HUMNEWS HEADLINES - July 5, 2010 (Europe and Eurasia)

Armenia’s former ombudsman proposes amendments to constitution
Armenia’s constitution works effectively, president says
US Secretary of State visits Armenia
Baku to sign pact with Armenia ‘only after occupied lands are liberated’
Sargsyan meets with Karabakh mediators
Feetham hails transformation of court system
Give and take budget says Garcia
Holliday says airport will succeed
One year after the pandemic were there any lessons learnt?
Kyrgyzstan, a lesson in democracy for China
Kyrgyzstan considers joining the Customs union
Project to support women and children in conflict zone launches in Kyrgyzstan
Death toll in southern Kyrgyzstan rises to 309
Moderator of the European Council of Religious Leaders visited Kyrgyzstan
Latvian drug mule held with heroin in airport Manas, Kyrgyzstan
Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to facilitate its cross-border relations with the EU
Information on use of European health insurance card
Can you rent an entire country? Snoop Dog can (entertainment)
Jailed Moldovan confesses to espionage, Transdniester officials say
NORMA gains direct access to global internet market
One day in ‘green’ Kishinev….. (sports)
Winter disaster spurring urban migration
Nepal to strike deal on money laundering
Montenegro asked to review Thaksin’s passport
Montenegro airlines with welcome the third Embraer E195 jet to its fleet
Montenegro releases tender for the granting of franchise rights for the economic use of Bijela port
Italy appeals European court ban on crucifixes in classrooms
EEC summit kicked off in Astana
Russian-Kazakh-Belarusian Customs union comes into effect
Russia and poppy cultivation in Afghanistan
US President appraises ties with Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan works out report on UN Convention on rights of child
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