AFRICA: Africa agriculture suffers from climate
ALGERIA: Algeria meetings show continued confusion about natural gas outlook
ANGOLA: Training constitutes strategy for management of climactic changes impact
AMERICAN SAMOA: Shaken by Wednesday’s earthquake
Tsunami evacuation routes identified in American Samoa
ANGUILLA: Power of partnerships for region–Wide bird conservation promoted in month-long festival
ARCTIC: Nations debate changes to international ban on commercial whaling
BOLIVIA: How the people’s summit in Bolivia can help (op-ed)
BOTSWANA: Botswana marches towards green economy
BRAZIL: Brazil continues with Belo Monte damn despite protests
CANADA: EU lawmakers turn up heat on oil sands
CHINA: Chinese actress wins UN environment award
EUROPE: Europe bets on wind energy
FALKLAND ISLANDS: Shearwater ponders connection with nature
GREENALND: High dioxin levels detected in Greenland halibut
GUYANA: Guyana remains committed to protection of Amazon
KIRIBATI: EU extends solar power project to Kiribati and Tonga
ICELAND: Sleepy village radar system tracks Iceland volcano ash
INDIA: Gujarat’s lungs in Gulf of Kutch are getting clogged
ISRAEL: Israel goes off the grid for Earth Day
JORDAN/ ISRAEL: New life for the Dead Sea?
MALDIVES: Leader wins highest UN environment award
MARSHALL ISLANDS: Marshall Islands takes on difficult UN climate negotiations
MEXICO: Mexico City offers bikes in it’s clean air campaign
MICRONESIA: Micronesia grapples with increasing water salinity
MONGOLIA: How conservation can help Mongolia’s herders fight the dzud
PAKISTAN: Pakistan observes world Earth Day
QATAR: Fair to promote eco-awareness
RUSSIA: Russia, Ukraine stepping up work on environmental programs
Russian delegations shares OCS insights
UNITED KINGDOM: Which green questions would you ask in the second leaders’ debate? (blog)
UNITED STATES: Tufts searches for clean energy / Earth Day everyday (editorial)
YEMEN: Yemen, Oman sign two cooperation agreements
INTERNATIONAL: The People v. CO2: The coming tide of international climate lawsuits
COMPANIES: PUMA aims to be carbon neutral / 10 green giants that could change the world
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