing men in FSM- http://bit.ly/dd7Pzm  

NEW CALEDONIA:   New Caledonia weathers 2009 global economic downturn- http://bit.ly/bvvYKb

NEW CALEDONIA:   Strike by New Caledonia nickel miners- http://bit.ly/axAplj

NORFOLK ISLAND:  Australian Labour Party and its last frontier - http://bit.ly/cZ7jPw


Bigger role for Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in US military buildup? http://bit.ly/9EyoqU 


North Korean Defector Receives International Women of Courage Award - http://bit.ly/ccz0f4

NORTH KOREA:   Mexico announces roster for North Korea soccer match - http://bit.ly/aRDvZl


Banking on Genes: Pacific Island invest in test tube plants and crops - http://bit.ly/d5pPOA


Second round of (Scripps Howard spelling) bee over, spellers from spellers from Guam, Saipan, Rota, Tinian and Palau left- http://bit.ly/dCnPi8  

PALAU:    Lucrative Shark Trade under Scrutiny after Palau, Maldives take steps- http://bit.ly/dndXFC 


Yudhoyono holds bilateral talks with Papua New Guinea's Somare- http://bit.ly/cQNPoq


Groups Threaten Lawsuit Over Export-Import Bank ExxonMobil PNG Project - http://bit.ly/bROZwz

PAPUA NEW GUINEA:    Indonesia, PNG Agree on Official Border Post- http://bit.ly/dp4qeS


Samoa will host the 2010 ANZ Pacific Nations Cup, the International Rugby Board announced yesterday- http://bit.ly/cJAhy4 


Samoa's AG happy with New Zealand Broadcasting Association decision- http://bit.ly/9S4R5d 

SAMOA:   Samoa government to crack down on dishing out of titles- http://bit.ly/aUxnDR

SOLOMON ISLANDS:   Cyclone bill estimated at least US $77million so far- http://bit.ly/cJ6fZV

SOLOMON ISLANDS:    Touo Bible Translation Project begins- http://bit.ly/aSDZui

SOLOMON ISLANDS:   Seda lashes out at Solomon Islands Music Federation- http://bit.ly/bs8yiU  

TONGA:     Harvard’s Tonga line- http://bit.ly/agvjCS   

TUVALU ISLAND:  Internet still spreading its web- http://bit.ly/bC0Pcz   

VANUATU:    Vanuatu will shine in 2010 says Asian Development Bank- http://bit.ly/d5I3tp

WALLIS AND FUTUNA:     Wild weather brews in Pacific- http://bit.ly/d25shh

WALLIS AND FUTUNA:     Two cyclones named in region- http://bit.ly/9KaLId


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - March 12, 2010 (North and South Oceans) 

ANTARCTICA: Officials protest sinking of anti-whaling boat -  http://bit.ly/aGbh7F

ANTARCTICA: Japanese Coast Guard Arrests Anti-Whaling Skipper - http://nyti.ms/a0YyIG

ANTARCTICA: Shifting ice a problem for Antarctica penguins - http://bit.ly/9gRJO6

ANTARCTICA: Antarctica once had tropical climate, scientists say - http://bit.ly/braIL0

ANTARCTICA: Great explorer left footprint in Antarctica - http://bit.ly/cQ9C9M

ANTARCTICA: Explorer's adventures come through Austin: Ann Bancroft was the first women to reach the North Pole - http://bit.ly/9R9TzX

ANTRCTICA: After Gold Cars, a Green Sheikh Who Cares About Our Planet - http://bit.ly/dfat4h

ANTARCTICA: Your Chilean Sea Bass Dinner Deprives Killer Whales - http://bit.ly/aTEp4E

BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY: British minister says Chagossians will go back home - http://bit.ly/dD6o5o

ICELAND: Norway FM open to Iceland loan before Icesave solution - http://bit.ly/deVugZ

ICELAND: Crisis-hit Iceland and Greece target German tourists - http://bit.ly/amiwdG

ICELAND: Volcanic unrest beneath Iceland glacier - http://bit.ly/9VOTeL

ICELAND: Kellogg’s rejects Courtauld 2 as Iceland delays decision  - http://bit.ly/a67FCl

ICELAND: Air traffic controllers in Iceland cancel strike - http://bit.ly/b6e1Cr


HUMNEWS HEADLINES-March 11/12, 2010 (Asia and the Pacific) 

Asia and the Pacific:


Paid maternity leave bill in American Samoa is long overdue says official - http://bit.ly/dfESMc


American Samoa’s balance of trade expected to see a worsening deficit this year - http://bit.ly/bj9RtI


Costa Rica Team in Bhutan for second time to work with ICS on PLATICAR and VERCON-


BHUTAN:   ADB help sought to assess benefits- http://bit.ly/9ETAQa


US Assistant Secretary Of State in Sultanate for Three-Day Visit- http://bit.ly/bcmVQm 


Dry Spell Adding Fuel to Wildfires; Close To 300 Hectares Destroyed- http://bit.ly/dvvHQd


Christmas Island detention centre riot charges vindictive, says refugee group - http://bit.ly/aF2Sh3


Inmates plead not guilty to Christmas Island immigration detention centre riot - http://bit.ly/dqQ4p5


Send asylum seekers to the back of the queue: Fielding - http://bit.ly/9CovIV


Fourth this week illegal boat full of asylum seekers arrives - http://bit.ly/aZTCPq

COOK ISLANDS:  Pacific warned of slowing in tourism growth - http://bit.ly/9hN1Wi


Study shows widespread poverty in French Polynesia- http://bit.ly/bk7Tg3

GUAM:     Hawaii firms part of $500M Guam contract - http://bit.ly/chiXEN

GUAM:     McNinch Poll Says People Favour Guam over Guahan - http://bit.ly/9H2fui

KIRIBATI:   Kiribati buys our dalo- http://bit.ly/bAvqHT


Casino Stock Alert for Melco Crown Entertainment Ltd. Issued by Beacon Equity - http://bit.ly/cS4n8h

MACAU: Macau’s Catholic archives go digital - http://bit.ly/9OkA6g


Extinction Looms for Loggerhead Sea Turtles, New Rule Offers Hope - http://bit.ly/disc2S

NORTHERN MARIANNA ISLANDS:   Ready to 'spring' forward? - http://bit.ly/cgsd3b


Pitcairn's governor says new constitution will protect human rights  http://bit.ly/99jLhT


Tuvalu `Celebrates As Ocean Inundates It  (column) – http://bit.ly/dfPbBk


Wallis and Futuna, Vanuatu on tropical cyclone a Wallis and Futuna, Vanuatu on tropical cyclone alert- http://bit.ly/cbpayi