Prince Harry Headed Back to Afghanistan
(PHOTO: BUJUMBURA TIMES)East African Community push for a political federation loses steam
China to Invest $1.5 Trillion in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
Total Ethiopia Inaugurates First Solar Powered Station
'Nuclear submarine should be sent to protect Malvinas,' says Former British Sea Lord
GERMAN POWER: Prompt stable as less wind offset by lower demand
The Gulf of Guinea is Now Even More Filthy, 40k Barrels of Oil Leak from Bongo FPSO
Senators likely to pass Guam Film Office bill
Man Given Three Years for Brutal Violence
Less generous: We need to build a philanthropic culture (Perspective)
BP Solar and India: Unable to Compete in Solar
Iraq signs $72 mln power deal with Iran's Sunir
Young Kazhaks Prefer to Get Education in Great Britain
Kyrgyzstan Makes Progress on Electricity Sector Reform
(PHOTO: NATIONAL POST) Lingerie market in Muslim countries booming
Myanmar introduces 1st telecommunication service call center
Myanmar Seeks Collaboration With Indian Business Houses
Namibia: Local Beef on Chinese Tables
Nepal: Facebook diplomat (Perspective)
Pakistani rice exporters losing out to India (Perspective)
Population growth fuels conflict
Historic women’s bill defeated in Papua New Guinea
Poland adjusting to more secular age
Gay rights and aid: Africa's new challenge
Slovenia's Ljubljana Airport sees a decline in passenger numbers this year
Somalia Constitutional Conference opens in Puntland capital
Sri Lanka port handles largest container ship
Dutch TV hosts 'to cook and eat own flesh' on air
Dubai International Academy's Good Deed for Africa
UK responsible for base clean-up (Perspective)
Chinese hackers target U.S. Chamber of Commerce, report says
Bitter reality of child labour in Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan: Residents Freezing without Gas