HUMNEWS HEADLINES - April 1, 2010 (Europe and Eurasia)

European Micro-States (travel)
Armenia to receive $150m from the IMF
Armenia’s Minister of Finance leaves for Moscow
Armenia ‘recovering’ from economic crisis
Armenia: Gays live with threat of violence and abuse
Armenia stand: Justice at home justice abroad (opinion)
Soccer: Armenia further down in FIFA rankings
Schengen hot pursuit law does not apply to Gibraltar
Britain ‘could force Gibraltar to adopt equal age of consent’
Gib govt. will not signal to 16 year olds “homosexual buggery is ok”
Storm damage leaves residential area in danger of collapse
U.S. military base in Central Asia hinders regional cooperation
Kurmanbek Bakiyev: This visit will become landmark in relations between Kyrgyzstan and Slovakia
Social protection of vulnerable population project presented in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyzstan: Bishkek officials set to expand their ability to snoop on citizens
Liechtenstein signs a raft of deals to share information
Tax evaders face legal naming and shaming
PM Boc wants Republic of Moldova to begin visa lifting talks with EU
Moldova’s European aspirations depends on resolution of regional conflicts
Mongolia: Pentagon Trojan horse wedged between China and Russia
Sandstorms strike parts of inner Mongolia, nearby areas
Mongolia: Herders face migration dilemma (press release)
Hopu investment said to lead stake purchase in Winsway coal
Record number of migrating birds spotted in wetlands in N China
S&P lowers Montenegro ratings to ‘BB’ outlook negative
Natural resources of Central Asia and the new great game
Singapore, Tajikistan express support for closer economic relations
U.N. launches central Asia tour from Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan to hold military tactical trainings
Turkmenistan now the largest liquefied natural gas producer in central Asia
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