Hult GCC 2012 - Innovative Ideas in Education (FEATURE)

(HN, 4/23/12) - The mission of the 3 year-old Hult Global Case Challenge is to collectively overcome social challenges in education, energy and housing; to solve global poverty on a grass-roots level utilizing the world’s largest crowd-sourcing initiative to seek ideas and solutions from the world’s best and brightest future business leaders. In partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative NGO members meet their own `Commitment to Change' when working with the bright minds of the Hult Global Case Challenge.
This year, the Hult GCC has focused its attention and challenge work on solving Poverty through step change innovation in Energy, Housing and Education; working with One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), SolarAid and Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI). Here you'll see just some of the ideas presented to the panel of judges related to Education and OLPC's Challenge, whose winners will be announced later this week:
The Challenge: Can OLPC get 10 million laptops to children in 5 years, drive the industry to make laptops more affordable, and improve education with its principles?
Description: Rouen Business Schools solution for the HULT Global Case Challenge - Issuing Education Bonds for reaching OLPC's objective of 10 Million children in 5 years. This sustains all operations and is applicable in the short term. Enables OLPC to produce in Economies of Scale. Bonds have proven to be a reliable system to raise funds for social welfare projects (vaccines, green & water bonds).
Description: By Aymanky1. Turn OLPC's trade-offs along the value chain into win-win situations: 1) Products: Transform hardware suppliers into partners. Attract digital education players. 2) Financing: Marketing and CSR to corporate partners in return for funding. Implement grassroots initiatives. Reach out to International Development Organizations. 3) Deployment: Collaborate with NGOs to supplement governments.
Description: The solution from a team of students of the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, to the Hult Global Case Challenge 2012, Education Track. Team members: Ade Inniss-King, Ancil Callender, Lorenzo Hodges, Tamara Edwards, and Rhonette Murray.
Description: By Zulhiza. Our solution is focusing on aircraft passenger planes as a new marketing target in the airport. We would like to combine the corporate social responsibility of aircraft companies, government and local people. Charity means you share your luggage space for OLPC laptops that will be sent to a needy child.
Description: The Hult Global Case Challenge 2012 Shanghai Regional - Education Track One Laptop Per Child - Team The GET Project from National Chengchi University, Taiwan.
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