HUMNEWS HEADLINES - June 28, 2010 (Europe and Eurasia)

RA-PM predicts 5-6% inflation in Armenia
Javakhk Diaspora of Russia calls on Armenia to recognize NKR independence
Washington to further discussions with Armenia and Azerbaijan
Armenia to participate in 1st sitting of Black Sea CBC
‘If Turkey gains more strength Armenia will become less important’ (commentary)
Poverty levels may reach 31% in Armenia in absence of remittances
Armenia registered highest price rise in CIS
UK under pressure over GIB EU infractions
Kyrgyzstan votes ‘yes’ amid death and fear
In Kyrgyzstan’s bloody shadow, Kazakhstan promotes unity message
Kyrgyzstan seeks Mahathir’s help as peace negotiator
China sends relief supplies to Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan passes new constitution
Crumbling community trust in Kyrgyzstan
Central Asia profile – security and extremism issues (analysis)
None of the nongovernmental organizations in Kyrgyzstan conducts exit polls at referendum
Moldovan coalition might revoke decree on “Soviet occupation”
Forest fire continues to spread in north China, new fire spotted
His Holiness the Dali Lama says, be the Buddhist of the 21st century
Central bank warns against limitations on independence
Kosovo hosts mini regional summit
Water polo power Montenegro to play at UCSB (sports)
Over half ton drugs destroyed in Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan to send delegation to conference on Trans-Caspian issues in Brussels

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