HUMNEWS HEADLINES - May 16, 2010 (Caribbean)

UK, the real pirates of the Caribbean
China and Caribbean issue joint communiqué following round of talks
Deepwater oil-drilling implications for the Caribbean
Puerto Rico: Hit by 5.7 magnitude earthquake
Haiti’s neighbors pull back welcome mat after quake
Dominica: National water management policy coming soon
Cayman signs TIA with Portugal on home ground
Grenada: Maritime treaty important to country’s future development
Timid leadership setting back Caribbean in the world (column)
Grand Bahamas police carry out operation touch down
Top football clubs flee to tax havens (sports)
Caribbean gets its own film distribution company
KLM counts the cost of the ash cloud (travel/business)
10 things to love about the Caribbean (travel)
Go land sailing surrounded by sea on Bonaire, Netherland Antilles (travel)
Saint Lucia: Now closer with additional flights from Atlanta (travel)
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