Hult GCC 2012 - Innovative Ideas in Energy (FEATURE)

(HN, 4/24/12) - The mission of the 3 year-old Hult Global Case Challenge is to collectively overcome social challenges in education, energy and housing; to solve global poverty on a grass-roots level utilizing the world’s largest crowd-sourcing initiative to seek ideas and solutions from the world’s best and brightest future business leaders. In partnership with the Clinton Global Initiative NGO members meet their own `Commitment to Change' when working with the bright minds of the Hult Global Case Challenge.
This year, the Hult GCC has focused its attention and challenge work on solving Poverty through step change innovation in Energy, Housing and Education; working with One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), SolarAid and Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI). Here you'll see just some of the ideas presented to the panel of judges related to Education and OLPC's Challenge, whose winners will be announced later this week:
The Challenge: Can SolarAid's SunnyMoney get off-grid solar power and light to one million households by the end of 2013?
Description: This is the Thunderbird School of Global Management (OD) submission for the Hult Global Case Challenge 2012. Our team chose the Energy track and our challenge is to help the company Solar Aid with "Revolutionizing the way to make energy affordable for everyone".
Description: By Micah Melnyk. We will deliver electricity and light to rural communities in Africa by combining two existing but new technologies: house-hold scale Pay-As-You-Go solar PV systems and the rapidly growing Mobile Banking Network. A network of tens of thousands of profitable SunnyMoney Care Agents will promote, install and maintain Home Electricity/Light Systems.
Description: By European Institute of Innovation and Technology students. A basic explanation of one of the principles of the EIT's innovative solution to help Sunny money sell 1,000,000 solar lamps by 2013 and help eradicate the use of kerosene lamps by 2020. We kept it simple and short for the video, the solution has several more elements and is based on 3 principles - FOCUS, EMPOWER, GROW, which incorporate solutions at all levels of the value chain to build a tangible, win-win model for Sunny Money and its partners. Most importantly, it aims at scaling up the sales of solar lamps in Africa so that the industry as a whole can benefit from this to reach a critical mass, that will mark the beginning of the end for the dangerous, dirty, and expensive kerosene.
Description: By students at Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka. Our underlying principle in this rebranding and restructuring of SunnyMoney by Project SunCharge is to exploit the locale's need for cell phone use and use cell phone chargers as a way of producing demand for solar powered light. Their monthly expenditure will not increase while paying the sum in installments as they will not have to pay any more than what they were previously spending on alternative fuel for lighting purposes. This business model will work anywhere in the world with a high penetration of cellphone usage. Furthermore, to ensure sustainability, the model is complete with Discount Networks which are operated under direct supervision of the community opinion leaders and continue to extend the ever-growing network of consumers beyond the reach of the touch points as well.
Description: By students at University of Warwick, UK. We propose that in the short term solar products should be sold on a pay-as-you-go basis, with a 2 month trial period to increase product awareness. In the long term we propose the production of solar product batteries in Tanzania to prevent their depletion and increase employment.