Massive Pacific Quake Triggers Devastating Tsunami, After-Shocks (REPORT, VIDEO)

(video courtesy of TelegraphTV)
(HN, March 11, 2011) UPDATED 2000GMT - A massibe Pacific earthquake measuring 8.9 magnitude hit Japan Friday afternoon local time, triggering tsunami waves that caused massive devastation in northern Japan and even creating damage to docks and boats as far as the California coastline.
A tsunami was inituially issued for Japan's eastern coast - and then broadened to several Pacific nations, including Taiwan and as far as Papua New Guinea and British Columbia in Canada.
Many major airports were closed in Japan, including Narita and Haneda. Several expressways have been closed and damage is reported as widespread. The epicentre was off Japan's northeasten Honshu Island.
The Government of Japan has set up an emergency task force and a call for foreign assistance has been issued. The US has flown in coolant to relieve a damaged nuclear reactor, according to reports.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued a warning for Russia, Marcus Island, Wake Island, Northern Mariana, Guam and beyond. The first tsunami waves were up to 50cm high. Some residents in Japan said it was the strongest-ever quake they have ever felt. Many living along coastlines had no chance to escape.
- HUMNEWS staff, agencies

This graphic provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows estimated tsunami travel times following a massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011.
(UPDATE - HN, March 11, 2011) Officials in Japan say that two to three hundred bodies have been found in the north-eastern coastal area of Japan after a massive earthquake triggered a tsunami.
The bodies were found in Sendai city, the closest major city to the epicenter of the quake, say police.
The magnitude 8.9 quake and 23-foot tsunami were followed by more than 50 aftershocks for hours, many of them more than a 6.0 magnitude.
Violent tremors were felt in many cities along a 1300 mile coastline – including Tokyo which is several hundred miles from the quake's epicenter.
The death toll is likely to continue climbing given the scale of the disaster.
The tsunami reached the tiny Hawaiian island group just after 1pm UTC (coordinated universal time) today.
So far there are no reports of casualties, but it is believed masses of water are washing through the area.
Thousands of people are watching live streaming footage beamed directly from Honolulu's Waikiki beach, where the wave has yet to hit. Reports said the water there receded by 200ft.
Despite evacuation attempts and island-wide warnings about the approaching wave people can still be seen walking along the coast.
Australia and Alaska are set to be hit nine hours after the original quake. Warnings for New Zealand and Taiwan have now been lifted.
Earlier in the day, Hawaii's main airports - Maui, Kauai and the Big Island were shut down as a precaution. And the U.S. Navy ordered all warships in Pearl Harbor to remain in port to support rescue missions if needed.
Also on tsunami watch is the entire West Coast of the United States and Canada.
Mexico and Central and South America are also on high alert.

(UPDATE - HN, March 11, 2011)Foot-high surge rolling into Richardson Bay, Sausalito ... All harbors broken loose in Crescent City...Boats breaking loose at Santa Cruz Harbor, dredge adrift, docks torn loose.
In Hawaii - The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said Kauai was the first of the Hawaiian islands hit by the tsunami. Water rushed ashore in Honolulu, swamping the beach in Waikiki and surging over the break wall in the world-famous resort but stopping short of the area's high-rise hotels.
Waves about 6 feet high were recorded on Maui, and 3 feet in Oahu and Kauai. Officials warned that the waves would continue and could become larger, but a scientist at the tsunami warning center said it didn't appear that they would cause major damage in Hawaii.
Roadways and beaches were empty as the tsunami struck the state, which had hours to prepare. Sirens sounded throughout the night, and residents in coastal areas were sent to refuge areas at community centers and schools while tourists were moved to higher floors of hotels. People waited in long lines stocking up on gas, bottled water, canned food and generators.
- HUMNews Staff, KGO Radio
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