Conflict Quinoa

(PHOTO: Quinoa salad/KalynsKitchen)Bolivian authorities say at least 30 people have been injured in a fight between 2 communities over land for growing quinoa, the Andean"supergrain" whose popularity with worldwide foodies has caused its price to soar. Oruro statepolice chief Ramon Sepulveda says combatants used rocks & dynamite against each other last week. A government commission was dispatched to the 2 high plains communities south of La Paz. Farmland in the region is owned not by individuals but communities. Authorities say the dispute is related to climate change because quinoa can now be cultivated in areas previously subject to frequents frosts. Bolivia produces 46% of the world's quinoa, which has nearly tripled in price in the past 5 years & has effected eating habits in Bolivia as domestic consumption of the nutritious grain has fallen by more than a 3rd, prompting fears of an obesity epidemic as Bolivians switch to rice & white bread. (Read More at Foreign Policy)
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