January 13, 2020

Two new flags will be flying high at the Olympic Games in Rio.

For the first time, South Sudan and Kosovo have been recognized by the International Olympic Committee. Kosovo, which was a province of the former Yugoslavia, will have 8 athletes competing; and a good shot for a medal in women's judo: Majlinda Kelmendi is considered a favorite. She's ranked first in the world in her weight class.

(South Sudan's James Chiengjiek, Yiech Biel & coach Joe Domongole, © AFP) South Sudan, which became independent in 2011, will have three runners competing in the country's first Olympic Games.

When Will Chile's Post Office's Re-open? 

(PHOTO: Workers set up camp at Santiago's Rio Mapocho/Mason Bryan, The Santiago Times)Chile nears 1 month without mail service as postal worker protests continue. This week local branches of the 5 unions representing Correos de Chile voted on whether to continue their strike into a 2nd month, rejecting the union's offer. For a week the workers have set up camp on the banks of Santiago's Río Mapocho displaying banners outlining their demands; framing the issue as a division of the rich & the poor. The strike’s main slogan? “Si tocan a uno, nos tocan a todos,” it reads - if it affects 1 of us, it affects all of us. (Read more at The Santiago Times)

WHO convenes emergency talks on MERS virus


(PHOTO: Saudi men walk to the King Fahad hospital in the city of Hofuf, east of the capital Riyadh on June 16, 2013/Fayez Nureldine)The World Health Organization announced Friday it had convened emergency talks on the enigmatic, deadly MERS virus, which is striking hardest in Saudi Arabia. The move comes amid concern about the potential impact of October's Islamic hajj pilgrimage, when millions of people from around the globe will head to & from Saudi Arabia.  WHO health security chief Keiji Fukuda said the MERS meeting would take place Tuesday as a telephone conference & he  told reporters it was a "proactive move".  The meeting could decide whether to label MERS an international health emergency, he added.  The first recorded MERS death was in June 2012 in Saudi Arabia & the number of infections has ticked up, with almost 20 per month in April, May & June taking it to 79.  (Read more at Xinhua)



Dreams and nightmares - Chinese leaders have come to realize the country should become a great paladin of the free market & democracy & embrace them strongly, just as the West is rejecting them because it's realizing they're backfiring. This is the "Chinese Dream" - working better than the American dream.  Or is it just too fanciful?  By Francesco Sisci

Baby step towards democracy in Myanmar  - While the sweeping wins Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy has projected in Sunday's by-elections haven't been confirmed, it is certain that the surging grassroots support on display has put Myanmar's military-backed ruling party on notice. By Brian McCartan

The South: Busy at the polls - South Korea's parliamentary polls will indicate how potent a national backlash is against President Lee Myung-bak's conservatism, perceived cronyism & pro-conglomerate policies, while offering insight into December's presidential vote. Desire for change in the macho milieu of politics in Seoul can be seen in a proliferation of female candidates.  By Aidan Foster-Carter  

Pakistan climbs 'wind' league - Pakistan is turning to wind power to help ease its desperate shortage of energy,& the country could soon be among the world's top 20 producers. Workers & farmers, their land taken for the turbine towers, may be the last to benefit.  By Zofeen Ebrahim

Turkey cuts Iran oil imports - Turkey is to slash its Iranian oil imports as it seeks exemptions from United States penalties linked to sanctions against Tehran. Less noticed, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the Iranian capital last week, signed deals aimed at doubling trade between the two countries.  By Robert M. Cutler



CARTOON: Peter Broelman, Australia/BROELMAN.com.au)


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Vancouver     Ghana





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    Friendship as a Way of Life: Foucault, AIDS, and the Politics of Shared Estrangement
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Could USA’s Loss on the World Cup Soccer Field Mirror What’s Happening in the Global Markets? (Commentary)

By Nick Popow, HUMNEWS student reporter-at-large

(HN, July 6, 2010) "History is written by the winners."

Winston Churchill hit the nail on the head with that thought, which has long-since been embraced as an American ideal. It has gotten to the point where Americans have become obsessed with dominating whatever field they choose to play - whether it’s in business, academia, the media, military or athletics in general.

Curiously, soccer is an odd standout. While Americans have their homegrown sports such as football, baseball, and basketball, the rest of the world has soccer. South African wine exports have surged in recent years, putting the country almost on par with France. (HN. 2010)  

The question is why?

As the world watches the first World Cup ever to be held on African soil in South Africa, unprecedented numbers of Americans have flocked to TV screens to watch what is known in most other countries as football.

Who were they cheering for mostly?

Ironically, not for the star-studded Team USA – even with a lineup of players hailing from many top European clubs.

Instead the applause heard in American pubs, airports and community centers was reserved for the South American, European or Asian teams that define their individual ethnic origins.  Not only does this phenomena reflect the ethnic melting pot that is America but also because most European and South American teams are simply viewed as “better” or “better qualified” than the American team. It is no exaggeration to say that Americans hate being second best.

Bill Clinton was spot on when he said in Cape Town last week at the Fortune Global Summit that if the US were to host the next World Cup every visiting team would have a local home audience – given the sheer number of Diaspora communities here.

One could concede that, at least for a split second, as Landon Donovan of the U.S. team scored a dramatic last gasp winning goal against Algeria, the chance of the US to become a winner was within reach. That goal seemed to finally ignite widespread passion for the game State-side.  

But that hope was short-lived as in the very next game the U.S. was eliminated from further competition in a 2-1 loss to Ghana – the last remaining hope for the host continent, Africa - in overtime. Imagine, the U.S., a super power, being eliminated by a tiny developing country like Ghana.

But alas, soccer does not accord status to superpowers, not even the United States.

Could the ongoing realignment of power on the World Cup soccer pitch reflect what is going on in the global business marketplace? A marketplace where emerging economies like Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya are vying for attention with the likes of Singapore, Mexico and India. The World Cup is described as a huge shot in the arm for South Africa. (HN, 2010) 

Natalie Billon, a Wall Street veteran, put it this way: “The rise in the strength and popularity of soccer teams outside the U.S. mirrors a shift in the balance of economic power toward the emerging market economies. Investors are increasingly looking outside the US for growth.”

Recent GDP growth data backs this assertion. From 2000 to 2008, while G7 countries have contributed 19.8% of GDP growth, the BRIC countries have contributed an incredible 46.3%. To reflect this, investors are voting with their portfolios. Ten years ago, the allocation recommendation for exposure to emerging markets was less than 8%. Today the recommendation is 25%  to 30% plus.

Sadly, and to the detriment of US business, the mainstream American media is just beginning to take notice of this historic shift. If there was one clear message from the Cape Town summit that Clinton headlined it is that the enticing opportunities exist NOW in Africa and that US captains of industry could be missing the boat. As Clinton presciently said, the problem of the rich countries is rigidity.

Perhaps what we are witnessing – the decline of America’s pre-eminent position in everything - is something akin to the fall or decay of the British Empire more than 100 years ago. Heady stuff to ponder to be sure. This is a view shared by the quintessential international investor and market historian Jim Rogers, who some years ago identified the decline of the US and the developed markets and the rise of the emerging markets, led by China and the commodities boom. “I dont see anyway that America is going to become the great country in the 21st century again,” says Rogers.

---With research by HUMNEWS.


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - July 5, 2010 (Europe and Eurasia) 


Armenia’s former ombudsman proposes amendments to constitution

Armenia’s constitution works effectively, president says

US Secretary of State visits Armenia

Baku to sign pact with Armenia ‘only after occupied lands are liberated’

Sargsyan meets with Karabakh mediators


Feetham hails transformation of court system

Give and take budget says Garcia

Holliday says airport will succeed

One year after the pandemic were there any lessons learnt?


Kyrgyzstan, a lesson in democracy for China

Kyrgyzstan considers joining the Customs union

Project to support women and children in conflict zone launches in Kyrgyzstan

Death toll in southern Kyrgyzstan rises to 309

Moderator of the European Council of Religious Leaders visited Kyrgyzstan  

Latvian drug mule held with heroin in airport Manas, Kyrgyzstan


Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein to facilitate its cross-border relations with the EU

Hilti to set up joint venture

Information on use of European health insurance card

Can you rent an entire country? Snoop Dog can (entertainment)


Jailed Moldovan confesses to espionage, Transdniester officials say

NORMA gains direct access to global internet market

One day in ‘green’ Kishinev….. (sports)  


Winter disaster spurring urban migration

Nepal to strike deal on money laundering  


Montenegro asked to review Thaksin’s passport

Montenegro airlines with welcome the third Embraer E195 jet to its fleet

Montenegro releases tender for the granting of franchise rights for the economic use of Bijela port  


Italy appeals European court ban on crucifixes in classrooms


EEC summit kicked off in Astana

Russian-Kazakh-Belarusian Customs union comes into effect

Russia and poppy cultivation in Afghanistan


US President appraises ties with Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan works out report on UN Convention on rights of child

Turkmen law on culture complies with UNESCO standards



African cuisine is a generalized term collectively referring to the cuisines of Africa.  The continent of Africa is the second largest landmass on Earth, and is home to hundreds of different cultural and ethnic groups. This diversity is also reflected in the many local culinary traditions in terms of choice of ingredients, as well as in the style of preparation and cooking techniques. Traditionally, the various cuisines of Africa use a combination of locally available fruits, cereal grains and vegetables, as well as milk and meat products. In some parts of the continent, the traditional diet features a preponderance of milk, curd and whey products.  Depending on the region, there are also sometimes quite significant differences in the eating and drinking habits and proclivities throughout the continent's many populations. Central Africa, East Africa, the Horn of Africa, North Africa, Southern Africa, and West Africa each have their own distinctive dishes, preparation techniques, and tastes.

Enjoy these recipes for regionally specific cocktails, dinner recipes and dessert, tonight or any night!


"Dawa Cocktail”

Dawa means "medicine" or "magic potion" in Swahili.  In other words, a dawa is said to be so potent that it will cure whatever ails you. This cocktail is one of the most widely consumed cocktails in Kenya and has spread throughout North and South Africa. 


1 teaspoon sugar or 1 tablespoon brown sugar

2 fluid ounces vodka

crushed ice cubes

1 whole lime, quartered with skin on

1 dawa stick, twisted in creamed honey

(A Dawa stick is a cocktail stick that resembles a yellow and green candy cane (but tastes nothing like it), but in your own home, you can replace the Dawa stick with a cocktail stick, a Popsicle stick, or simply a spoon.) 


Put lime and sugar into a whisky tumbler. Crush limes slightly, add ice and pour in the vodka. At this point you twist a dawa stick into some honey and add the stick to the drink. A wooden honey stick or other type of stick twisted in honey will work. Muddle limes with dawa or honey stick. The more you crush the limes into the mixture and stir the sweeter the taste.

“African Violet Cocktail”


A three-layered cocktail consisting of white crème de cacao liqueur, blue curacao, and whisky. 


½ fl oz white crème de cacao liqueur

½ fl oz blue curacao

½ fl oz whisky

1 shooter/shot glass

1 shot measure

1 barspoon/teaspoon


Measure out and add to a shot glass 15ml of white crème de cacao liqueur and 15ml of blue curacao. Finally, add 15ml of whiskey to top the mixture. Serve!

“Kinka Cocktail”  

(Kinka Adapted From Merkato 55)


1 ½ ounces Bacardi Gold rum

½ ounce Averna liqueur

1 ounce tamarind concentrate *

1 ounce freshly squeezed blood orange juice

½ ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Shake ingredients with ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into ice-filled rocks glass.

“South African Creamy Delight”


1 fluid ounce vodka

2 ounces Amarula cream liqueur

2 ounces Irish cream (Bailey's)

2 ounces Amaretto

1 fluid ounce Kahlua


Fill a high ball glass with ice. Pour ingredients so the vodka is FIRST and the Kahlua is LAST.

“Banana Dream”


1/3 ounce banana liqueur

1/3 ounce Amarula cream liqueur

1/4 ounce cream


Pour in glass of ice. Shake. Serve.




1 1/2 ounces Vanilla vodka

1 ½ ounces Amarula cream liqueur

1 1/2 ounces half and half


Mix vanilla vodka and Amarula cream together with ice in a martini shaker, strain and pour into a glass; or serve over ice. 

“South African Rooibos (Redbush) Iced Tea”


Rooibos tea (known also as Redbush), grown in South Africa, is naturally caffeine free and low in tannins. You can also buy Organic Rooibos which is even better. This iced tea lasts for ages in the fridge and it's really light and refreshing! You can make substitutes to your own tastes too.


8 rooibos tea bags

4 stalks mint

1 lemon

1 orange

2 slices ginger

1 tablespoon honey (optional)


Cut the orange and lemon into 4 thick slices each. Put all the ingredients into a glass jug and cover with boiling water. Leave to stand for 30 minutes. Strain, lightly squeezing the excess liquid from the teabags, fruit and mint. Pour strained tea into a 2L container and top up with cold water. Serve over ice with a little sugar syrup (if you like it sweeter) and a few slices of mixed citrus fruit.  


“African Chicken Stew”


 1 tablespoon olive oil

1 (3 pound) roasting chicken, deboned and cut into bite size pieces

2 cloves garlic, crushed

1 onion, chopped

1 large potato, diced

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 teaspoon ground coriander seed

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup water

3/4 cup unsalted natural-style peanut butter

1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed


In a large skillet with a tight-fitting lid, heat oil over medium high heat. Add chicken, and brown quickly. Remove chicken from pan. Reduce heat to medium low, and add garlic, onion and potato to the pan; saute for 2 to 3 minutes. Season with cumin, coriander, black pepper, red pepper and salt. Do not let garlic brown.  Mix in water and browned chicken, and any accumulated juices. Place lid on skillet and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 10 to 15 minutes.  Remove lid, and stir in the peanut butter and garbanzo beans. Make sure the peanut butter is blended in. Replace lid to simmer for 10 more minutes, or until chicken is cooked through and potatoes are tender. Remove from heat, adjust seasoning, and serve.

“Mala Mala Fire Salad” 


5 - 6 ripe tomatoes

4 - 5 ribs celery, thinly sliced

4 hard-boiled eggs, chopped

1/4 cup hot chili oil

1/4 cup white wine vinegar

Salt to taste

Pinch of sugar


Halve tomatoes and with hands, gently squeeze out some of the juice and seeds before putting in a large bowl. Add celery and eggs. Drizzle with pepper oil and vinegar. Add salt and sugar and gently toss to coat. Serve immediately at room temperature.  

“Jollof Rice”



1 tablespoon olive oil

1 large onion, sliced

2 (14.5 ounce) cans stewed tomatoes

1/2 (6 ounce) can tomato paste

1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon black pepper

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary

2 cups water

1 (3 pound) whole chicken, cut into 8 pieces

1 cup uncooked white rice

1 cup diced carrots

1/2 pound fresh green beans, trimmed and snapped into 1 to 2 inch pieces

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg


Pour oil into large saucepan. Cook onion in oil over medium-low heat until translucent. Stir in stewed tomatoes and tomato paste, and season with salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, red pepper flakes, Worcestershire sauce and rosemary. Cover, and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, stir in water, and add chicken pieces. Simmer for 30 minutes.  Stir in rice, carrots, and green beans, and season with nutmeg. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Cover, and simmer until the chicken is fork-tender and the rice is cooked, 25 to 30 minutes. 


“Cassava Cake”


The cassava root is long and tapered, with a firm homogeneous flesh encased in a detachable rind, about 1mm thick, rough and brown on the outside. 


2 lbs grated cassava

1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)

1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk

1 (14 ounce) can coconut milk (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)

1 (13 ounce) can coconut cream (Reserve 1/3 cup for Topping)

2/3 cup sugar

3 eggs, plus

3 egg whites

1 cup grated coconut


3 egg yolks


Preheat oven to 325° f. In large mixing bowl combine cake ingredients. Mix well. Pour equally into two large greased rectangular pans. Bake until top is no longer liquid (approximately 30 minutes). Mix topping ingredients well and spread evenly on the two cakes. Bake an additional 20 to 30 minutes. Cool cakes completely. Slice each cake into 24 equal squares.

---Original reporting with adaptations from Recipezaar.com, NYTIMES.COM, Wikipedia, and  http://www.robinbenzle.com/.


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - July 2, 2010 (Africa and the Middle East) 


Foreign direct investment almost doubles between 2006 – 2008

Angola: Mobile ID’s issuing posts opens in Huambo

Angola: U.S. cooperation at best, says Ambassador Diakite

Angolan and Brazilian marines ready for mission in the community

Black Stars potential moment in history (sports)  

Angola: Jazz festival gathers 16 musicians


Botswana to offer new gold bullion ETF

Networking Botswana to the world


Jonathan chairs ECOWAS summit in Cape Verde


Central African bushmeat hits European market


The threat of a water war (op-ed)

Inhabitants of Gerset express satisfaction for becoming beneficiaries of development programs

Hgi Endaba: The laws of our ancestors (history/analysis)


Genocide fugitive faces extradition from Gabon

Corruption and environment top Ban’s talks with Gabonese leader  


President Jammeh’s achievements highlighted in London

Taiwan embassy donated farm inputs to Gambian army

Food sold in markets should be hygienic  

Sunday beach on the spotlight (travel)


Ghana in the vanguard of new logging laws


Kenya data networks expands Wi-Fi services


World Bank board of executive directors endorse new assistance strategy for Kingdom of Lesotho


Reopening tourism in Liberia

Will congress pass LFA’s U.S. 1.8 million dollar budget?


Libyan envoy says Sudan never requested expulsion of Darfur rebel chief

Do not report Eritrean refugees – allow access to UN refugee agency

Vigilance urged as oil giant BP set to explore Libyan waters

Libya orders giant cruise boat


Mali gets 22.5 billion CFAF from Saudi fund, BOAD for dam project


Mozambique: Former parliamentary deputy assassinated

Mozambique’s mobile license draws 22 bids

Attempt to  sell Mozambician island

Rebelo rejects ‘generation of the turning point’


The Swapo party’s – Think tank and the inner party’s disciple (opinion)

City’s ‘merciful’ tariff hikes


Nigeria: Scientific development central to development

Nigeria: Highway with Cameroon fosters co-operation


Sierra Leone improves internet connectivity

Niomi Campbell subpoenaed in war crimes trial – what is a nice supermodel doing in a case like this?

What the UN Secretary General saw in Sierra Leone gave him hope for Africa


Somali government declares offensive on al-Qaeda group


2,000 apply for refugee status daily  

Evicted shack dwellers seek legal recourse


Qatar signs military cooperation pact with Pakistan

Sovereign debt – the good, bad and plain ugly

$34bn projects are online in Qatar  


Al-Qaeda puts celebrities and bombs online with Inspire magazine

Yemen Shiite rebels bomb pro-government chieftains home, 3 killed

Yemen says G77 plus China attaches importance to UNDCF role

Yemen natural resources must be utilized well: IFAD official says

Turkish FM affirms support for Yemen’s unity, stability


Tutu's Call for Investment, Aid Into Africa (REPORT) 

(HN, June 30, 2010) - Cape Town, South Africa - Archbishop Desmond Tutu's oratorical prowess is legendary. But when "Arch" spoke to a conference room this weekend, packed with some of the world's top executives; a normally skeptical crowd, this holy man's warmth and charisma brought the room to complete silence:  you could hear a pin drop.Archbishop Desmond Tutu at the Cape Town summit

Tutu was invited to wrap up a three-summit hosted by the so-called media triumvirate of Fortune, Time and CNN. The theme that emerged was that Africa's time is now - especially with the continent hosting the World Cup for the very first time.

Among African political and business leaders, there was a feeling of heady exuberance - that new infrastructure, growing stability and waves of visitors coming will kick-start a new investment wave.  South African President Jacob Zuma's confident opening remarks at the summit were symbolic of the more self-assured voice one hears more frequently in the corrdiors of power here.

But as Tutu correctly remarked, the continent can't do it alone - and needs the skills, resources and expertise of outsiders to deal with seemingly intractable problems.

"The World Cup has done an incredible thing for us. It told us that we can do this. Yet again we have shown the world, in South Africa just how much we are a rainbow nation. That we are there for one another. It's been an incredibly exhilarating time.

"But we look to you to work with us. This is a continent about to make a leap…and we know that you are very, very smart people. So we pray that you are going to help us eradicate poverty in this cradle of humankind. That you will help us with all the skills that you have. We hope that you will assist us to reduce the burden in Africa."

Tutu reminded an audience sitting in the opulence of the Cape Town Convention Centre, that in many parts of Africa many people are still living on just $2-a-day. "We won't have stability if we have such a skewed relationship."

He said that the world needs to come to terms with the idea that "we are all member of one family."

The rich countries, he said, spend billions of dollars on "instruments of death and destruction." If even a very minute fraction of defence budgets were to be diverted, it would be enough to ensure that all the children in the world don't go to bed hungry. "It's a revolution in our thinking that has got to happen."

Tutu's plea for aid was extremely timely. Recently, respected international non-governmental organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), have begun ringing loud alarm bells - saying that donor nations are starting to reduce their funding for HIV AIDS prevention and treatment programmes.

Seth Berkley, the chief of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, told HUMNEWS that in 2008, for the first time, there was a 10 percent decline in global expenditures on HIV vaccine research and that 2009 figures could also be down.

Said Berkley: "Things that are long term are often the first to go at a time like this. And yet if we are ever going to have a chance to eliminate this disease we need better tools."

Many speakers at the summit complained that there exists an enormous knowledge gap in the West on Africa, and that major media should share the blame for this.

African telecommunication entrepreneur Mo Ibrahim told HUMNEWS that this is one of the continent's major headaches.

"This is our main weakness in Africa - that people don't know," said Ibrahim. "There is a total ignorance of what's happening here."

He said that an Indian company typically receives 15 times the market research coverage over an African company of the corresponding size.

"Nobody invests in an atmosphere of ignorance. How can you go to your investment or credit committee with a proposal when they don't know what you are talking about? It is tough."

 --- Reporting by HUMNEWS' Michael Bociurkiw in Cape Town, South Africa


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - June 29, 2010 (North and South Oceans) 


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - June 28, 2010 (Europe and Eurasia) 


For Investment-Friendly Africa Regional Integrations Need to be Accelerated

(HN, June 28, 2010) -- Cape Town, South Africa -- Speeding up regional integration is one of the key ways to increase Africa's attractiveness as a place to do business.

This was the common refrain among speakers at the Fortune Global Forum today. So too was the need to address the deep knowledge gap among outsiders. 

Emblematic of the legacy of colonialism on the continent is the fragmented railway system - a key component for robust trade - where Africa maintains several different railway gauges. "How do you harmonize something like that?" said Iqbal Sharma, the Deputy Director General and CEO of South Africa's Trade and Investment Department.

He added: "Regional integration in Africa is something fairly new for us and it is a complex process."

While there is no lack of regional economic group memberships for a country like South Africa - these range from the African Economic Community to NEPAD to the South African Development Community - more tangible integration needs to happen for a more favourable investment environment to occur.

Especially important is investment in infrastructure, which Citigroup Chairman Richard Parsons addressed by saying, “Infrastructure spending needs to move much higher on the respective agendas of African countries. If countries want to attract investment they need to invest in themselves."

Echoing the comments yesterday by former President Bill Clinton about Africa becoming a wireless continent, one investment executive said Africa is very much on the radar screen of "non-bank banks" – companies such as Nokia for instance, which seeks to empower consumers through innovations such as mobile banking - which in turn could generate more micro-financing.

Overall, the sentiment at the global forum of business leaders has moved from unfamiliarity of Africa to a feeling that western business is missing out on exciting – and potentially lucrative - opportunities on the continent.

Said renowned African woman – a Mozambican, wife of Nelson Mandela, widow of the late Mozambican president Samora Michel and women and child rights advocate Graça Machel: "This continent is changing. There is really a movement which is coming. But it needs to be strengthened and become less fragmented."

--- Reporting by HUMNEWS’ Michael Bociurkiw, at the Fortune/TIME/CNN Global Forum in Cape Town, South Africa


HUMNEWS HEADLINES - June 27, 2010 (The Americas) 


News Brief: Energy Mix for 2050 Still Uncertain

(HN, June 27, 2010) – CAPE TOWN, South Africa - Energy experts says the next three decades will see changes in the energy mix but one that still includes considerable use of fossil fuels.

Royal Dutch Shell CEO Peter Voser said demand for energy will skyrocket because by 2050 the planet's population will jump to about 9.2 billion people from the current 6.8 billion - mostly in the developing world.

In another three decades, up to 60 percent of the energy mix will still be from fossil fuels, with most of the remainder being renewable energy, including nuclear power.

Voser said he supports the drive for a lower carbon world but that it will take another four or five decades "before we see a fundamental shift" in a more climate-friendly energy mix.

The European Union's Commissioner for Climate Action, Connie Hedergaard, said the fossil fuel component of 60 percent of the energy mix is probably too high and that a big part of the answer needs to be found in creating more energy efficiency.

Peter Seligmann. The head of Conservation International, said that a silver lining of the gulf oil spill was that it’s brought a "sea change in the interest and awareness in how you take care of the environment." He added that ordinary people's understanding and awareness of environmental issues has been nothing short of "remarkable."

--Reporting by HUMNEWS’ Michael Bociurkiw, at the Fortune/Time/CNN Global Forum


South African Cocktails and Appetizers

For celebrating your team, or, not...it's Saturday nite somewhere!


South Africa is a country with a multiracial society of varied ethnic origins that has influenced greatly in their traditions and cocktails and appetizers on a Johannesburg winter afternoon or a summer Cape Town beachside can be enjoyed by everyone.   


What better way to unwind from a long, hot day of game-viewing and adventure than enjoying a refreshing cocktail and small traditional snacks?

Traditional beverages are homemade brewed, whether in rustic villages or modern cities. Whether you choose to eat on the wild side: crocodile, impala, ostrich, zebra or the mild side: chicken, lamb, beef and vegetables, the diverse dining traditions of South Africa offer food and drink for every palate.  

Also, herbal tea and coffee are often consumed during breakfast. Drinks served during a typical South African meal might also include Mechow, a fermented beer like drink made from cornmeal. Ginger beer is also commonly served in local diners and pubs. Fruit punches and cocktails are easily prepared on the spot, as well as fresh squeezed orange juice.


South Africa is a country very well known for the production of good quality white and red wines. Especially in the southern parts of the country, in the Cape region, where climactic conditions simulate those of the old wine countries, is a great environment for the vineyards to produce the best grape crop. Over 300 years ago, Dutch settlers in the Western Cape of South Africa started cultivating grapes for wine and brandy production. They subsequently started making wines and brandies that were then blended with local fruit and herbs.  Among the staples of the South African wines, there are the Muscadel, Burgundy and Cabernet Sauvignon wines.

South African Beer

Beer in South Africa has become serious business in South Africa. Dutch and British immigrants in South Africa brought the knowledge to produce alcohol but local indigenous people such as the Sotho and Zulu had already produced brewing forms of sorghum and maize beers.

South African Breweries - "SAB" produces many of the brands on the South African market but every aspect of beer is available nowadays and South Africa has many breweries and pubs where their beers can be tasted.

Some of the most popular beers are:

Castle - Lager

Castle Milk - Stout

Bavaria 8.6 - South Africa Lager

Kulu Draught - South Africa Lager  

Savannah Dry - South Africa (Flavoured)

Windhoek Lager - South Africa Lager  

Hansa Pilsner - South Africa

Black Label - South Africa

Castle Lager - South Africa

Lion Lager - South Africa

Mitchells Foresters Lager - South Africa

Van Der HUM Liquer 

Another specific South African drink, consumed in bars and restaurants, is the Van Der Hum, tangerine based liquor - a citrus blend of brandy, Cape tangerines, herbs, spices, seeds and barks; made from five year old potstill brandy, and wine distillate, is named Van der Hum after its original creator.  It is sweetened with cane sugar syrup, and has a deep golden amber hue.


“The Joburg Cocktail “

Cocktail Variety:         Aromatic

Cocktail Strength:      Medium

Cocktail Size:             Short

Glass type:                 Lowball glass

Garnish:                     Orange Twist

Method:                      Stir and Strain


30 ml Rum

15 ml Dubonnet

3 dashes Orange Bitters

Ice Cubes

Stir all ingredients with ice in a mixing glass. Strain into a lowball glass filled with ice and garnish with an orange twist. Serve.

 “The Malawi Shandy”

The Malawi Shandy is South Africa’s unique spin on the Shandy.  

(A Shandy is an extremely popular drink consumed across the globe. Its ingredients vary from country to country and ingredients can include ginger beer, ginger ale, lemonade, and soft drinks. and is an exceptionally refreshing drink comprised of equal parts of lemonade and ginger ale and a few drops of Angostura bitters.)

Another popular type of Shandy consumed in Namibia and South Africa is the `Rock Shandy’.

This drink contains equal parts of soda water and lemonade with some dashes of Angostura bitters. The Angostura bitters are comprised of water, alcohol, gentian root, and vegetable flavoring extracts.

You’ll love sipping on these crisp cocktails to quench your thirst! 


Some of the most delicious South African appetizers include pates, such as the snoek pate or the biltong pate. Thin sliced button mushrooms, mixed with chopped onions, finely grated biltong, cream cheese and fresh watercress make for a great appetizers.

Other traditional snacks served in restaurants may be the Peri-Peri chicken livers prepared in dry white wine with cayenne pepper; pink crepes filled with cream cheese, Mozambique shrimp, or baked mushrooms with basil and sometimes nut stuffing.   Avocado salad or spinach soup can be served as appetizers and are sometimes accompanied by special South African bread, baked half-way, cut and baked all the way to make it crispy inside as well.

The Yellow melon muscatel (the South African name for muscatel) is a traditional South African appetizer, and is usually served on salad plates.  

“Biltong Pate”

Biltong (pron. bill-tong) is a 400 year old traditional South African beef snack, cured as a beef jerky, both in taste and preparation.


200g /7 oz Button Mushrooms, thinly sliced
1 small Onion, chopped
50g / 2oz Butter
100g / 4oz  Biltong , finely grated
250g / 9oz Cream Cheese
250g / 9oz  Whipping Cream, lightly whipped
To serve garnish with Fresh Watercress & wafer thin slices of Biltong

Melt the butter in a frying pan; add the mushrooms and onions and sauté until soft.
Set aside and allow to cool completely.

Once cold, place the onion mixture in a food processor together with the rest of the ingredients and blend well.

To serve - garnish with watercress and wafer-thin slices of Biltong.
Serve with crackers or thin slices of fresh baguette bread.

Serves 4-6 



2 c. Black-Eyed Peas

1 med. red onion

1/2 tsp. red pepper, to taste

1/2 tsp. salt

peanut oil (Preferred) or other vegetable oil for frying

Soak peas overnight or use canned.

Drain and pound with masher till crushed.

Grind puree in blender, adding water as needed to a smooth consistency (like pancake batter).

Grind very fine onion and peppers; add to Beans in blender.

Heat oil to 350-375 in deep fryer.

Drop mixture by teaspoonful into hot oil and fry until deep brown. Drain on paper towel.

Many Africans sprinkle the fried beans with additional red pepper.

Eat them warm. Use as warm snacks or as a bread substitute.

*Original reporting with previously printed information from Recipes Wiki


Zuma Draws Line in Sand: Africa Not at G20 With "Cap in Hand"

(HN, June 26, 2010) – CAPE TOWN, South Africa - Striking an almost heady tone, South African President Jacob Zuma said today that Africa intends to assert an aggressive stance at the G20 Summit and no longer make demands with "cap in hand."

Addressing the opening of a global business forum in the South African city of Cape Town via satellite, Zuma said: "Our voices will be heard on a number of issues...We seek equal partnership for meaningful growth and development in forums such as the G20 and G8.”

He said this included pressing for reforms of the international financial system and for the opening of markets.

Zuma said top on the agenda at the G20 - which takes place today and tomorrow in Ontario, Canada - will be measures needed to sustain recovery and the required reforms. "We will underline the urgency of considering the voice of the developing world in the creation and implementation of new financial standards and rules," Zuma said, adding that the African continent represents a market of almost one-billion, of which 20 million are in South Africa.

He added: "We are not here in Canada - cap in hand - to ask for some of these things."

The South African president's assertive voice is emblematic of the "New Africa" - a growing cadre of democratically elected leaders from the continent not satisfied to keep silent and let the developed world make most of the decisions that impact on them.

Zuma reminded his audience that sub-Saharan Africa is now the third fastest growing region in the world - after China and India. Fuelling the growth is demand for more consumer goods, sound economic policies and "improved political conditions."

Zuma wasted no time touting the positive qualities of the country he leads - citing world class infrastructure, improved tourism and sporting assets and solving bottlenecks. He said the international media's coverage during the ongoing World Cup has been incredibly positive.

In boasting about the benefits the World Cup will bring to South Africa, he made no mention of his neighbours - some of which, such as Lesotho - complain about being sidelined by the world's largest sporting event.

--- Reporting by HUMNEWS’ Michael Bociurkiw, at the Fortune/TIME/CNN Global Forum in Cape Town, South Africa


Even Amid Global Slowdown, Southern African Growth Prospects Good

(HN, June 26, 2010) – CAPE TOWN, South Africa -- Southern Africa's growth prospects appear good even amid the global economic slowdown.

However with about a quarter of adults of working age out of work in South Africa, the nation's trade minister Rob Davies said more needs to be done.

South African Trade Minister Rob Davies at Fortune Global Forum

"It’s not where it needs to be...it’s not just the percentages of growth, we need to produce more labour absorption," he said, adding that structural changes also need to happen. Without being specific, he said the structural changes include enhancing "employment drivers."

Davies said recently forged trade agreements with various trading blocks and bilateral agreements are bringing mutually positive results.

In response to a question from HUMNEWS on whether neighbouring countries have benefitted from the hosting of the World Cup as much as they had hoped, Davies said host nation South Africa has "done as much as it could" to make the games a positive catalyst for its neighbours. This included easing border controls. He said it was up to nearby countries to create opportunities to benefit from the games.

 (Some of South Africa's neighbours like Lesotho complain that the reverse has happened: tighter border controls imposed for the Games has actually hurt them.)

In other comments, Davies said the clothing industry is an important sector in South Africa and in neighbouring countries. However more value would be created if the sector "upscaled" itself through, for example, the introduction of new technology. He also wants to see a clampdown on illegal imports of clothing.

The minister made the remarks at an opening media briefing of the Fortune Global Forum, which starts today in Cape Town.

--- Reporting by HUMNEWS’ Michael Bociurkiw, at the Fortune/TIME/CNN Global Forum in Cape Town, South Africa


“SAME AND DIFFERENT: Returning to South Africa” (COMMENTARY) 

By Sienna Reynaga

Sixteen years separates South Africa from Apartheid, yet color remains a dominant dividing point of a country that has branded itself on progressive diversity.  Being here during the world's celebration - The World Cup - has showcased the country, as host, in its struggle to introduce its newly defined "integrated" culture to the world.

Growing up as a Mexican, Indian, Black in California has provided me an interesting perspective on race, culture and identity.  I cook Mexican, I am fascinated by Indian and I appear black.  At age 13 I counted the pictures in my Mexican/Indian grandmother's house convinced that she loved me less because I was too dark ... in normal teenage struggles with my mother I was convinced I had a "black" mother somewhere out there that would get it ... identity has been my life’s curiosity.

So with that perspective I came to South Africa.  The white South Africans notoriously have not followed football, as we call it here, and have separated themselves from sport that is glorified by people from the slums.  At the same time, the black South Africans understand they are shut out.  With a 6.7% internet usage rate, they were not able to access tickets to watch their heroes play in action.  It is a bizarre dynamic.

Struggling for years with the term "African American" I look at people with European heritage deny the continent and it is tragic.  They are African!  Watching the Brazil v. Cote d'Ivoire game, White South Africans actively cheered against the African team.  Why?  It is an endless cycle of denial and lack of pride in the continent.

The service here, predominately by Black South Africans is atrocious and they don't seem to help themselves from the outside view.  They seem to be in this mode of ineptitude.  The White managers almost encourage it and with their low expectations, keep their Black employees down below.  I struggle because I constantly am considering issues of “same and different” - and wonder who is helping or hindering who.

The places I like are filled with people that look different than me.  The people that look like me are not doing what I like.  Are our differences genetic or otherwise?  The glory of the World Cup is not touching the people in the township, the average South African worker (80% of the population) and instead is creating a party atmosphere for the 20% who are seeking to be acknowledged on the worldwide globetrotter scene.

Has South Africa really opened up since Apartheid?  Not yet.  The five years since my last visit here is a noticeable change in tone.  The hope that I saw in 2005 is now replaced by the lethargy found in American urban centers.  Crime seems easier than an education, doing the least possible to get by seems like the best way - it is sad.  The World Cup has meant a longer shift for most - not a new opportunity.  Weeks from now the South Africans will be left with the same issues of corruption and division they had a month ago.  So what is the benefit?

Will we all come back to visit this beautiful land?  Do we all just sit back and watch the whites and blacks continue to settle in to their expected roles?  There is no clear answer a week in to the trip and the reality is you have a nation that is suffering behind a facade that is the World Cup.  We can't leave when the games leave - we must use this country as the springboard to saving a continent that is seemingly left behind in the global shift towards the world being flat.

Beyond the games and hoots of the vuvuzelas this is predominant on my mind.  From the first World Cup on African soil, I write.

---Sienna Reynaga is the Founder of the SOLHO GROUP, a marketing  firm specializing in next generation companies.



HUMNEWS Focus: Introduction to Lesotho

(HN, 2010)