Capital | JerusalemFLAG DESCRIPTION: white with a blue hexagram (six-pointed linear star) known as the Magen David (Shield of David) centered between two equal horizontal blue bands near the top and bottom edges of the flag; the basic design resembles a Jewish prayer shawl (tallit), which is white with blue stripes; the hexagram as a Jewish symbol dates back to medieval times
Population | 7,233,701
Area | 20,770 SQ KM
Official Language | Hebrew
Holidays | Independence Day, 14 May (1948)
Currency | new Israeli shekels (ILS)
Time Zone | UTC +2
Best Time to Visit | April – May and September to October (during major Jewish holidays the country fills up with pilgrims, accommodation prices double and travel between cities is impossible)
Connecting with the Culture | Admiring the magnificent Dome of the Rock, built on the spot where Mohammed ascended to heaven; Being dazzled by the golden view of Jerusalem’s old city at dawn; Hitting the clubs or shopping in Tel Aviv, Israel’s most cosmopolitan city; Saying a prayer for peace at Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall; Escaping to Hula Valley & Nature Reserve, a beautiful valley with unique wetlands wildlife; Splashing out of the water-sports capital of Eilat, with coral –fringed beaches for swimming, windsurfing, parasailing and water-skiing; Witnessing the many security fences and walls dividing Israel and Palestine
Read | the meditations of Israeli novelist, Amos Oz, on his country and culture
Listen | to pop princess Sarit Hadad, especially her Eurovision hit, ‘Let’s Light a Candle Together’
Watch | Promises, an honest portrait of seven children from Israel and the Palestinian Territories by Justine Shapiro
Eat | malawach, a buttery pastry served with fillings or spicy tomato salsa
Drink | the ubiquitous sahlab, a milky spicy concoction originally from Egypt, but drunk everywhere in Israel
In a Word | Shalom (hello, literally ‘peace’)
Characteristics | Nobel Peace Prize winner Shimon Peres; the Star of David adorning tanks; troubled war-zone; international kids on kibbutzim; dark-clothed hasidics swealtering in the heat; diplomatic imbroglio
Surprises | A fifth of Israel’s landmass is national parks – there are 300 of them
Israel: Anti-Africa Protests Erupt Against Migrants in Tel-Aviv
(PHOTO: Israelis protest against African migrant workers in south Tel Aviv, May 23, 2012/Moti Milrod)(HN, 5/28/12) - In the Hatikiva neighborhood of Tel Aviv, Israel 1,000 “protesters” which ended in rioting - demanded the detention & deportation of the recent influx of Africans - somewhere between 700 & 3,000 - who have come to Israel seeking asylum from various horrors, notably the wars & cross border conflicts of Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea & Ethiopia. Demonstrators attacked African passersby while others lit garbage cans on fire & smashed car windows.
(PHOTO: Scenes from Tel Aviv last night/Moti Milrod)The crowd shouted "The people want the Sudanese deported" & "Infiltrators get out of our home." The protesters expressed their dismay with the government's handling of the situation & last week Interior Minister Eli Yishai, called for the detention & expulsion of all asylum seekers; & the country's Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein will argue next week before the Jerusalem District Court that there is no legal obstacle to the expulsions since `none of them face any threat to their lives where they came from'. Police arrested 17 people during the protest. (Read more at Haaretz)