January 13, 2020

Two new flags will be flying high at the Olympic Games in Rio.

For the first time, South Sudan and Kosovo have been recognized by the International Olympic Committee. Kosovo, which was a province of the former Yugoslavia, will have 8 athletes competing; and a good shot for a medal in women's judo: Majlinda Kelmendi is considered a favorite. She's ranked first in the world in her weight class.

(South Sudan's James Chiengjiek, Yiech Biel & coach Joe Domongole, © AFP) South Sudan, which became independent in 2011, will have three runners competing in the country's first Olympic Games.

When Will Chile's Post Office's Re-open? 

(PHOTO: Workers set up camp at Santiago's Rio Mapocho/Mason Bryan, The Santiago Times)Chile nears 1 month without mail service as postal worker protests continue. This week local branches of the 5 unions representing Correos de Chile voted on whether to continue their strike into a 2nd month, rejecting the union's offer. For a week the workers have set up camp on the banks of Santiago's Río Mapocho displaying banners outlining their demands; framing the issue as a division of the rich & the poor. The strike’s main slogan? “Si tocan a uno, nos tocan a todos,” it reads - if it affects 1 of us, it affects all of us. (Read more at The Santiago Times)

WHO convenes emergency talks on MERS virus


(PHOTO: Saudi men walk to the King Fahad hospital in the city of Hofuf, east of the capital Riyadh on June 16, 2013/Fayez Nureldine)The World Health Organization announced Friday it had convened emergency talks on the enigmatic, deadly MERS virus, which is striking hardest in Saudi Arabia. The move comes amid concern about the potential impact of October's Islamic hajj pilgrimage, when millions of people from around the globe will head to & from Saudi Arabia.  WHO health security chief Keiji Fukuda said the MERS meeting would take place Tuesday as a telephone conference & he  told reporters it was a "proactive move".  The meeting could decide whether to label MERS an international health emergency, he added.  The first recorded MERS death was in June 2012 in Saudi Arabia & the number of infections has ticked up, with almost 20 per month in April, May & June taking it to 79.  (Read more at Xinhua)



Dreams and nightmares - Chinese leaders have come to realize the country should become a great paladin of the free market & democracy & embrace them strongly, just as the West is rejecting them because it's realizing they're backfiring. This is the "Chinese Dream" - working better than the American dream.  Or is it just too fanciful?  By Francesco Sisci

Baby step towards democracy in Myanmar  - While the sweeping wins Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy has projected in Sunday's by-elections haven't been confirmed, it is certain that the surging grassroots support on display has put Myanmar's military-backed ruling party on notice. By Brian McCartan

The South: Busy at the polls - South Korea's parliamentary polls will indicate how potent a national backlash is against President Lee Myung-bak's conservatism, perceived cronyism & pro-conglomerate policies, while offering insight into December's presidential vote. Desire for change in the macho milieu of politics in Seoul can be seen in a proliferation of female candidates.  By Aidan Foster-Carter  

Pakistan climbs 'wind' league - Pakistan is turning to wind power to help ease its desperate shortage of energy,& the country could soon be among the world's top 20 producers. Workers & farmers, their land taken for the turbine towers, may be the last to benefit.  By Zofeen Ebrahim

Turkey cuts Iran oil imports - Turkey is to slash its Iranian oil imports as it seeks exemptions from United States penalties linked to sanctions against Tehran. Less noticed, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in the Iranian capital last week, signed deals aimed at doubling trade between the two countries.  By Robert M. Cutler



CARTOON: Peter Broelman, Australia/BROELMAN.com.au)


San Marino     Mongolia
Vancouver     Ghana





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    Friendship in an Age of Economics: Resisting the Forces of Neoliberalism
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    Friends to the End: The True Value of Friendship
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  • Friendship as a Way of Life: Foucault, AIDS, and the Politics of Shared Estrangement
    Friendship as a Way of Life: Foucault, AIDS, and the Politics of Shared Estrangement
    by Tom Roach

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Labuje camp Lagos landmines Laos Las Vegas latin america Latvia Laurent Gbagbo Laurie Garrett LDCs Lebanon Leslie Lane Lesotho Lesser Antilles Leyla Qasim LGBT Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Literacy Liu Changlong Liuxiazhuang London London Stock Exchange Louise Arbour LRA LTTE lukasenka LUNCH Luxembourg lybia M23 Macau Macedonia Madagascar Maggie Padlewska Maha Kumbh Mela Mahatma Gandhi Mahmoud Abbas Mahmoud Ahmadinejad malaria Malawi Malaysia maldives Mali malnutrition Malvinas Islands Manuel Zelaya Margaret Chan Marie Claire Marina Cue marine Mark Fitzpatrick Marrakesh Marshall Islands Martin Indyk Martin Luther King Martinique Marwan Bishara Mary Robinson MASERU Mashable Mastercard Foundation maternal health mauritania Mauritius Max Frisch Mayotte MDG Summit MDGs MDG's media Melanesia Melanesian Spearhead Group Memorial Day Memphis Mental Health Mercy Corps Mexican Red Cross mexico Mia Farrow Micha Peled Michael Bociurkiw Michelle Funk Micronesia micronutrient initiative 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Entries by HUMNEWS (757)


Tensions Building in Nigeria Over Fuel Hike (NEWS BRIEF)

(PHOTO: Intelhub)(HN, UPDATED January 8, 2011) - As Africa's most populous nation headed towards a nationwide, indefinite strike Monday over sudden fuel price hikes, efforts to subdue the situation by Nigerian lawmakers over the weekend fell flat.

An emergency meeting of Nigeria's House of Representatives passed a resolution calling on Jonathan to restore a fuel subsidy that has triggered protests and economic hardship across the country.

“We are sitting near a keg of gunpowder and we are playing with fire,” said Rep. Pally Isumafe Obokhuaime Iriase of the Action Congress of Nigeria. “This will be the last straw that will break the camel’s back if we do not act.”

The 'Occupy Nigeria' protests began to appear shortly after New Year’s, when the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan scrapped a fuel subsidy - a move that more than doubled petrol prices and sparked price hikes for transport. (One report said fares in Rivers State are now 300 percent higher).

Police in the strategic northern city of Kano fired tear gas Thursday to disperse protesters who planned to stay overnight in a major square.

In Kano, protesters said they were not only tear-gassed but also detained by police by the dozens. According to one report, a lawsuit has been filed against authorities in Kano state over efforts to silence the protesters.

Said one spokesperson for the plaintiffs, Jibrin Suleiman Garin Ali: "They beat us to a pulp, they injured several of our protesters, and some are still missing and we don't know their whereabouts."

A harsh police response has been reported elsewhere in the country, including Lagos.

Even with the president and ministers huddled in meetings, there appears to be no resolution to the crisis. With the participation of organized labour, the movement is now positioned to virtually shut down the country starting Monday - even though a court ordered trade unions to call off the general strike.

At least one travel site has warned travellers to avoid visiting the country early next week.

(PHOTO: ALLAFRICA.COM) The protests have lit up Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites used by Nigerians. Because texting is so incredibly popular in the country it has been a major tool for organizers to mobilize the masses.

Wrote one Twitter user in Nigeria regarding the planned Monday strike: "Monday is the D-day in Nigeria. #OccupyNigeria is shutting down the nation. Watch out."

Many members of Nigeria's large Diaspora community have been praising the efforts of the protesters, with some expressing surprise at the huge numbers of people standing up. Tweeted Nigerian-American Yetunde Taiwo: "#OccupyNigeria I am so 4 it. Finally Nigerians r mad enough 2 effect change."

- HUMNEWS staff




UN Helps Uzbekistan to Equip Border with Afghanistan


(PHOTO: Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. Mt Holyoke)Argentine president fine after thyroid cancer surgery

Saudia Arabia's buy 30,000 acres of prime land in Argentina


The Melbourne filmmaker, the topless Ukrainian feminists and a brush with the KGB


Standing out from her peers


2 Bangladeshi workers die in UAE after falling from hotel  


Botswana nurses eye Namibian jobs


Bulgarian Nationalist Party Stops Newspaper, TV Station May Follow Suit


Thailand, Cambodia agree to implement World Court border order


(PHOTO: Torres Del Paine, Patagonia. RANDOM FACT)Patagonian wilderness devastated as fire sweeps through Chile’s Torres del Paine


In Chinese trading town, disputes and strains fuel mistrust of India

(PHOTO: China's Vertu `Year of the Dragon' edition phone. VERTU) Vertu's Year of the Dragon phone has roaring price

Christmas Island 

Detainees tell of Christmas Island punishment

Aussie PM Julia Gillard denies tough asylum seeker punishment move


Colombia receives $3.78B in remittances


Comoros jails Muslim leader over booze bribe bid

Congo (DRC)

In DRC, Tshisekedi Asks for Protection, UN Tells Him Kabila Is In Change

In DRC, France’s RFI suspended over elections coverage

Congolese Plea for Conflict-Minerals-Free iPhone

Giving Congo's child soldiers a second chance

NBA Players Born in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Fan’s Look

Cook Islands 

Cook Islands fishing company fears Taiwan deal

(PHOTO: The Korgan Hotel in Yiwu in southern China, where two Indian traders were held in detention for two days. THE HINDU)Costa Rica 

100,000,000 Text Messages Sent During Holiday Season

British backpacker accused of murder in Costa Rica


Croatia prepares to join the world wine battle


Cuban chess players well positioned in the global ranking

Nordic Brigade of Solidarity Visits Cuban Town


Turkey demands KKTC involvement in Cyprus talks

El Salvador

(PHOTO: Protestors arrest in El Salvador. PRENSA LATINA) Dozens of Demonstrators Arrested in El Salvador 


The Film Oblivion: How Abduction for Marriage Ended in Ethiopia

New Ethiopian AIDS plan needs men (Perspective)

Falkland Islands

Argentina Ratifies Sovereignty Over Malvinas Islands

(PHOTO: Sappers Hill Corral, the large stone-walled corral, a Falklands’ landmark, remains behind minefield fences. MERCOPRESS)Falklands’ “land release” demining phase begins next week with 18 Zimbabweans


UK calls for public dialogue on a new constitution for Fiji


French Foreign Minister to Visit Tunisia on January 5th

Gay Tunisian man fears being deported from France

Gaza and West Bank

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh Visits Tunisia


IDB, Germany to continue to offer development aid to Yemen

Oxfam criticises production of bananas and German Supermarkets 


GTA TeleGuam Airs Top Asian Networks


Iran’s president adds Guatemala to his tour of four Latin American countries


Rural Guyana should get top priority in the planning corridors of Georgetown (Perspective)


(PHOTO: Haiti Ambassador Duly Brutus, today assumed the Chair of the OAS Permanent Council for the next 3 months (right), taking over from the Permanent Representative of Guyana, Ambassador Bayney Karran. OAS) Haiti Assumes Chair of OAS Permanent Council

Haiti: From Displacement Camps to Community (Perspective)


Unusual heavy rains hit Honduras


Hungary’s New Constitution Lacks Rights For Gays, Bans Gay Marriage


4-day meet in city to focus on Persian culture

India, Tunisia to take forward MSME co-operation

Hotels Beware of Mixed Olive Oil

Indian businessmen manual to be published in the UAE

“Security wise, we are dependent on Sri Lanka” – Indian External Affairs Minister


Indonesia enjoys relations with almost all UN member states: FM


Turkey's FM in Iran for talks on nukes, Syria

(PHOTO: A new report says all Italian olive oil, isn't. THE DAILY TELEGRAPH) Iran: Tractor exports up 154%

Ahmadinejad will travel to Tajikistan in Noruz (Persian New Year)

Iranian photographer wins top prize at Slovenian contest


Fall in asylum seekers linked to recession and tougher controls


'Four out of five' bottles of Italian olive oil debased - report

Ivory Coast

Cote d'Ivoire president meets Chinese FM on bilateral ties


Jamaica's first female PM set for office


Japan and China still at odds over islands (Video)

Japan Fights Virus With Virus


(PHOTO: In the UAE, Iran sanctions are impacting traders in marketplaces and souks. THE NATIONAL) Gov't to hold conference on online media regulation 


Ethnic Kyrgyz Have Trouble Gaining Citizenship In Kyrgyzstan


PTT increasing investment in green business


Lithuanian office suppliers shun crisis, spur eco-product sales


Home for Autistic want tertiary college


(PHOTO: Ukraine holidaymakers Sergei (right) extending his gratitude to a Fire & Rescue Services Department officer for the assistance provided as Tanya and Igor look on. THE BORNEO POST) Ukraine holidaymakers safe on shore after ‘little adventure’


Government lifts week-long ban on resort spas, massage parlors


Malta signs bilateral agreement with Saudi Arabia


Man of the Year 2011 in Mauritania

Emir of Qatar expected Thursday in Nouakchott  


PJD leads new Moroccan government


Argentine institute to work with Mozambique’s agricultural sector


Burma Celebrates Independence Amid Criticism

Myanmar celebrates 65th independence day

Billionaire George Soros visits Aung San Suu Kyi in Yangon


Internet Fraud Cons the Country Out of N$3,5 Million

New Caledonia

New Caledonia government okays new air fares

(PHOTO: Ukraine asks for $9 bln gas discount from Russia to form joint transit consortium. RIA NOVOSTII)New Zealand

North Avocado growers face disaster (Perspective) 


Nicaragua pursues loan with Venezuela to prevent higher electricity rates


Nigeria’s Archbishop of Abuja Dismisses Civil War Reports

Social Media Ginger Subsidy Protests

Norfolk Island

Air New Zealand to operate Norfolk Island flights


(PHOTO: The Black Sea © Flickr.com/Hans Dekker)Norway’s Statoil discovers one more oil field in North Sea


Pakistan-Tajikistan Discuss Electricity Exports

Papua New Guinea

Copper Drives Papua New Guinea Island’s Independence Movement


Paraguay Returns Land to Indigenous Peoples of Northern Chaco


Peru deemed better-positioned in LatAm to face global crisis

Barclays: Peru Needs Systematic Solution to Social Conflicts

(PHOTO: The Dakar Road Rally makes its way through South America.) Dakar Rally places Peru in the spotlight


Philippines senator wants more disaster preparedness

Royal Dutch Shell donates $1M for Sendong relief, rehab operations


Poland orders more Kongsberg missiles from Norway


Qatari PM, Ban Ki-Moon discuss US-Iran rhetoric about Gulf, Syria crisis 

Qatar- Drastic cut in carbon emission


Russian fuel tanker under way for ice-encrusted Nome, Alaska

Tons of scrap to be transported from Russian Arctic in 2012

Saint Kitts & Nevis

St. Kitts-Nevis Moves Closer to Green Energy Goals

(PHOTO: In Korea, robots are now being used to control prisons. YONHAP)Saudi Arabia

Renewed Protests Defy Ban

Saudi poets slam ‘plague’ of extremism and poverty in Million’s Poet show


Chinese Troops In Seychelles (Analysis)

Sierra Leone

Youth Ambassador, entreprenuer Anthony Navo elected as Chairman of AWOL in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: Communities Divided Over Mining in Rainforest (Perspective)


Singapore Poly transforms classrooms into work spaces


Slovenian court: referendum challenging same-sex ‘marriage,’ adoption law can proceed

(PHOTO: In Singapore, Singapore Poly is using technology to turn classrooms into schools. Singapore POLY) Somalia

Parliamentarians elect new speaker after fist-fight session

Crisis in Somalia: PM Mohamed Ali & his wife speak out

How a Somali rapper became the 'Face of Africa' 

South Africa

SA assumes UN Security Council presidency for second time

Unclear if Mandela will be at ANC party

South Korea

S. Korea adds cyber-security to defense plan

Robots Patrol South Korean Prisons at Night

South Korea’s SK Energy to buy more Iran oil in 2012

Cities of the Future: Songdo, South Korea – Episode 1 (By Cisco)

South Sudan

South Sudan's President Pledges Commitment to Resolve Conflict in Jonglei State

WFP Concerned By Violence In South Sudan

One Year Anniversary of South Sudan Referendum (Perspective)

(PHOTO: Aerial view of Kalma refugee camp in Darfur, Western Sudan. RADIO DABANGA)Spain

How Spain’s version of SOPA is setting the web on fire

Spain Launches Some of the Strongest Anti-Piracy Laws

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka expresses concern over France’s postal service publishing 4 stamps featuring Tamil Tigers

Sri Lanka to conduct population census in March

Private company to develop the Sri Lanka's renewable energy industry

Sri Lanka 4th Best Economy in the World in 3rd quarter 2011, says report

Sri Lankan Hospitals to Go Paperless

Sri Lankan bank connects its 500th ATM (Press Release)


Sudan, South Sudan to Resume Talks on Abyei in Addis Ababa

UN Seeks Access to War-Torn Sudanese States

Kalma refugee camp: no food aid for three months, 15 days

(PHOTO: Sudan shuts a third newspaper, The CItizen. AFRICA REVIEW) Sudan shuts third newspaper in media crackdown

Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Website created for polar bear attack inquiry


Coca-Cola urged to abandon Swaziland’s King Mswati III

Government Makes Small Loans for Young Entrepreneurs to Help Fight Crisis

Poorly performing schools to be under scrutiny

Most nabbed drunk drivers unmarried


(PHOTO: Troubled Swedish carmaker Saab may have suitors in India, Turkey)Investors from India, Turkey could still save Saab

Filesharing Now a Religious Practice in Sweden

Gun laws may be tightened: minister


Switzerland's central bank chief accused of insider trading

Madonna Takes Family And Brahim Zaibat Skiing In Switzerland [PHOTOS]


Syria accuses US of interfering in Arab affairs

Syria, Iran to boost Agricultural Cooperation

Syrian National Council launched its official website


(PHOTO: A mass cycling event, “One Bike One,” in honor of the Taiwanese Republic's anniversary took place on Dec. 31. CENTRAL NEWS AGENCY) Taiwanese Set New Guinness Record for Their Anniversary

Taipei city government to expand Wi-Fi network of free access to Internet

Taiwan sparks up electric bike promotion efforts

Taiwan media regulator wants less Korean content on TV

A First Look at Conde Nast’s WIRED Taiwan

Taiwan's IT wizards turn to the movies

Taiwanese Engineers Arrested For Selling Intel Chips On eBay

Taiwan Mobile expects higher smartphone purchases in 2012

Taiwan's machinery exports likely to hit record high in 2011, surpass Italy

(PHOTO: WIRED Magazine gets ready to launch in Taiwan) Freedom differentiates Taiwan, mainland China: says MAC head


Uzbekistan cuts gas supply to Tajikistan without notification – Tajik Foreign Ministry


20 Somali Migrants Found Dead in Tanzania

Mobile broadband modernisation underway for Tanzanian operator

Vodacom Tanzania says firm injects $100bn for facelift

Communities empowered to probe extractive investors

Govt, donors urged to fund alternative energy

Aid Agenda:  We Need to go Back to the Basics (Perspective)


New Year Road Mishaps Kill 314 in Thailand

Flood situation in southern Thailand still critical

Thailand Gets New Banking Policies

Wanted: About half a million more labourers

Transgender airline staff make inaugural flight in Thailand

(PHOTO: The Ravana Robot, an interactive 10-faced robot that can say greetings via QR Code technology in 4 languages - Thai, English, Chinese, Japanese - is an attraction at the Thailand Pavilion. TAWATCHAI KEMGUMNERD)Robots ready to take centre stage at BoI Fair 2011

'Greater Phuket' Chosen for First Jewish Pesach Festival in Thailand

The Arctic

Russian river water affecting the Arctic – AO shift blamed

The Netherlands

Dutch military on board ship with emergency aid for Somalia

Dutch to fund $36.4m Kilimanjaro Airport facelift

Dutch teen sailor nears end of round-the-world voyage


15 biofuel plants worth N414bn to come afloat


Tunisia Granted Membership to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

McDonald’s Announces to Set Up New Franchises Soon in Tunisia

(PHOTO: At Kilimanjaro, Tanzania Dutch investment will upgrade the airport. INSIGHT MAGAZINE) International Day of Internet Freedom – A Tunisian Initiative


India’s Aditya Birla to invest US$500m in viscose plant in Turkey


Turkmenistan's 'Protector' Registers For Presidential Election

Ashgabat Residents Turn Up Noses At Smelly Artificial River


Sun risk for albino Islanders


Uganda launches investigation into "nodding disease"

Kumi Siamese Twins Pass Away

Hearts star David Obua causes fury in poverty-stricken Uganda by building £500k mansion

(PHOTO: In Turkmenistan residents are dealing with an old, smelly river. RFL) Cancer Institute seeks funds for upcountry units

Uganda fights phone fraudsters with registration of SIM cards


Ukraine starts pumping Azerbaijani oil

Ukraine asks for $9 bln gas discount from Russia to form joint transit consortium

Ukraine recognized one of leaders in global food market last year

Only 8% in Ukraine say foreign policy meets their interests

First power plant using gas from household waste launched in Ukraine

Ukraine's jailed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko kept under 24-hour camera surveillance with lights permanently ON

Daughter Not Allowed To Meet Jailed Ukraine’s Ex-Premier

United Arab Emirates

UAE business  growth slips

Sanctions put squeeze on UAE's Iran traders

(PHOTO: Mariam Al Safar, the 1st Emirati woman train attendant, at work on the Dubai Metro. GULF NEWS) Relatives of Mangalore air crash victims in the UAE hit out against compensation delay

UAE residential market set for growth

Emirates Airlines to launch Vietnam services in June

UAE University to host international conference on Time

Big Solar and Big Wind to Meet in Abu Dhabi for World Future Energy Summit

Emirati woman train attendant breaks the traditional mould

Auschwitz in gym advertisement, removed

Groupama claims the UAE dash in the Volvo Ocean Race

Dh387,988 club bill goes viral

(PHOTO: The Cavalli Club in UAE. Megan Hirons Mahon XPRESS) Young energy leaders prepare for summit

In the UAE, Shopping Bag Doubles as Grocery List in Promo for Tide

Fossil fuel subsidies making biofuels uncompetitive in UAE (Perspective)

United Kingdom

Archbishops commit to ‘listen to England’ in research to launch twin projects

Microsoft sues U.K. retail chain for pirating Windows

UK consumers gave 1.3m e-readers this Christmas

Call for gun law crackdown after cabbie shoots dead girlfriend and two others

UK youths join gangs to escape abuse at home

£400 Million Later, and All UK Eggs are Free-Range or From "Enriched" Cages

(PHOTO: In the UAE where plastic bags are a concern, product giant Tide tries something new. ADAGE) Offshore Wind Spurs UK Renewables Growth

Apple Interested In Bidding For Premier League UK TV Rights, Says Report

Sex, blood and the status quo (Perspective)

United States

Oil Companies Big Winners as U.S. Becomes Net Exporter of Fuel

US State Department sets up counter-terrorism bureau

US Hispanic Consumers  Holiday Shopped on Their Mobil Devices to The Tune of $5.15 Billion

U.S. Taxpayers Cover Nearly Half the Cost of U.N.’s Global Warming Panel - Report

U.S. Education Spending Compared To The Rest Of The Developed World

NORTH KOREA: Kim Jong Eun transition called 'important opening' for religious liberty focus by The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)

Twitter Founder Biz Stone Speaks about Technology and Empathy at Farm Sanctuary gathering

Sign of the Times – A Photo Shows Romney Backing Vietnam Draft

US cancer deaths continue to drop

Double bubble: U.S. twin birth rates soar since 1980

The President of the United States Joins the Instagram Phenomenon


Mark Zuckerberg’s Outrageous Week in Uruguay

Mark Zuckerberg eligió Punta del Este para continuar con sus vacaciones


Uzbekistan: Police Make Rare Admission of Prison Rapes

Web Use Spirals in Uzbekistan Despite Curbs

(PHOTO: Tajikistan says Uzbekistan will pocket $70M more with increase in transit rates. UZBEKISTAN NEWSWIRE)Uzbekistan spikes transit rates to Tajikistan, Tajik Railways says


Vanuatu police name NZ businessman’s alleged killer

Fijians appear on rape charge


Inmates Keep 1,000 Family Members from Leaving Venezuela Jails

About 200 Venezuelan women to sue French breast implant company

Venezuela Calls on Senior Citizens to Enroll in Mission

Venezuela to Take Measures to Control Weapons  

Police: 1,150 kidnappings in Venezuela in 2011

Polluted water responsible for the Lake Valencia flooding

Telecoms agency closes 27 radio stations in 10 states in 2011


Vietnam urged to free anti-corruption journalist

Vietnam urged to call up private capital for airports and seaports

InternetQ wins Vietnam's mobile marketing contracts

First bird flu outbreak in Vietnam contained in Hau Giang

Vietnam wins first prize at Asia student film festival 

Vietnam chess ace Liem invited to join 2012 London Olympics Torch Relay

Vietnam’s Development Dilemma – Sustainability or exploitation? (Perspective)

Western Sahara

Pan-African Parliament plans to send delegation to occupied Western Sahara

Ahead of Arab Spring ‘Curve’ in Morocco – US takes ‘Giant Leap’ approving use of aid in Western Sahara (Perspective)


The International Federation of Journalists urges Yemeni VP to end harassment against newspaper staff

US aid for Yemeni media institutions discussed

Report: Yemeni prime minister plans Gulf tour

Yemen president not US-bound

(PHOTO: In Yemen, Qat is coming under fire. BIKYA MASR)Yemen’s battle against Qat

Zubair volcano (Jemen, Red Sea): New dramatic video shows volcanic eruption forming new island (VIDEO)

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen author Paul Torday: 'The Yemenis said, what’s all this about fish?'


India gives Zambia $50 m loan to build health centers

First Quantum suspends production at its copper/gold mine in Zambia due to strike

The Shield of Presidential Immunity

Prisoners suffer eye infections

47 year old Zambian says he has 95 children

Zambia’s C.R.I.$.I.$.rapper invited to attend US Grammy awards

Zambia: Cervical Cancer – ‘A Battle We Can Win’ (Perspective)


(PHOTO: Air Zimbabwe airliner. FILE) Again, Air Zimbabwe gets grounded

Serial Rapist Gets 40 Years in Jail

Mystery surrounds diamond ore theft in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe: Constitution - Drafters Back At Work

Wage Disputes Tense As Firms Reopen

Jobless Nurses - 'Govt Flouting Labour Laws'

'Boeing' Set to Keep You Laughing


BRIC Economic Slowdown Boosts CIVETS Profile

Donors await improved accountability from `Least Developing Countries’ (LDC’s)

Revenue from MENA IPOs down sharply

China and 21 Other Countries to Get iPhone 4S

Asian Social Media Users Create; Western Users Consume [STUDY]

Cussing For Charity – New Twitter App Benefits UNICEF

Climate Change, Migration and Conflict




Triple bombing targets Kandahar police 


(PHOTO: British scientists have discovered huge colonies of a new species of yeti crab on the sea floor near Antarctica. OXFORD UNIVERSITY)Yeti Crabs & Ghost Octopus! Unique Life Found at 1st Antarctic Deep-Sea Vents


Leaders' illnesses cloud South America's newfound stability

Mistakes cost dear in Third Stage of Dakar Rally


Clipper Round the World Race - Geraldton Western Australia takes lead 


Dhaka calls Kathmandu for power 


Brazil buys three BAE Ocean Patrol Vessels

(PHOTO: 'Geraldton Western Australia-Clipper 11-12 Round the World Yacht Race'. ONEDITION)Burundi

IRRI Releases Two New Rice Varieties In Burundi


Cameroon Villagers Pin Hopes on Diamond Mine


Ancient City of Angkor may have been ruined by drought


More than 700 Canadians ‘brrrrrrave’ the cold for charity


Colombian team to be disqualified from Dakar Rally

(PHOTO: Czechs held in Zambia Michal Vébr, Jiří Cetel, Jan Coufal. CZECH TELEVISION)Czech Republic

Czechs detained in Zambia return home (Audio)

El Salvador

El Salvador Murder Rate Highest Since End of Civil War


Ethiopia discovers largest ever gold reserves 

Shell plans oil pipeline construction from South Sudan to Ethiopia 


Latin America leads Gourmand World Cookbook Awards


45 challenges to Gabon's poll results

(PHOTO: In Haiti, some of the Hands Across the Sea students returning to school in 2012. HANDS ACROSS THE SEA) Gaza and West Bank

New bid to broker Middle East talks takes place


Humanities Council to hold film series on the Micronesian experience on Guam


Violent deaths in Guatemala down in 2011 


Donor Assistance Will Reduce Contract Non-Payment Risks Despite Continued Risks of Sporadic Violence


Navy chief held in Guinea-Bissau after alleged coup attempt


Guyanese cargo vessel goes missing after leaving T&T


Haiti still recovering from deadly 2010 earthquake

(PHOTO: In the UAE new ID cards are being issued online, rather than at centers. UAE GOV) Iceland

Icelandic President decides not to run for re-election


Chennai youth devises a new method to curb movie piracy

Coal India looks to buy coal assets in South Africa 

Detained Indian traders in Chinese hub are “fearing for their lives”


Indonesia sailors detained for killing Taiwan skipper

Indonesia Leads Southeast Asia With 6.5% Expansion In Q4

Indonesia sees 2012 unmilled rice output up


Oil prices soar as Iran warns US aircraft carrier away from Persian Gulf

Iranian currency falls against U.S. dollar on fresh sanctions

(PHOTO: Iran's currency falls on fresh sanctions. GANT DAILY)Ireland

'Undocumented' are being forced to live in fear on margins of Irish society


Israel and Taiwan ink aviation agreement

Taiwan airlines have no immediate plans to run flights to Israel 

Jerusalem Marathon 2012: A race of nations (Press release)

Ivory Coast

Dry, windy weather darkens Ivorian cocoa outlook


OAS Secretary General Congratulates New Prime Minister of Jamaica 


RefugeeLives program establishes mobile network in Jordan


South Kazakhstan companies pursue CSR policy

(PHOTO: The Communication Commission of Kenya headquarters along Waiyaki way in Nairobi. ANTHONY KAMAU) Kenya

Kenya Trailblazes in Mobile Money Transfer Services

Kenya to miss June date for digital switch over


New, social media ‘the tool’ of 2012 Assembly elections

Kuwait to build first-ever solar power station


Passenger Services Restored on Mekong River 


Referendum to determine the status of Russian language in Latvia


(PHOTO: In Niger, the RAIN foundation is building community gardens. RAIN) aram, Niger.Lebanon to host U.N. conference on reform in Arab world


Libya seeks to boost tourism industry (Video)  


More flood victims evacuated in Pasir Puteh, Malaysia

LivingSocial enters Malaysia online shopping market


Hotels forced to shut down spas across Maldives


Mali to give 40,000 tonnes of food to drought victims 


Malta Airport achieves record 3.5 million passengers in 2011

(PHOTO: New Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki, (left, in white), is escorted by NTC chairman Mustafa Abdul-Jalil on his arrival at Tripoli International Airport, Libya. TRIPOLI POST) Marshall Islands

Former senator elected Marshall Islands president


Mexico tries to rally its expatriates to vote

Mexico, war crimes and a slippery slope  (Perspective)


President talks past, present, and future at honor assembly 


Moroccan king unveils Islamist-led government 


Mozambique to take up production of ARVs

New Mayors Sworn in


Burmese company to launch cheap mobile phone service

In Burmese Chanukah celebration, signs of Myanmar’s openness to the West

(PHOTO: In Uruguay, abortion decriminalization passes in Uruguay Senate LIFESITENEWS)Namibia

Tractor Shortage Delays Ploughing


Darfur hearing begins

ADB to provide loan for six water projects in Nepal

New Zealand

New Zealand's "Solar Promise" Becomes Solar Policy

Passport checks find surge in fakes


Niger's anti-corruption files burn

Charitable trust invests in sustainable agriculture in Niger with RAIN


Fuel subsidy protests spread to Lagos

Reversing the Terrorist Tide in Nigeria: The Need for Smart Power (Perspective)

(PHOTO: Omani adventurer Nabil 'Nabs' Al Busaidi became the first Arab to walk to the magnetic North Pole. AL ARABIYA)Northern Mariana Islands

Election Dispute Brewing in Northern Mariana Islands


Bible becomes 2011 bestseller in Norway


Sultanate of Oman hosts GCC Health Ministers meeting tomorrow

New civil identity cards

Oman warns over illegal surveys

Seeb project to enhance greenery in Oman

Omani explorer's North Pole trek hits big screen


Pak-Tajik intertwined in bonds of religion says Pakistan National Speaker

Pakistan, India to start power, petro trade

Nimoo-Bazgo project: Pakistan to take dam dispute to world court

An unforgiveable sin (Perspective)

(PHOTO: The North Face of the Jungfrau Mountain in Switzerland, illuminated to celebrate 100 years. JUNGFRAUBAHN)Panama

Panama's president lambasts media owners for publishing about corruption scandals


Paraguay confirms new foot-and-mouth outbreak 


Peru to celebrate National Chocolate and Cocoa Day every October 1

Controversy in Peru for Possible Junk Food Tax

Peru’s Central Bank: Poverty Rate Could Drop to 17 Percent by 2016


Disease Outbreak in Philippines after floods

Hackers attack Philippine vice president's website

Gov't plans to produce Panama disease-free banana seedlings soon

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico: status vote set as crime, unemployment rise

Violence Continues in Puerto Rico After Close of Deadliest Year

Solar energy project in Puerto Rico completes financing, receives modules

(PHOTO: February Vogue 2011, who profiled first lady of Syria Asma al-Assad as a bright light in the Middle East. FROM THE ATLANTIC WIRE) Qatar

Taliban says it will open Qatar office for talks with U.S.

Federer trounces Davydenko in Qatar Open


Romania catches up on building highways

The number of active operators in Romania's organic farming sector has tripled this year

Romania to Resume Privatization of State-Owned Energy Companies


Rwandan President Visits UAE

A New Kid On the Block Within Telecoms

Innovative Businesses to Instill Entrepreneurship Spirit

Young Motorcyclists Still Cause Most Traffic Accidents

(PHOTO: In Africa kickboxers demonstrate their tactics at their training centre in Nimera Talaata in Juba, South Sudan where the East Africa Kickboxing Championships will take place. GURTONG)Saint Kitts & Nevis 

Solar Power Industries completes new solar installation

Saint Vincent & The Grenadines

Azerbaijani President receives Premier of Saint Vincent and Grenadines (VIDEO) 


Samoa begins celebrating 50 years of independence

Samoa paper names PM as Person of Decade

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia arrests foreigner for celebrating New Year’s with balloons

Libya, Saudi Arabia to Restore Full Relations

Saudi Arabia/Islam-Media: 70% of new media related to Youth, according to Saudi Vice Minister of Culture and Information

Saudi healthcare grads snub private sector jobs


Africa's 'most famous' singer N'Dour eyes Senegal presidency


Serbian Princess to visit Halifax

(PHOTO: In Kremenchug, Ukraine’s new synagogue suffered its 2nd firebombing in as many months. CHABAD.ORG)Singapore

Greying Singapore taps robots, games in rehab

Singapore Press accuses Yahoo of plagiarism in copyright suit

Singapore's counter-terror success (Perspective)  


Slovaks made 12.5 million mobile phone calls and messages on December 31

South Africa

IMF head set for South Africa visit

Supercomputing: SA back in top 500

South Africa's holiday road death toll exceeds 1000

Controversy Over S. African Rhino Hunting

South Africa Seed Centre to Provide More, Cheaper Varieties

(PHOTO: In Taiwan, a convenience store every 500 meters. TAIWAN NEWS CHANNEL) South Korea

South Korea Lifts Ban On Travel To The North

South Korea hopes for 'new era' for Koreas

Korean mobile app Kakao Talk now sees 1 billion texts sent every day

South Sudan

South Sudanese 'massacred' after fleeing Pibor say reports

Shell eyes possible South Sudan opportunities

South Sudan To Host East African Kickboxing Championship


Spain selects site for nuclear waste storage

Spain's house prices 'have fallen significantly'

Spain: New Year brings end to bullfighting in Catalonia

New Year tradition of the 12 grapes

Sri Lanka

Lotus Tower will be South Asia’s tallest built in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka brimming with promise (Perspective)

(PHOTO: To these children in Nghe An, Vietnam, schooling is a risky adventure every day. TUOITRENEWS)Sudan

NHRI Condemns Shutting Down Ray Elsha'b Newspaper and Confiscating Its Assets

Sudan upgrading airbase in North Kordofan

Sudan Women's Advisory board 'seeks to improve health among females'

Malaria, bilharzia and filariasis endemic in South Darfur


Swine flu victim tells of six-month fight for life


Aggrieved soldiers want to see the king

Security guard threatens ATM users with knife

Some contract teachers not paid in full

Paving Paradise (Perspective)

(PHOTO: Mt Cleveland, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA could be a problem in 2012) Switzerland

Boss of World's Largest Container Shipping Line Maersk, Taken Ill

Chunk of Swiss peak breaks off in massive rockslide

Jungfrau illuminated to celebrate mountain railway centenary


Syria and Iran Discuss Agricultural Cooperation

Philippine Government seeks Syria’s help with labor trafficking

Syrian state journalist, videographer killed

The Only Remaining Online Copy of Vogue's Asma al-Assad Profile


One convenience store every 500 meters in Taiwan

Taiwan, Germany Ink Agreement to Avoid Double Taxation 

Funds to be raised for East Africa famine relief 


Number of Tanzania Internet users is 5m

Hopes dashed as fuel prices go up

Financial constraints hamper Tanzania's London 2012 Olympic preparation

Lake Zone regions capitalise on sisal growing

(PHOTO: The African ECO-Challenge is taking place in the disputed territory of Western Sahara. MOTORSPORTS.COM)Thailand

Bangkok floods, reducing urban risk in a changing climate

Public debt forecast to rise rapidly on big borrowing

Thailand switches to Euro IV standard for gasoil, gasoline

Logistics sector needs to be prepared for emergencies (Perspective)

The Arctic

Solar charging panel generates call time for test team

The Netherlands

Dutch pension fund puts Walmart, PetroChina on investment blacklist


Sending money home crucial for many immigrants

Trinidad and Tobago

Facebook and Trini life

Sabga pleads for efficient importation of pain medication for cancer patients

Former Chamber head backs removal of fuel subsidy in Trinidad and Tobago (Perspective)


Tunisian President on First State Trip Abroad Visits Libya

Tunisia is keen to strengthen relationship with India

Mother Plans Rally to Demand Return of Her Children

'Rouge Parole' by Tunisian director Baccar opens in Theaters On January 4th

Turks and Caicos

Expectation high for new tourism season


GCC, Turkey to discuss investment

Tuberculosis still prevalent in Turkey


DO highlights island migration


Gay Activists Lash Out At Nsaba Buturo

Ugandans Abroad Want to Get More Involved in Business

Minister Storms Radio Station, Orders Arrests


Ukraine Synagogue Firebombed a Second Time in Two Months

Activ Solar completes Europe’s largest solar power plant

United Arab Emirates

Emirates Airline buys UK travel agent

UAE Facebook penetration rates among highest globally, while female use in the region lags

Seven new rules in UAE as new year starts

UAE’s Abu Dhabi facing water shortages

Young Future Energy Leaders Program

UAE camel festival features beauty contests, races

Volvo Ocean Race: Telefonica resumes Leg 2 tomorrow

Forecasts differ on the Dubai real estate market

UAE National ID card application and renewal can now be done online

Dubai gets own fog monitoring stations

United Kingdom

Mesothelioma Kills Over 150 Residents of Gwent, England

UK Faces Private Sector Pensions 'Collapse' (Video)

United States

Backgrounder: U.S. presidential nomination process and Iowa caucuses

Latest US military drone features 1.8 gigapixel camera

There's a New Volcano to Worry About, and This Time It's in the USA

Marines fighting mold problem at Parris Island

Congressman Ron Paul on Autism in America

US: Harsh Conditions for Young Lifers (Human Rights Watch report)

30 Statistics That Show The Middle Class Is Dying Right In Front Of Our Eyes (Perspective)


Abortion decriminalization passes in Uruguay Senate

Uruguay’s citrus industry in the dumps due to rising costs


Armenian Grigoryan to open boxing school in Uzbekistan 


Vanuatu’s President to be medi-vacced to Australia

Young players off to Vanuatu

Vatican City 

Vatican agency says at least 26 church workers killed in 2011


Investment remains stagnant in 2011

Venezuelan TV shows will make it in Hollywood, a firm hopes


Schooling in Vietnam: a stark contrast (Photos)

Vietnam has fewer than 50 wild tigers left 

Vietnam handbag exports cross US$1bn-mark

Search for missing Vinalines Queen Ship continues, Four days on

Falling home prices in Vietnam a positive development: ministry   

Western Sahara 

CCR: Schlesser keeps Africa Eco Race lead after stage 5


Yemen PM to visit GCC countries Saturday to seek support

Yemen: On the Permaculture Map


Soya bean shortage concerns Zambian poultry industry

Diarrhea second leading cause of death in Zambia


Workers at Zimbabwe's Shabanie Mine Paid for First Time in Three Years

Growing risk of waterborne diseases in rural areas

Air Zimbabwe suspends flights to London after one of its planes is impounded over unpaid debts

2011 Art Year in Retrospect

China Pledge to Develop Martial Arts Wushu in Zimbabwe


Where film is a risky biz

How mobile is reshaping the globe

Meeting food demands

Maggie Padlewska One-Woman Mission to Document Global Voices(PHOTO: Maggie Padlewska interviews Chief Antillano Flaco of Embera Quera Village, Panama, for the pilot documentary of her "One Year One World" project. (Elvin Flaco) EPOCH TIMES)


THE HUM - WORLD HEADLINES - January 3, 2012


(PHOTO: Uzbekistan's railway leading from Afghanistan to Mazar-e-Sharif. TOLO News) Afghan traders are to be hit with high extra fee to transport goods to Mazar-e-Sharif via Uzbekistan's railway


Report: Algerian troops kill leader of N. African al-Qaeda offshoot

Algeria sentences Qaeda leader to life


First prison for young offenders starts functioning this year 


Pilot Project in Argentina Assists Victims in Reporting Rape

Dakar rider dies on home stage

Daily Dakar Diary | Day 1 - Comeback kid takes first stage


Fairmont hotels goes for expansion to Azerbaijan

(PHOTO: Economist Dambisa Moyo. One of 5 Zambian women to watch in 2012. UKZAMBIANS) Bangladesh

Bangladesh out of piracy-prone nations' list 


Barbadians win in Commonwealth short story contest

Legendary Barbados cinema closes


Benin Metropolis Requires N200bn To Fix


Internal audit on teacher nominations


Bolivia Officially Withdrawn from UN Drug Convention


Bosnia approves 2011 state budget to avoid collapse

Brunei Darussalam

iPad-wielded waiters will serve you


Fish catches from Lake Tanganyika, Burundi going down


Asean Presidency a Chance for Improved Credibility for Cambodia: Analysts

Aquatic action ushers in the new year

Chinese firms eye $500m rice investment


Four of six wildfires in Chile reported to be under control

(PHOTO: British actor who played Darth Vader in Star Wars, Bob Anderson, dies. GALATIA FILMS)Christmas Island 

Carrot and stick to control refugees (Video)

Cocos Islands

Papers show: king had to go


Colombia, Followed by Mexico Lead in Number of Religious Workers Killed in 2011

Colombian law on victim compensation takes effect

Congo (DRC)

DR Congo beefs up security after deadly jail violence

UN report calls for action to clean up Congo’s minerals trade and end impunity

DRC Senate Chief Hospitalized in Paris After New Years Eve Attack


Croatia to withdraw genocide lawsuit - FM

(PHOTO: Textile makers are in the same turbulent boat as many other local exporters in Vietnam. VIETNAM INVESTMENT REVIEW)Cuba

Cuba, an Inspiration to LatAm, Says Nicaraguan President 


Cyprus Health Ministry to tackle faulty breast implants

Dumped baby shocks Cyprus 


Danish monarchy polls as Europe’s most popular

Denmark takes up EU presidency with little sway on crisis


Ecuador vows to push Yasuni jungle protection plan


Mubarak trial adjourns 

(PHOTO: World Record Ring set in Ukraine. SHRENUJ & CO.) El Salvador

U.S. Ambassador Leaves El Salvador


Role of Handicraft in Familiarizing Nation's Tourism Resources Stressed

Chinese group to pay $80m-plus for Chalice's Eritrean gold project

AfDB invests $19.2m into Eritrea’s education sector


Forests are the key to Estonian growth (Perspective)


Ethiopia, Japan sign water project agreement


PM heeds call for education


French women groups protest FIFA decision to endorse hijab 

(PHOTO: Nicaragua Plans to Extend the San Juan River Dredging Operations on border with Costa Rica. DREDGING TODAY)French Polynesia

Progress in eradicating Elephantaisis


Government to meeting with citizens in Diaspora

Gaza and West Bank

Prospects for Palestine in 2012 (Perspective)  


European Supervolcano Showing Signs of Life


Ghana Removes Fuel Subsidy


Greece's recession refugees show it's time for a debate about good breeding (Perspective)


Guam collision rate twice US average

(PHOTO: Bootleggers in UAE who are supplying liquor to labour camps. SUPPLIED) Guatemala

Sinaloa Cartel Shifting Meth Production to Guatemala


UN Gen. Sec. Condemns Use of Force in Guinea-Bissau 


Pres. Ramotar makes stirring appeal for "genuine" govt-opposition cooperation

Guyana, Germany ink deal to protect Amazon  


Holding Honduras accountable (Perspective)


A global university rises in one of India’s most remote corners

Made-in-India coffees are ‘instant' hit abroad

Landfill in Uran wetlands affecting migratory birds

India is the world's spam central

The Dalai Lama begins ten-day Kalachakra teachings

(PHOTO: A nurse at Mulago hospital, Uganda speaks to MPs about the countrys shortage of nurses. UGANDA HEALTH NEWS) Indonesia

New Skills Help Build a Better Life in West Java

Protesters chase parishioners over ‘friendly Islam’ sticker

Indonesian garbage helps save environment


Drilling 30 oil wells in Turkmenistan earns Iran $300 million 


Iraq's Sunni muslim finance minister survives car bombing


Internet freedom will be priority of Ireland’s OSCE leadership

Ivory Coast

TV Presenter Freed Conditionally After Being Held for Five Months


Jamaican Women to Watch in 2012

National development challenges facing the incoming government in Jamaica (Perspective)

(PHOTO: The musician Alison Andrews performs in Dubai. ALICE JOHNSON)Jordan

Oil will keep GCC warm if the world freezes over (Perspective)


Kazakhstan launches environmental initiatives (Video)


Ivory poaching on the rise thanks to Asian demand and a legal loophole

Kenya boat capsize near Lamu 'kills six'


1st VP congratulates Kyrgyz Prime Minister on election win


Macau assured of safe produce during Spring Festival  


Kiro Gligorov, architect of Macedonian independence, dies at 94

(PHOTO: A rural village in Zambia, struggling with urbanisation. MIRAM ZIMBA, TIMES OF ZAMBIA) Malawi

TransWorld Radio Malawi tagline changes


Malaysia preps for new Pinewood studio


Green Muslims have been nominated as some of the most influential Muslim leaders of 2011


Maltese delegation to visit Saudi Arabia


Over one million Mauritanians could face severe food crisis - IFRC 


Same-Sex Marriages Legal in Cancun


Micronesian college names new president

(PHOTO: From the `Light from Life' exhibition opening in the UAE. GULFTODAY) Mongolia

Second Mongolian-language TV Channel Begins Broadcast 

Boxers in Mongolia training


Morocco still without cabinet, row over Islamist minister


Malawi to save millions from Mozambique railway line


High alert sounded on Indo-Nepal border

UP district in India bans poultry imports from Nepal

Netherlands Antilles

(PHOTO: Rare sea turtles sightings around the island of St. Eustatius are at risk with new oil terminal planned. GOOGLE EARTH) New Worries About Oil Terminal Risks on St. Eustatius Island


Nicaragua Plans to Extend San Juan Dredging Operations


Protests as fuel prices soar in Nigeria

Northern Mariana Islands

Crossed fingers for 2012 


Oman daily vows to appeal journalists’ jail terms


Palau enters race against climate change

Palau gets Solar Powered Airport


Differing views on repair time for Bridge of the Americas

Tourism boss wants extra $1 million for Carnaval

Panama Prepares Jazz Festival 

(PHOTO: UNICEF Nutrition Officer Dr. Rajia Sharhan holds a young child at a therapeutic feeding centre in Sana'a, the Yemeni capital . UNICEF) UNICEF Yemen 2011 HalldorssonPeru

Peru doubled organic exports over last 4 years

Weak Environmental Impact Studies for Mines


Philippines to release funds for infrastructure projects

Tuberculosis in the Philippines: 10 things you should know 


EU champions Poland's space project

Puerto Rico

Not Yet a State, Puerto Rico Practices Good Governance (Perspective)


Environmental Protest in Front of Qatari Embassy


The healthcare system in Romania is gravely ill

Poll: Romanians watch TV for business news, only 3% read newspapers and magazines

Amazing photos of Ice Hotel in Romania

(PHOTO: Mekong Delta Ports Need Dredging say authorities. DREDGING TODAY) Russia

Moscow to rank among world's ten biggest megalopolises in 2012


Rwandans Welcome HPV Vaccine Program

Saint Kitts & Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis Moves Closer to Wind Energy and Solar Power Goals


Bad timing for some Samoans

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia to apply law for women only to sell lingerie


Serbian drivers facing problems entering Croatia


The Seychelles Adds Guernsey TIEA

(PHOTO: A man works at a steel factory in Que Vo District, outside Hanoi . THAN NIEN DAILY)Slovakia

President Gašparovič says Slovakia will face difficult times ahead

South Africa

Thousands expected at ANC's 100th bash

South Sudan

UN: Up to 50,000 flee South Sudan tribal turmoil


Unemployed Spaniards set their sights on South America

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka plans to earn One Billion U.S. Dollars from tourism this year


Suriname starts stabilization fund


(PHOTO: Swedes choose social media over texting, FLICKR) Swedes choose social media over texting


Coca-Cola accused of propping up notorious Swaziland dictator


Assad cousin denied entry to Switzerland

Syria sought nuclear know-how from Pakistan's Khan in 1980, 2002

Comedy amidst Syrian tragedy

How is Syria affecting Arab business? (Perspective)


Runway at Taiwan's biggest airport set to re-open after repairs

Nuclear concerns dominate Taiwan environmental poll

Vice presidential candidates exchange fire over ability to govern

Gender equality department launched in Taiwan

Taiwan cuts compulsory military service to 4 months

(PHOTO: Kulwa Saimon (23), an aids patient in Tanzania and sucessful entrepreneur. IPP MEDIA) Lung cancer study makes gain

Taiwan cyclists set world record for mass bike ride


Farmers want compensation for crops affected by oil spill

Growers plan grand mango show in Dar Es Salaam

After admission, Kulwa lives well with HIV-Aids


Global Chip Sales Down on Thailand Flooding

Thailand: 165 killed on roads over first three days

Honda scraps 1,000 flood-ravaged cars in Thailand

Mobile world gets ready for breakout year in Thailand

Poll: Corruption a major problem

The Arctic

Arctic mystery: What killed the ozone, and will it strike again?


Tonga is worlds fattest country

(PHOTO: At left, ozone in Earth's stratosphere at an altitude of about 20 kilometers in mid-March 2011, near the peak of the Arctic ozone loss. At right, chlorine monoxide — the primary agent of chemical ozone destruction in the cold polar lower stratosphere — for the same day and altitude. NASA) Trinidad and Tobago

TV6 raid 'disappoints' press institute

Transparency body: Top cop must explain show of force at TV6


Tunisian Border Patrol Exchanges Fire with Armed Libyans

560 French PIP Breast Implants Implanted in Tunisian Women

Tunisia Celebrates Its Sense of Humor With Comedy Festival

Tunisia Repossesses Property of Ben Ali’s Son-in-Law in Canada


Turkey's first hydrogen boat produced 

Number of Chinese tourists expected to increase in Chinese Culture Year in Turkey


Government urged to recruit more nurses

Universities urged to emphasize marketable courses

Govt to develop a special needs education policy

Lower food prices push down inflation

Crime syndicate busted in Western Uganda

(PHOTO: Mysterious disease strikes Uganda. "The major symptom of the disease is the continuous nodding of the head")World Bank mineral development support to Uganda ends

Warid Telecom launches mobile money service (Uganda)

Mysterious disease hits Uganda


Ukraine foreign minister calls for more Saudi investments

Record Number of Diamonds Set in One Ring

United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi residents face threat of severe water shortage

UAE bands are finding their voice

Bootleggers active again in UAE labour camps

Interview: On a mission to conserve the environment

New Porsche Design BlackBerry in UAE

YahLive, Etisalat partner on satellite uplink services

No ‘Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ for UAE movie fans

Plastic industry set to grow rapidly in Gulf countries

Emirates Steel eyes more expansion to reach 6.5 mln tpa

‘Light from life’ exhibition opens 

United Kingdom

UK prime minister tells country 2012 will be tough, promises to tackle financial excess

UK hopes for feel-good Games in austere age

Renewable energy boosts UK economy by £2.5bn

Facebook Blamed In A Third Of UK Divorces

Former Great Britain Olympic fencer and Star Wars actor `Darth Vader’ Anderson dies

UK: East Yorkshire farm benefits from sprouts bonanza

United States

Mosque Attack Stuns US Muslims

Three arrested in U.S. for selling stem cell ‘miracle cures’ for terminal diseases

The FDA Fast Tracks a Vaccine to Fight Pneumonia in Older Adults

Short Sales of Homes Increasing

IT companies feel the pinch as US holds back L-1 visas

Survey Declares Boston As America’s Drunkest City

Tennessee claims title of U.S. prescription drug capital

Americans deserve the deficit facts (Perspective)

New App Predicts Next U.S. President (Press release)

US Virgin Islands

(PHOTO: Remnants of an original sugar mill at the entrance to the Cruzan Rum Distillery. LAINE DOSS)oss Rum Diary: Touring the Cruzan Rum Distillery (Pictures)


Uzbekistan in 2012, will increase funding for the construction of roads by 60.8%

Child 12 years old in Uzbekistan embarrass soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo (Video)

President of Uzbekistan Provides Tax Preferences to Media


Vanuatu PM Reiterates Stand Against Corruption


Venezuela in debt no matter higher oil prices

MOVIES: Gustavo Dudamel returns to theaters


Vietnam private sector squeezed by rising costs 

Vietnam garment industry urged to focus on green energy

Exports braced to take hit in 2012

Vietnam: Plenty of good fruit but low prices

Vietnam imposes tariff on petrol imports

Vehicular fires continue in Vietnam, still puzzling

Mekong Delta Ports Need Dredging Program

Journalist arrested on bribery charges in Vietnam metro 

Vietnam levies environment tax on five product groups

The highlights of the Vietnamese games market in 2011 

Charity TV programme raises 6.6 trillion VND for the poor

Central Vietnam boast the most beautiful beaches in the country


Eleven Yemeni coastguards drowned

Yemen to take part in GCC health ministers meeting

New island born in Red Sea

Interview: Rajia Sharhan of UNICEF Yemen on malnutrition


Zambia releases Czech ‘spies’

5 Zambian Women to watch in 2012

NHA to build affordable houses countrywide

Jealous hubby to hang

Blast at Zambia steel factory injures 11

Support small-scale women miners urge banks for support

'Education key to curbing drug abuse'

Women's movement against death penalty

Freedom of Information law a reality - Lubinda (Perspective)

Challenges of urbanisation in Zambia (Perspective)

Music has transformed politics - Dr Kaseba (Perspective)


Media activist Moyse charged with undermining Mugabe

Zimbabwe's Health Ministry Targets Diarrheal Diseases in New Year

Armed Robbers Steal Diamond Ore from Marange Resources

ZRP calls for review of the Criminal Law, consider women as potential rapists

Govt needs to assists farmers to increase yield for wheat and maize: ZFU (Perspective)




Albanian authorities seize ton of marijuana

(PHOTO: Paro Airport in Bhutan is said to be the world's most dangerous airport. FLICKR)Andorra 

Andorra gets a taste of taxation


New dawn in Antarctic awareness (Perspective)

Antigua & Barbuda 

Christmas Pantry provides food to 26 families


Man caught with suitcase of snakes at airport security

Argentine women face rising violence (Video)


Vodka production drops in Armenia 


Australia joins crackdown on animal smuggling

Australian Navy races to rescue Iranians in distress


Austria's economic growth not exceed 0.4 pct for 2012 

Julie Andrews To Return To Austria for New Year's Gala

(PHOTO: Paraguay health workers begin strike. PRENSA LATINA) Azerbaijan

Modern road and transport infrastructure to be created in Azerbaijan - President

Azerbaijan tightens control of mobile telephone

Azerbaijan prepares to donate digital decoders to needy

Azerbaijani army has weapons, but lacks strength and power  (Perspective)


Airport unions threaten action


Bahrain to host new Saudi news network 


Solar power lights up Bangladesh

Bangladesh hikes retail prices of oil products by 6 cents/liter

Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus seeks court review of his removal from Grameen Bank


Barbados implements second phase of Lionfish Response Plan


Belarus proposes 20% rate hike for Russian oil transshipments

Belarus and Georgia discuss cooperation in agriculture

Belarus receives modern air defense missiles from Russia


Galileo Transmits First Navigation Signal 


Where Will You Be When The World Does Not End In 2012


Benin boosts cotton production

Guinness to revolutionise beer production with new input in Benin


(PHOTO: A model of a Bermuda home circa 1612. ROYAL GAZETTE)S&P cuts Bermuda’s sovereign credit rating

One Bermuda Alliance emerges, but UBP survives

Go-ahead is given to recreate Bermuda’s earliest dwellings


Could this be the world's most dangerous airport? (VIDEO)


Bolivia’s Morales wants UN to lift ban on chewing coca leaves in 2012

Diplomat’s phone, wallet stolen at party

Bolivian President Evo Morales defends Chile border dispute stance


Bosnia pledges new cabinet ending political stalemate

Agreement reached on Bosnian government

Bosnian newspaper battles the odds in a changing community


(PHOTO: Burchell's zebra at the Boteti River in Botswana. Jill Worrall)Boteti's life-giving waters flow again


Brazil to ban sales of French-made breast implants

Brunei Darussalam 

The Sultan of Brunei Comes to Los Angeles


At least 1500 Bulgarian women have PIP breast implants

Romanian Tourists Fill Up Bulgarian Black Sea Resorts for New Year's

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso bans cocktails during official ceremonies


RFI reporter faces terrorism trial in Burundi


Water: The Taps Have Run Dry


Hun Sen Calls for More Talks on NGO Law

(PHOTO: A vendor of traditional medicine at Phnom Penh’s Orussey market tends his wares. PHNOM PENH POST)Staying on both sides of the medical fence

K-Pop romances resonate with Cambodian readers

Pol Pot's Abandoned Airport

Croc skins new focus for farmers

Youth of the week: Bieng Raiya


Canada's economy 2nd best among G7, Germany rated as top performer 

Asbestos Canada’s latest sin

Good news outweighs bad for Canada's boreal forest in 2011: report

Hallucinogenic 'bath salts' entering Canada

Canada ranks 23rd in world happiness, poll says

Should Canada try to regain its seat on the UN Security Council? (Perspective)


Chile’s student protests claims second education minister; agriculture minister also resigns

Boosted by Brazilians, Chile received 3 million tourists in 2011, up 11%

Chile Volcano Continues to Blow Off Steam


China declares plans for mission to the moon

China, Nigeria team up for broadcasting satellite launch

China's big 2012 bets: South Africa rocks, Seychelles port? (Perspective)

Bank of China plans Romanian market entry in 2012

Christmas Island

Asylum translates into SBS profit


ERPAC demobilization was media show: NGO  (Perspective)

Colombia's murder rate lowest in 26 years: Police

'FARC to release 6 hostages in January'

Colombian Navy seizes 130 kilos of explosives near Pacific port town


Congo bans 69 Chinese fishing boats

Congo (DRC)

(PHOTO: Cholera beds. UN NEWS CENTRE)Cholera outbreak in DR Congo near end in one area but ongoing in two others

I wanna be like you: Kanzi, the ape who HAS learned the secret of man's red fire and loves nothing more than a good fry-up

Cook Islands

Cook Islands government rationalises agencies

Mike Pero Real Estate Expands Into Cook Islands

Costa Rica 

China pulls out its wallet, seeking power in Central America


Croatian Industrial Output Declines In November

Croatia PM says EU referendum 'millennium' decision

Some 285,000 passengers went through Zadar airport this year

New Croatian Embassies in Qatar and South Korea

Ban Ki-Moon's Croatian trip

Mike Tyson to visit Croatia

First adults only hotel opens in Croatia


Some 134,000 South Americans Traveled to Cuba in 2011 


Number of children classed as 'poor' in Cyprus increases

Not our fault say Cyprus post office

Czech Republic

Czech police accuse three of tax evasion for 2.6 billion crowns

East Timor

East Timor celebrates medical milestone, with Cuba's assistance (Video)


Nearly Five Million People with Internet Access in Ecuador

Ecuador Increases Minimum Wage to 292 USD per Month 


Egyptian minister, Tunisian ambassador discuss economic crises

‘Egypt's farmers need to be made more aware’

El Salvador

Elderly couple make a 'dream' home from plastic bottles


National Youth Conference to Conclude Today


Estonians rarely withdraw small banknotes from ATMs

Food Bank Wraps Up Holiday Charity Project


IOM requests funding to repatriate Ethiopian migrants in Yemen

In famine-stricken Ethiopia, a Saudi company leases land to grow and export rice

Ethiopian Power Company Announces Failure to Outsource Management

Ethiopian Company Assembles New Model Car

Ethiopia`s Rural Poor to Benefit from $100 Million in UN Loans and Grants

Ethiopian Airlines Begins Service to Oman’s Capital Muscat

Falkland Islands

Falkland Island flagged vessels banned from South American ports


Finland experiences exceptionally warm winter


Bygone times: The incredible colour photos that capture a world on the brink of permanent change


Gambia-Population: 'Gambia, one of the most densely populated countries in sub-Saharan Africa'


Julio Iglesias to perform in Batumi, Georgia on New Years Eve


Germany Produces Twice As Many Cars As The US, At Double The Salary

All eyes on German renewable energy efforts

New children's channel to launch in Germany


Ghana, Ethiopia To Deepen Trade Relations

Ghana’s fuel price increases due to IMF pressure – Report


Grenada detains 2 police officers in death of Toronto man


Leaders resolve to improve Guam


Guatemala Updates National Heritage List 


West African bloc says Bissau unrest 'unacceptable'

The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union Visits Guinea- Bissau


Haiti: Electoral Council Members Fired by Presidential Decree

Haiti’s Coffee Comeback Aided by Canadian


Honduras: Outstanding Female Work against Crime

Solar power use expands in South America


(PHOTO: Hungarian sculptor Erno Toth created the life-sized likeness of Jobs at the behest of Gabor Bojar, the man in charge at Graphisoft, a company associated with Apple for decades. GRAPHISOFT)Roubini sees threat of 2012 collapse in Hungary

Vodafone Hungary's clients send 9 mln SMS, MMS around Xmas

Homeless in Hungary face jail for sleeping rough  (Video)

Judge In Hungary Arrested On Corruption Charges

Government wishes to stop doctors from resigning en masse

Steve Jobs statue unveiled in Hungary (with iPhone in hand)


Record breaking December snow in Iceland

New Year’s Eve live stream direct from Reykjavik (Press Release)


World Health Energy Holdings plans algae project in India

Encephalitis toll climbs to 643 in eastern UP

Mumbai's Dharavi: The world where millionaires meet the miserables

India invites Taiwan PC makers to bid for Aakash tablet PC project

India issues cyclone warning along the southeastern coast

Dalai Lama calls on people to think 'world first’


Indonesia to address overpopulation

Indonesia put on avian flu alert


Iranian Envoy Calls for Syria's Swift Action to Release Abducted Nationals

Iran, U.S. tangle over Straits of Hormuz as U.S. says there are 'red lines' Iran can't cross

Iran boasts 'really easy' to close Hormuz Strait


Iraq Ambassador Said For Looking Into Possibility Of Supplies Of Iraqi Oil To Europe Via Ukraine

US pushes ahead with arms deal to Iraq 


Customs seize cigarette haul


Pour Man: Israel grows as winemaker

Ivory Coast

UN alarmed by reports of human rights violations in Ivory Coast  


In surprise landslide, Jamaican opposition wins back power


Soyuz Scores Successful Globalstar Launch

Task of Modernizing Ancient Villages of Kazakhstan


(PHOTO: Kenya road accident kills seven on Friday morning involving a matatu, a light truck and a motorcyclist at Sigona on the Nairobi-Nakuru highway. CAPITOL FM NEWS) 7 killed in crash on Kenyan highway

Mombasa Airport Attracts More Airlines

KEMRI to produce haemorrhagic fever kits


Kiribati elections delayed


Protests in Kosovo over Swiss extradition


Sharp increase in taxi fares around Kuwait

Banning hubbly-bubbly smoking (Perspective)


Laos, Thailand, Vietnam Build Economic Axis

Dam in nature-rich 'Jewel of Laos' underway

Laos' continued development fraught with challenges


Latvia's growth 'to be influenced by EU economic issues'

Eight out of Latvian largest agricultural land owners belong to foreign companies – fully or partly, according to the State Land Service's data.

Up to 10,000 Russian guests could visit Latvia in New Year

Winterfest Music Festival Latvia


Bombs, threats ahead of New Year in Lebanon resort 

Film, it still is a girl and a gun (Perspective)


The Pre-Xmas Chaos in Monrovia: What Really Went Wrong? (Perspective)


Libyan Airlines and Afriquiyah in merger talks to fly again


Wages in Lithuania to see less increase than planned


(PHOTO: Picasso's `Head of a Woman' showing in Macedonia. MACEDONIAn NEWS AGENCY) Thousands of Macedonians Get Bulgarian Passports

Dnevnik: There are 1,842 churches, 580 mosques in Macedonia

Activities towards improving the working conditions of doctors and their status will contnue, says (FYR) Macedonia's health minister

New airports biggest project in 2011, road infrastructure priority in 2012

Macedonian cable operators faced with TV rights issues

'Arch Macedonia' to open First in 2012

Picasso Masterpiece in Skopje Unavailable to Public since 1963


‘Made in Madagascar’ Textile Products Sold In China

Madagascar Economy Shows Slow Growth At 0.7 Per Cent

Ten People Reported Missing In Wreck Off Cape Masoala

Toamasina Road Accident Leaves Five Dead, 40 Injured

New Madagascan Sub-Centre Boosts African SAR Coverage


Malawi officials must protect people, not IMF: President

Malawi suspends maize exportation


‘Red alert’ in Malaysia over drug trafficking

Get set for waves of excitement at International surfing competition, Malaysia

‘Horrible year for elephants’ (Perspective)


Maldives orders hundreds of luxury resorts to close spas after religious protest


What Really Happened in Malta This September When Contagious Bird Flu Was First Announced?

Malta toasts record tourism year 

Marshall Islands

Marshall Opposition claims it has the numbers to install president

US Environmental Protection Agency pushes for delay to Majuro dredging plan


Youths call for united Maghreb


Cancun Plans to Pass Gay Marriage Bill to Attract Tourists

Mexico is Getting Colder, More Humanitarian Aid 

Mexico slowly picks up the pace on imports


Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moldova: Moldovan media become less professional (Perspective)  


(PHOTO: Montenegro Actor Žarko Laušević. B92)Pardoned actor sues Montenegro for human rights violations


Is Morocco really ready for a mega mall?


Sofala Prepared for Possible Floods

Mozambique has large natural gas reserves in Inhambane and Rovuma


Myanmar sets by-election date: Government official

Myanmar's Suu Kyi to meet George Soros: spokesman

Myanmar gov't, Mongla armed group sign six-point peace agreement


(PHOTO: The Extractionator, an external permanent magnet – the silver cube – pulls specially coated magnetic beads through a series of chambers to purify and filter a biological sample. Susan Urmy Vanderbilt University)Gates-funded 'Extractionator' targets malaria in remote areas


Climbers to play soccer on Everest

Nepal‚ China sign tourism promotion pact

New Zealand

Kiwis pack a punch on world sporting table


Public-Private Partnership Boosts Clean Energy in Nicaragua


(PHOTO: Ambassador Felix Oboro, the Nigerian Ambassador to Venezuela) Nigerian ambassador searched for drugs in Venezuela

The Slums Of Nigeria Become A Fashion Haven

North Korea

North Korean Refugees Seek Freedom Via Thailand


Oslo's High Court Turns down Gay man's application for Asylum


Oman unaffected by global turmoil: IMF

Oman and India renew MoU on defence ties 


Pakistan-Iran  gas pipeline is Pakistan’s priority: FO 

Indo-Pak relationship gets a new face

Saudi Arabia to provide $172m soft loan to Pakistan


Off the beaten path, Palau offers a sea of surprises


Panama:  Minister of Agricultural Development Resigns

Manuel Noriega Returns to Panama

Papua New Guinea

Fish kills two men by biting off their testicles

Mine in PNG shut down by landowners’ protest


Health Workers Strike Begins in Paraguay 

Paraguayan Govt. Defends Sovereignty over Land Rules 


Peru to receive over 1.5 million visitors during Dakar Rally

Peruvians Protest Gold Mine Construction

Peru took important steps towards social inclusion (Perspective)


More evacuations in flood-hit Philippines

State-of-art weather info systems to cost Philippines P16B


Poland grants amnesty to illegal immigrants 


Portuguese firefighters go on strike (Video)  


Qatar regional hub for organ transplants: Surgeon


Ethnic Hungarian parties in Romania support new election law

Romanian Government doubles royalties for gold, platinum and silver

Roman metropolis found in Romania

Number of Romania's organic farmers triples this year

Romania's largest ski area opens at Poiana Brasov mountain resort


National Milk Campaign to Begin Next Week

War On Drugs Taken to the Grassroots


Samoa Skips a Day in Time

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia provides Yemen half million tons of fuel

(PHOTO: Shobra Palace in Taif, Saudi Arabia. AN) Palaces to be turned into cultural centers

Family-Friendly Florida Sports Pub Inks First Overseas Franchise Deal in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain


Senegal opposition figure charged with murdering rival


Greek and Cypriot Energy Companies to Build Serbian Hydro Power Plants


Seychelles President receives FIFA President (Press Release)


Singaporeans wealthy but unhappy

Electricity tariffs to go up from tomorrow


Bomb explodes overnight in front of Slovakian McDonalds

Poll: Number of Slovaks believing the country is on right track drops

Tourists from Russia and Ukraine spending winter holidays in Tatras


Slovenian Inflation Eases In December

Petrol prices in Slovenia will climb to a new record high

Solomon Islands

PM gives OK to Royal visit

We are all losers today, Sisilo tells WTO Ministerial Conference


MSF deeply shocked and saddened by the killing of two staff members in a serious incident in Mogadishu, Somalia

Money-transfer businesses in Minnesota stop accepting money bound for Somalia

South Africa

South African N.G.O.s Face Donor Funding Crisis

South Korea

Godfather of S.Korean democracy movement dies 

Sri Lanka

National Geographic names Sri Lanka among “Best Trips for 2012″

Sri Lanka's national exam results mess an attempt to push students for private universities

Sri Lanka holidaymakers tell of horror slaying of Red Cross hero from Rochdale


Running on empty, Sudanese refugees urged to leave unsafe border site


Suriname wants to scrap Sinterklaas festivities


'500,000 Swedes' risk jail time for filesharing


Agro-dealers finally establish association

Government spends E140m annually in elderly grants

Being gay is demonic – Thuli Rudd (Perspective)


Syria`s People Assembly passes Bill on Establishing National Fund for Investment

Syria: Where the mobile is mightier than the gun (Perspective)

After months of unrest, still no light at the end of Syria’s tunnel  (Perspective)  


(PHOTO: Taiwan News Channel) Taiwan monitoring China's new satellite navigation system: MND

Taiwan's fingerprinting plan decried as discriminatory

Taiwan's first lady makes first campaign commercial

Taiwan's elderly population projected to double in 14 years

Taiwan sees record number of international visitors

Taiwan to Pour NT$52 B. into Bolstering New Media Industry

Taiwan to build 60 battery exchange stations for green cars

Website launched to promote Taiwanese comics 


Anticorruption Billboards Erected In Tajikistan


Pushing Vehicles Stuck in the Mud

Firm seeks capital to boost rare earth mine in Tanzania

Red Cross checking disease outbreaks in Dar es Salaam camps

Night Club's Beam sends panic in Nakonde


Thailand's orchid exports

Airports of Thailand served 66 million passengers in 2011

Coast dancer battles dengue in Thailand

Thailand flooding still affecting local companies (in Pennsylvania, USA)

The Netherlands

Johannes Heesters dies at 108; Dutch-born entertainer performed in Nazi Germany

(PHOTO: Authorities find bullets in dead elephant in Vietnam. VIETNAM NEWS AGENCY) Tonga

Tonga’s King promotes a private university for the Kingdom

Trinidad and Tobago

We must act now to save T&T (Perspective)


Tunisian hackers, online activists come together to form alliance

Kuwaiti Ambassador meets with new Tunisian PM

Turks and Caicos

117 Fleeing Haiti by Boat Detained in Turks & Caicos


Turk-Russian Gas Deal Follows Azeri Accord

Turkey approves South Stream pipeline construction

Turkey and Azerbaijan to build gas pipeline to Europe 

Turkey to beef up missile system

Turkey takes giant leap toward Africa, prioritizes Somalia on agenda

Turkey secures place on world music map in 2011

Turkey's only all-Armenian village a lens to the past

Turkey needs to do more to improve human rights (Perspective)


Turkmenistan President Meets Afghan Commerce and Industries Minister

Registration of Presidential Candidates Starts in Turkmenistan

Turkemenistan transforms itself to attract tourists (Video)


Tuvalu preparing for 2012 king tide season


NGO Bosses Arrested Over Bribery Claim


Five killed in Ukraine bank robbery 

Photovoltaics in Ukraine: Activ Solar commissions final phase of Solar Power Station

World Bank downgrades Ukraine GDP growth outlook

United Arab Emirates

Kanye West, Jay-Z Play Sweet 16 Party in Dubai for $6 Million

Chitra Roy to perform in the UAE on New Years Eve

Coldplay Pick Up $1.5m for New Year’s Eve Gig in UAE

Lindsay Lohan I Will NOT Party in Dubai

Another Asian mowed down by overspeeding teenager in UAE

Child Slavery on the Arabian Peninsula

GCC red crescent societies to form unified technical office

UAE broadband, fixed line network sharing plan postponed

Was Groupon Unprepared for the UAE? (Perspective)

United Kingdom

Elderly care in England 'in crisis', charity warns

United States

Panama Canal Expansion May Force US West Coast Ports to Reinvest to Compete 

Is the U.S. Getting Older and Whiter, or Younger and More Diverse? Yes. (Perspective)


Uruguay hikes rates 75bps

Uruguay: Slight Increase in Population, According to Census

Metallica singer Hetfield throws stones at lensmen in Uruguay, lashes out at paparazzi in Uruguay 


(PHOTO: Lukoil) Lukoil sees first gas at Uzbek site


New Zealand suspends aid to Vanuatu’s passport programme

Kiwi shot dead in Vanuatu in land dispute


Venezuela offers surgery to remove breast implants

Venezuela's local production of cars down 40% in four years

Venezuela to Open up Massive Natural Gas Field with European Investment

Venezuela To Buy Arms From Russia


(PHOTO: Vietnam Tourism logo) Vietnam oil output on the rise

Vietnam seafood exports rise by 20 percent year on year

Vietnam lacks leisure centers for children, investors hesitant to pour money in

Green business forum on climate opens in Vietnam

Bullets found in Vietnam dead elephant

Vietnam flight delayed as man sleeps in airplane's engine 

Vietnam announces new logo, slogan for tourism

Western Sahara

World Leaders in Their Underpants #90 (Perspective)


Interview: Geert Cappelaere of UNICEF on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

Yemen workers demand reform

New island forms in Red Sea off Yemen: NASA

2011, Year of Change in Yemen


Zambia, China sign three economic agreements

Death penalty must go —rights body

Minister bemoans rise in gender-based violence

Feature - Appointments of more women to public office win kudos for PF

Fresh View Cinema – first 3d Theatre in Zambia opens

Dialogue will save the country – Sata (Perspective)


Harare plunged into darkness

Lake Disaster - Mujuru Consoles Bereaved Families

Move to Protect Grain Producers Hailed

Nation Urged to Embrace Circumcision

NGOs and diaspora work together

Prince Tendai dies at 54

2011 a Memorable Year for Theatre

2011 - Bad Year for Employees

Meet Roy Bvekerwa, the Auditing Guru (Perspective)




India, Iran to resolve crisis in Afghanistan

(PHOTO: Canada's 1915 IDP's in La Ferme, Canada. MONTREAL GAZETTE)Albania

 Ton of cannabis seized in Albania


Turkey accuses France of genocide in Algeria


Government pledges to cultivate human rights 

Antigua & Barbuda

World Bank says climate change talks bring ‘good and bad news’ for the Caribbean


Five Argentines Die in Traffic Accident in Southern Brazil


Armenian women’s national team beats Vietnam’s team

(PHOTO: Tariq Ramadan at the Toronto1 gathering. The convention lured an impressive galaxy of distinguished scholars, including Prof. Tariq Ramadan ONISLAM.NET)Bolivia

Bolivian Minister Highlights Economic Growth 


Due to Too Little Structure & Too Much Pesticide Brazil Exports Less than 1% of Its Fruit


Eto'o launches mobile network

Chinese Goods Top Christmas Wish List In Cameroon


Toronto Convention Inspires Canada Muslims

Remembering the spirit of Canadians unjustly interned


Chinese dissident Chen Wei gets 9 years in prison

Snack makers face expired food probe

Facebook Follows Server Brains From Taiwan to China


Colombia, The Netherlands  Sign Rivers Dredging Agreement

(PHOTO: In Cyprus, poaching of the Blackcap birds is surging in defiance of a European Union ban. József Szabó.)Congo (DRC)

Congo: What’s Rwanda got to do with it? Interview


Illegal bird trapping a surging problem in Cyprus


Egypt’s Amina Diab forges ahead with handbag collection

From Burning Bodies To Burning Books: Egypt Becoming “House Of Dust’ (Perspective)

Equatorial Guinea

Seadrill semi-tender rig gig off Equatorial Guinea


Ethiopia: Swedish journalists to spend 11years in prison


Finland Authorities Clear MS Thor Liberty With 11 Ukrainian Citizens On Board After Finding Explosives To Travel Again 


Guinea to review mining contract – Mr. Alpha Conde


Guwahati campus to become operational next June, says TISS Director

Don’t write off the India story yet (Perspective)


(PHOTO: Taiwan election-inspired merchandise on display in a shop. CHANNELASIA.NET)Iran and Russia survey regional developments

Iran envoy:  Abducted engineers in Syria are safe and sound

Iran threatens to stop Gulf oil if sanctions widened

Stop worrying and learn to love the Iranian bomb (Perspective)


Anti-Whaling Activists Use Drone to Track Japanese Fleet

Japanese PM Noda in India on economic mission 


Libyan health minister visits Jordan field hospital


Serbia returns to dominate Kosovo market

(PHOTO: Screen shot of Tunisia's new Islamic TV channel, "Al Kalam")Kuwait

Kuwait donates 1 million to support Gaza preschool children 

Second consignment of Kuwaiti fuel donation arrives in Benghazi 


Lebanese al Qaeda operative eulogizes Jordanian killed in Afghanistan


Aid workers in Libya ponder future role in oil-rich country

Benetton Donates UnHate Statue To Libyan Capitol


(PHOTO: S. Sudan, the planet's newest nation opens its embassy in Washington, DC this week. WASHINGTON POST) PM, wife unharmed as shots fired close to Girgenti Palace


Montenegro police arrests 16 members of international drug trafficking ring


Journalist Denied Access Into His Office

On the Verge of a Clean Energy Transformation: Morocco


Burmese embassy in Thailand appoints labour official


A 'children's crisis' unfolds in West and Central Africa's Sahel region (Press Release)

(PHOTO: A gorilla stops to groom a tourist in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. DISCOVERY NEWS)Nigeria 

Christians flee north as Nigeria mourns church bomb victims

North Korea

Web blackout helps North Korea craft new cult of Kim


Pirates Seize Enrico Ievoli Ship With Five Ukrainians On Board Near Oman


The Rights of the Child (Perspective)


Egyptian Foreign Minister in Russia to discuss Syria crisis


Country Committed in Fight Against Climate Change - Kamanzi

(PHOTO: `Harare Beyond Words' opens at H Gallery, Bangkok Thailand Jan 5-30th, 2012)Saudi Arabia

AIDS patient sues Qunfuda hospital

KSA residents protest fines for 'wasting water'

Value of Saudi's delayed public projects hits $147bn

Mobile phone subscriptions in Kingdom up to 56.1m in Q3

'Hafiz' flayed for precluding job hunters above 35

Endless debate over death penalty (Perspective)


EALA roots for disaster experts in the region

South Africa

SA envoy visits drug mules in Thailand jails

Discovery of world's oldest bedding in SA (VIDEO)

South Sudan

South Sudan’s entrance on world stage includes setting up Washington embassy

South Sudan: Africa’s next farming frontier

Creating a film industry in South Sudan from scratch

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka: Fresh Insights On Attempts To Join ASEAN – Analysis


Steps to Launch the Sudanese Satellite


(PHOTO: First community of hackers, called Hacekerspace were found in Tunisia this week. Nawaat.org) Electricity consumers soon to decide on tariff hikes

Whoonga - a new social threat


Swiss village in uproar over asylum centre

Switzerland slips in global ranking

Switzerland to renew Turkish-Armenian mediation


Telecomix hackers helping Syrians detect and avoid government surveillance online

Syrian NGOs: A dual-use technology?

“30%” Syria Oil Production fall, Minister

Syria refugees find sanctuary in Libya


(PHOTO: Zimbabwe farmers tend their fields. IITA) Taiwan poll campaigns spark merchandise

New prevention policy needed for tuberculosis: medical expert

Renowned Taiwan Lantern Festival set to light up heavens on February 6

Taiwan monastery hopes to attract tourists to see Buddha's tooth


Diplomatic, Trade Row As Dar Blocks Ugandan Exports

Serengeti Investor Speeds Up Social and Economic Development

World Bank stresses improvement of public health facilities in Tanzania

Investor: Tanzania good for pay TV


Thailand battles with post-flood clean-up (VIDEO)

Thailand wires up with free Wi-Fi

Thailand prepares to be cloud hub

Seventh Anniversary of Thailand's Boxing Day Tsunami (VIDEO)

Zimbabwean art show opens next week in Bangkok

The Arctic

NOAA issues draft study for Arctic Sea oil drilling

The Netherlands

The battle for free speech continues


Tonga’s Speaker facing arrest when he returns to the country


First Community of Cyber-hackers Founded in Tunisia

Train Operators Join the National Wave of Strikes

New Islamic Tunisian TV Channel “Al Kalam” Announced

Douz: Gateway to The Desert

Air France launches new direct flights to Tunisia destination


Tourists visiting Turkey hit 30 million this year, surpassing target

Turkey is the answer (Perspective)


Man Groomed by Gorillas On Trek in Uganda

Activists oppose plan to build railway through national park

The Joys of a Christmas Celebration in the Village

A List of the Most Corrupt Would Help the Poor More (Perspective)

Time is now for Ugandans to rise against the cancer of corruption (Perspective)


Ukraine becomes the European capital of rabies

Russia, Ukraine do not envision gas war this year

Ukraine, Turkey sign visa-free travel agreement

United Arab Emirates

UAE pledges to bolster China-Arab trade relations

100 distressed overseas foreign workers in Abu Dhabi spend Christmas in shelter

UAE launches first association for policewomen in Arab world

Property market is being rebuilt in the UAE

Meet the UAE's Marathon Woman

Emirates Airline Launches U.S. TV Ad Campaign (VIDEO)

United Kingdom

UK businesses investing in social media for 2012

Morrissey named PETA UK Person of the Year

United States

U.S. population growth slows

America’s Best Kept Secret: Rising Suburban Poverty

U.S. gets holiday gift in the form of Occupy Wall Street (Perspective)

US needs to act as melting ice transforms Arctic (Perspective)


Uruguayan Economy Grows


No more panties in public eye in Uzbekistan


Venezuela: UN human rights experts voice alarm at extended detention of judge

Hugo Chávez claims that Venezuela's economic strengthening "is amazing"


Vietnam freezes oil product prices, eyes import tax on gasoline

Vietnam masterpieces in auction for the poor

New high-income consumers emerge in Vietnam

Endangered wildlife dealers arrested in southern Vietnam 

Virgin Islands

A windsurfing nightmare called Maho Beach

Western Sahara

U.S. foreign aid done right (Perspective)


Yemen malnutrition data should "shock"

The Emergence of a New Political & Social Consciousness in Yemen (Perspective)


Stray Dogs 'Besiege' Kapiri Mposhi, Spread Rabies

MTN Zambia deploys first solar-powered site


WFP buy local scheme helps farmers

Zimbabwe loses again on AIDS funding‏

Labour Law - Dilemma of New Employers




Armenia faces Vietnam at Women's Chess Championship round 8

(PHOTO: Azerbaijan protesters outside the French embassy in Baku; upset with France's policy towards Turkey regarding Armenia, AZERBAIJAN NEWS)Azerbaijan 

Protest action outside French embassy in Baku


Brazil pips UK as sixth-largest economy: CEBR


Burundi government taken before an East African court over graft


Canada the global housing leader

In Redford’s Alberta, tailpipe emissions a bigger concern than oil sands pollution

Falkland Islands 

Uruguay says there's no 'diplomatic cataclysm’ with UK over Malvinas (Falkland Islands) developments


The rift between Turkey and France: Is it Armenians or Syrians? (Perspective)


(PHOTO: The new Georgia-Turkey border crossing. Jessica Marati)New Georgia border crossing provides a whimsical welcome


Guinea-Bissau soldiers in pay protest


First India-UAE legal lecture series held

UK funds aid rural jobs creation in India

Urdu newspaper editors to attend two-day meet


Electricity sparks new life into Indonesia's corals

‘Perang topat’ reflects Islam-Hindu tolerance in West Lombok

(PHOTO: Jobs in India, INDIA TODAY)Iran 

Iranian naval maneuvers to start (Photo)

Ukraine firm to invest $1 bn in Iranian oil fields

Iran says electricity exports up by 24%

Persian epic poet "Ferdowsi" int'l confab in Iran


Bombings in Syria and Iraq raise spectre of Sunni-Shia war (Perspective)

Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast rocked by ethnic violence


Security and Humanitarian Situations in East Africa Remain Tense 

Strangers united by the fears they share

‘Your event is a real gem in a sea of mediocrity’: Safari Rally, 2011

Famine early warning system gives Africa a chance to prepare (Perspective) 


Japanese FM Assures Aung San Suu Kyi Burmese Icon of Full Support

North Korea 

Eldest son of North Korea's late leader in Beijing under Chinese protection: source 


(PHOTO: Pakistan's Imran Khan, WIKICOMMONS) The Growing Clout Pakistani Sports-Star Turned Politician Imran Khan

Pakistan coal reserves to provide electricity more than 30 years (Perspective)  


Asia Pacific passenger traffic sustains growth

How big is Manny Pacquiao’s charitable heart? (Perspective)


Diplomatic Spat with Qatar fraught with serious fall-out

Russia, Iran Discuss Regional Conflicts, Bilateral Ties 

Russia has 25,000 undersea radioactive waste sites

Launch of Russian Proton-M carrier rocket postponed

Why Russia No Longer Emulates the U.S. (Perspective)


Kagame honoured for empowering the youth 

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Prince Pledges Help for Death Row Migrant Worker 

Saudi to allow foreign airlines to fly domestic routes

United States and Saudi Arabia: Working together to keep our countries healthy (Perspective)  

(PHOTO: Indonesia, the ‘bullet’ women carry the topat before cakes are distributed to residents. The Jakarta Post)Singapore

More Singaporeans using smartphones to shop online 


Somalia: Hero dies while removing mines

Taking Schools Back From Militants 

South Africa

Biogas technology benefits S Africa's poor (Video)

South Korea

Seoul School Fuels Coffee Industry

South Korea badly needs Vietnamese workers


Spain opens pavilion in Dubai's Global Village 

(PHOTO: Taiwan Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network of East Asia planning director & Penghu Symbiotic Algae Association chairperson Allen Chen yesterday calls on 3 presidential candidates to protect ocean resources. Taipei Times) Sri Lanka

Pakistan-Sri Lanka expand bilateral ties


Processing Plant Threatens Water in Capital


Switzerland to Invest in Tajikistan’s Water Supply System


‘Syria trying to reveal secrets behind abduction of Iranian engineers’ 


Oceans around Taiwan threatened by overfishing

EPA asks Kuokuang to protect dolphins

India’s $35 tablet computer, Aakash to be displayed in Taipei

Taiwan to work to establish mobile commerce foundation next year

Targeting emerging markets is right strategy: official

Underprivileged students to get sponsorship for exchange program


(PHOTO: A Tajikistan wedding. IWPR.ORG)Multiple Marriages in Tajikistan


Public must fight human trafficking (Perspective)

Why Voice Against Abuse of Women and Children in Zanzibar Remains High (Perspective)


Met warns of more violent seas in South

Thailand coastal residents evacuated due to high waves on 7th anniversary of tsunami

Long-term flood plan chief concern for investors

Energy imports hit record

(PHOTO: The eastern coast of Thailand will likely face 3 to 4 more rounds of high & violent waves over the next few months, according to the Meteorological Department.THE NATION)Christmas in Bangkok, Thailand (Perspective)


Strong earthquake strikes off Tonga, no damage reported

New Christian video library in the Tongan language (Press release)

Trinidad and Tobago 

Curing our sick Trinidad and Tobago (Perspective)


Tunisia: New Cabinet Members Take Office

Tunisian Bloggers Meet at Douz International Sahara Festival

Tunisia: "Revolution" over, economy battered, tourism down 40 percent

Welcome 2012: Ringing in the New Year in Tunisia

(PHOTO: Youcef Baaloudj, an Algerian blogger & writer presenting his book on the Tunisian Revolution. TUNISIALIVE) Turkey 

Turkey’s infamous Article 301 could change

Snowfall, storms hit eastern Turkey / PHOTO

Turkey's draft law allowing foreign nationals to own property will be put to vote in the first days of 2012

Turkey becoming major hub for contemporary art


CIS to Send Observers to Turkmenistan Presidential Elections


Government urged to toughen on gay proponents

Over 2,300 fake nurses work in hospitals, products of illegal nursing schools

Man held over acid attack on top city pastor

Vision Group launches Uganda at 50 project

(PHOTO: Turkey's Art Scene. The 12th İstanbul Biennial was held from Sept. 17 through Nov. 13 at Antrepo No 3 & 5. TODAY’S ZAMAN)Ukraine 

Ukraine's foreign policy to rest on national pragmatism principle, says president

Ukraine: Taking to the Web to Raise Funds and Awareness

It is important for Ukraine to get next tranche of IMF loan (Perspective)

Ukraine introduces new classification of passenger trains

Ukraine starts delivering sparkling wine to China

United Arab Emirates

UAE launches online registration for Emirates ID cards

Steep fines for spitting gum, throwing cigarette butts in Abu Dhabi

Sheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Award for Medical Sciences makes headway in research in diabetes

'Social networking sites equally popular in Emirates'

Civilian nuclear power drives an international safety culture

Emergency rooms see too many outpatients-report

The UAE Prepares to Host Two Major International ICT Events

Print media will flourish for at least another decade (Perspective)

Sharjah musical festival attracts huge crowds

Lindsay Lohan in Dubai for New Year's Eve Party on board the QE2

Christmas cheer for retailers across UAE

United Kingdom 

Church of England and National Trust concerned about plans to cut solar panel subsidies

Foster families are needed warns charity

UK's Boxing Day bargain hunt (Video)

International karate champion faces jail after sending 5,000 texts to schoolgirl, 13 

United States

Swine flu recently confirmed in five states, CDC reports

US households struggle for a warm winter (Video)


UTE, Uruguay’s state power company presents plan for domestic solar generation


Vanuatu offers more for travellers


Great potential for tropical fruit, vegetable export in Vietnam

Vietnam to allow free market pricing of power, fuel:  finance ministry 

Wuhan Kaidi Electric Power Got USD300mn Contract in Vietnam 

Jubilant Christmas celebrated in Vietnam


IOM urges donors to assist Ethiopian migrants in Yemen


Former Minister of Energy Kenneth Konga summoned by the Zambia police

Corruption setback to Foreign investment -Report

Munali mine, run by China’s Jinchuan Group, in talks with potential investors

UN buys beans from local farmers

31 accidents recorded on Xmas eve countrywide

David Livingstone memorial set for March 2013

Zambians toast Christmas Day


Anhui Farm Project of China Helps Zimbabwe's Agriculture

Rapaport Group of Israel Boycotts Zimbabwe’s Marange Diamonds

Detained Air Zimbabwe plane returns home

“Most youths have embraced Indigenisation” (Perspective)




High Power consumption the main factor of electricity outage


(PHOTO: The provincial government of British Columbia has created a task force team to handle the tonnes of debris from the Japanese tsunami floating in the Pacific Ocean that is expected to hit B.C. shores. US NAVY)B.C. launches task force to manage coming tsunami debris


Asia to be largest corporate, investment banking market by 2015: McKinsey

Congo (DRC)

Capital markets: Burj Capital thrives against the tide


US 'Disappointed' Cuba Will Not Release American Prisoner


(PHOTO: Ismail Haniya, Gaza Strip PM. EPA)Palestinian PM in Cairo


Egypt deports 93 Ethiopians using the country as a transit stop to reach Israel illegally


Haitian migrants found dead off Cuban coast


Iranian diplomats review Islamic awakening in Arab states

Tehran, Tunis Able to Further Develop Relations Far from Sectarian Differences

Iran President underlines development of ties with Africa


Iraq blocks Jordanian trucks heading to Turkey over Syria concerns


Israeli gas quests plagued by pirates


We are pumping more than a million barrels of oil a day, says Libya


Nepal sets up diplomatic ties with Solomon Islands


Africa’s Biggest Street Party Takes Centre Stage


Paraguay, stuck in siesta mode, awaits Lugo's exit


Somalia: Protesters march the streets to stop violence aimed at aid workers 

South Korea 

(PHOTO: RIA NOVOSTI)S.Korea: doctors charged over deal with pharmaceutical companies


Spain: King Juan Carlos Says Fighting Joblessness Top Priority

Sri Lanka 

Sri Lankan female ex-rebels faces uncertain future


Sudan’s Ancient Civilization: Nubian Kingdoms and the Christian Era

Svalbard and Jan Mayen (Arctic Ocean)

Pack ice breaking up in Svalbard in the arctic north of Norway (PHOTO)



Marriage trouble for Mandla Mandela  


The tallest revolving door in the world

Busy Christmas weekend for the Swedish police


Syria Faces a New, Long-Term Phase


Taiwanese banks will back plant restoration in Thailand

More sons in Taiwan get inheritances than daughters: report


Wheat genetics in Tajikistan could help feed the world


Exposed: Dar lacks disaster response system


High waves ravage S. Thailand, thousand affected, tourists marooned


Tonga National Population Census 2011; Preliminary Count

Trinidad and Tobago

Business owners crying as shoppers watch their pockets


Tunisian women’s group ATFD wins Simone de Beauvoir award


(PHOTO: Turkey's learning disabled students. SUNDAY'S ZAMAN)Learning disabilities often confused with mental retardation in Turkey


Turkmenistan to hold talks on laying international fiber-optic communication lines


Anglicans tiding Tuvalu over


Hopping mad: Uganda power cuts hit grasshopper harvest


Iran, Ukraine to sign oil contracts

Ukraine and Russia to hold next round of gas talks on Jan 15

Ukraine to produce 36 million tonnes of steel in 2012

United Arab Emirates

DHA: No local emergence of malaria

Most in UAE borrow to splurge, says expert

Dassanayake to embark on talent hunt

United Kingdom

Pen woman swallowed 25 years ago works

UK taxpayers face extra £250m bill for nuclear waste clean-up

The globalised underclass (Perspective)

United States

Hackers target United States security think tank

Child Homelessness on the Rise in the US 

Giant shrimp raises big concern as it invades the Gulf of Mexico


Uruguay to Adapt Agriculture to climate change conditions


Uzbekistan’s courts launch fight against corruption


Nursing School gets educational material from Rotary

Global Fund for Environment Projects Ends Year in Vanuatu


Chavez issues Christmas amnesty to 140 prisoners


(PHOTO: Thailand's `Bubble Woman'. THANH NIEN NEWS) Vietnam’s Bubble Woman to be treated in HCMC 

Vietnam still doesn’t have regulations to treat electronics waste

Methadone Maintenance Treatment Program in Vietnam, yielding positive results

More int’l brands shifting base to Vietnam from China


Photos of Yemen’s Deepening Humanitarian Challenges

Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh heads to United States after government forces attack peaceful protesters


Zambia’s poor still waiting for change after Sata’s 90 days

MTN Zambia launches solar green site

Women for Change launches ‘Zambia We Want Charter’


Reform efforts in Zimbabwe move slowly

Medical student wins Face of Zimbabwe pageant




(PHOTO: In Botswana, taking an exhilarating ride among zebra in the Okavango Delta - Mail Online) Angola's energy sector to gain wind power station

Angola to have new digital television system by 2012

Media Watchdog Slams State-Run Radio and Television


Hard up Botswana consumers brace for thrift holidays

Safari in the saddle: Riding with giraffes and chasing zebra in buzzing Botswana


(PHOTO: The Xingu River in the Brazilian Amazon is the site of the world's third largest hydroelectric dam, Belo Monte. FORBES)Over A Million People Sign Petition Against Brazil's 'Pandora Dam'

Brazil Outshines Other BRIC Economies

Burkina Faso 

Cotton picked by children found in 'fair trade' garments, reporter finds


Burundian child kidnappers jailed 


African Swine Fever poses wider food security risk

Cameroon Doubles Down on Gays


Canada to Begin Testing HIV Vaccine

Cape Verde

The season of good cheer overcast by economic gloom (Perspective)

Central African Republic 

(PHOTO: Collecting blood samples of swine flu from a warthog. STOCK JOURNAL) Is this a bad dream? (Perspective)


Chinese Embassy Donates to Orphanage, Disabled Homes in Liberia

Congo (DRC)

Kabila rival takes presidential oath

UN Troops to Launch Operation against Militia in DR Congo's Ituri District

Congo’s Deaf Community Struggling in Wake of Government SMS Ban


First Djibouti troops join AU Somalia force


Ecuador for Membership in MERCOSUR 

Equatorial Guinea 

Dictator Obiang collects an award once given to Clinton, Bush


An embarrassing meeting in Addis Ababa (Perspective)

Analysis: 'Commission must stand up for human rights in Ethiopia'


Gabon coalition takes 95% of election seats


Country Water Partnership Launched


(PHOTO: Clarissa Child Laborer. NY Amsterdam News)Poverty Reduction and Oil Revenue: The Case of Ghana


Asylum-Seekers Can't Be Forced Back to Greece


It’s all-round festivity at CARNIRIV


$1.5 million to aid Haiti's post-quake business recovery

EU commission awards Haiti extra aid, warns of "significant" needs

Haiti Constitution to be Officially Published by Year's End, says Interior Minister

Haiti: Sporting Complex Opens in Gressier


Floating hotel service on Ganga in Bihar


Iran denies trade finance ban for UAE imports 


Ireland among top ‘luxury tourism’ locations


Algeria-Italy natural gas pipeline Galsi not expected online before 2015

Ivory Coast 

Gbagbo supporters stage Hague protest

Ivory Coast to prepare Cup of Nations in Abu Dhabi

Kool & the Gang celebrate peace in Ivory Coast


(PHOTO: The Taj mall in Amman, Jordan. GREEN PROPHET)Amman’s New Mega-Mall is Antithesis of Sustainable Development (Perspective)


Ministry allays fears of Ebola outbreak

IBM Helps Sweeten Earnings for Kenyan Sugar Cane Cutters


UN calls on Israel to compensate Lebanon for 2006 oil spill


Unearth the hidden gems of ‘soul country’


Liberia: Giving Back, Health Worker Cares for Displaced Ivorians


Opec agrees to accommodate Libya oil production


Malawi MPs to inspect grain reserves

Malawi court convicts 90 Ethiopians


A Photographer Documents Life In A Country Where 75% Of People Can't Read Or Write

Mali, Algeria boost efforts to contain Qaeda spread

Marshall Islands

WHO calls for increased surveillance of dengue fever in Pacific


Mauritanian public employees deep in debt, study shows


Morocco shaping up as an oil producer


Work On Maputo Domestic Terminal Ahead of Schedule

Government Praises Community Radios

Mozambique negotiates funding from Chinese bank for Maputo-Katembe bridge


‘Mysterious’ space ball drops on Namibia — nothing mysterious about it

More Crop Farmers to Use Govt Tractors

Telecom Namibia deploying first DWDM network


Nepal’s Migrants Lured By Empty Promises, Trapped by Bosses Abroad


Video: Nigeria hit by wave of Christmas day church bombings

Nigeria clashes kill at least 68, say officials

Nigerian Oil Spill Stretches 900 Square Kilometers, says Environmental Group

North Korea

North Korea’s Hunger

North Korea's country risk score falls after leader's death


Pakistan can play vital role in promoting regional trade (Perspective)


(PHOTO: Air traffic controller at Jorge Chavez International Airport Photo Andina Archive PERUTHISWEEK)Peru declares air traffic state of emergency

UN: Peru’s Economy to Have Grown by 7 Percent in 2011


Philippines slips in 2011 global democracy index rankings

A new ethic on climate change (Perspective)


Portugal won't extradite fugitive killer George Wright to U.S.


Rwandan rebel leader held in Paris after release

Rwanda: More Refugees Flock in

Sao Tome and Principe

Energy Group Holds Third GMD Conference in Sao Tome


Senegal president to run for 3rd term

Music-Piracy: Top Senegalese musician advises colleagues on piracy

Restive Senegal region seeks Catholic group's mediation


World's orchid growers gather in Singapore

South Africa

New African Elephant Fund Approves First Set of Projects


(PHOTO: New Port Sudan Terminal Able to House Up to 800,000 Containers - Sudan Vision)New Port Sudan Terminal Able to House Up to 800,000 Containers

Africa Should Adopt an Idea of not Handing over Any Citizen to the ICC (Interview)


Thailand sets Committees to restore Foreign Investor confidence

The Netherlands

The Netherlands: Court Upholds Fine for Dumping Waste in Africa


Ghana Seizes  Smuggled Goods From Togo


Tunisian Fashion Designers Shine Abroad


Turkey Blocks Web Pages Touting Darwin's Evolution Theory


No Sex For Soldiers

United Arab Emirates

Awafi Festival revs up the excitement in RAK

Students delve into UAE's past to make sense of present

Nuclear regulator wins accolades from review team

United Kingdom

Gifts: 12 British Books for the Holidays

United States

Lori Berenson returns to the US


Malvinas: (Falkland Islands) UK requests access to Uruguay's ports


Vanuatu signs development cooperation agreement with Indonesia


We will Turn Venezuelan into a Gas Exporter, Ramirez Says


Vietnam Top Choice For Nike Footwear

Vietnam metro seeks to improve its image

Zuckerberg's Vietnam holiday is chance to get Facebook unblocked there (Perspective)

Western Sahara

UN Envoy Christopher Ross to visit Western Sahara and Morocco before April 2012


Yemen interim government priorities are electricity and oil derivatives

Yemen ruling party threatens to change mind about GCC deal


Cops manning Zambia-DRC border in allowances arrears


New Zimbabwe Constitution: problems mount



Congo (DRC)

Rights group claims 24 killed in DRC election violence

(PHOTO: ShuShu, Chevron found no contamination in its testing at this well site in Ecuador.)Ecuador

Ecuador conservation effort gets dragged into legal fight

Falkland Islands

Fresh tensions unsettle the Falklands


Society is growing sans development: Prof. Winston Dookeran (Perspective)


A China-led consortium appointed as financial advisor for Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline


Violent unrest clouds Kazakhstan’s political future (Perspective)


Leaders Plan Protests Over Proposed Lamu Port


New Kyrgyz PM promises stability, economic growth


Burma’s Nobel laureate meets UEC chairman for party registration


Deforestation And Mining Blamed For Philippines Disaster


President of Turkmenistan arrives in Moscow on working visit


(PHOTO: Google will soon have data centres in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. KESO)Google announces data centre for Singapore


Oxfam urges US bank to reverse decision on Somalia transfers

South Korea

Santa cleared for takeoff, but don’t expect him to use the chimney this year

South Sudan

'American Business Community to Invest in RSS', U.S. Ambassador

South Sudan gets new passports

Too Many Stray Dogs in the Streets of Juba (Perspective)

Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan tourism takes to gambling

Sri Lanka's brand image has to outshine larger countries: economist

Sri Lanka in sand nourishment to prevent sea erosion

Sri Lanka among highest-risk financial systems: Fitch

Sri Lanka appoints a task force to revive handloom industry


Swedish Citizens Manage Country's Twitter Account

Sweden cites measles in birth-defects case


Effects of fiscal crisis report out next month

Artists promise a scintillating Crossover


WTO ‘must address’ food security


Taiwan urges China to respect its people's rights

Taiwan Nominated to US Visa Waiver Program


(PHOTO: Tanzania Farmers Estate workers transport sisal to the decorticating machine in Korogwe, Tanga Region. Farmers expect that the establishment of the agricultural bank would help them secure loans cheaply. FILE)Work on agriculture bank almost ready – ministry

TBL brewmaster: It`s high time Tanzania had more suitable drink

Reflecting On Kikwete's Five Year Development Plan (Perspective)


Thailand, China agree to foster bilateral relations in all dimensions

Thailand Debates Royal Insult Laws as Authorities Expand Use

The Arctic

Santa Claus Village attracts record number of visitors

NOAA seeks comments on petro industry effects on arctic fauna, subsistence

Sinking teeth into dental career: Kiana woman returns to Arctic with new skills

Turks and Caicos

New fees for commercial vehicles due Jan. 1


Nigerians in Togo prisons cry out


Phishing economy: Why tiny Tokelau is 3rd largest country domain


Outer island populations of Tonga decreasing

Tonga capital city investigation gets more teeth with select committee established

Trinidad and Tobago

Displaced residents told shelters will close tomorrow


Turkmenistan: Berdymukhamedov Makes World's Top 10 Dictators List


Tunisia unveils new cabinet

Christmas Celebrations in Tunisia: ‘Tis the Season!

Photovoltaic Industry is Potential Source of Jobs


Turkey names 2014 as year of Iran


Tuvalu looks forward to royal visit


Where Have All the Fish Gone?

Nurses Decry Lack of Equipment

Christmas On a Thin Wallet


Ukraine not to activate export sales of wheat

United Arab Emirates

Chemical Salesman Gets 30 Months for Bribes

Harrowing time for flight to Dubai

United Kingdom

U.K. Bookseller Apologizes for Promoting 'Mein Kampf' as Perfect Christmas Present

RIM meets with UK regulators to discuss porn filter for BlackBerry

George Michael: Doctors Saved My Life

Warm Spring Helps England's Rare Birds and Bugs Thrive

United States

US survey helps shed light on forest-damaging bug

U.S. regulator approves new reactor design


Modernized Il-476 Transport Assembled


A Pacific Dawn Christmas delivery


President Chávez has set up 34 social projects in nine years


Vietnam to cut coal exports from 2012 as domestic demand rises: report

(PHOTO: Vietnamese Falungong followers sit in meditation in front of Chinese embassy in Hanoi. AFP.)Vietnam’s Falungong under pressure

Western Sahara

US Congress, President Approve Extending U.S. Aid for Morocco Reforms to Western Sahara, Advance U.S. Policy Backing Moroccan Autonomy Solution (Press Release)


Yemen crisis hits cancer patients


DJ Zambia Power Deficit Could Last Until 2013 - Energy Board Head


Zimbabwean Lawmaker Uses Sports to Promote Peace




Algeria Eyes 2.5 Million Tourists Per Year By 2015

(PHOTO: Marriott, 198 room hotel expected to open in 2014 in Setif) Courtyard by Marriott Announces Its Second Hotel in Algeria


Health referral cost escalates


Challenges Ahead as Cambodia Preps for Asean Presidency

Cambodian PM Pays Last Tribute to DPRK's Leader Kim Jong Il

MSF Steps Up Tuberculosis Support in Cambodia

Finding profit potential in the rich soil of Pailin

Digital content key to growth for Kingdom’s telecom firms (Perspective)

Central African Republic

CAR: UNSC extends mandate of UN office


Pinera Says Chile Will Be First Developed Latin America Nation

Christmas Island

(PHOTO: Kirimati, Christmas Island, NASA) Seen from Space: Christmas Island

Congo (DRC)

Congo Opposition Leader Ready To Take Oath Office, Says Adviser


Meeting condones peaceful use of nuclear power for generating electricity


Much anticipated short film fest in Gauhati today


Ebola fear strikes Kenya


Snake Charmers, Old Markets and Friendly People


Myanmar to allow private mining in noted ruby area


Samoa considers decriminalising female impersonations


Stay at a former military prison turned art hostel in Ljubljana, Slovenia


Suriname, Fiji ink comminique at UN

UAE group to set up mint house in Suriname


Over 600 armed officers hunt ‘scarface’ in Swaziland

High tech ticketing system comes to SD


Concern as asylum seekers forced onto street

Revised CO2 law reflects uneasy compromise


Syrian company owner  molests Pinay, 2 other workers in UAE

Violence, sectarianism stalk Homs


PFP VP candidate to visit Bhutan in search of happiness


Tajiks need more private investment to spur economy, WB says


Kindle, eBooks and the future of Tanzania’s poor readership

In Tanzania, two journalists charged with incitement

Police fail to charge Tanzania media boss


Shipbuilding seeks revival

Junie Browning Finally Surrenders to Thailand Police

China signs currency swap deal with Thailand

Turks and Caicos

Sandals Foundation brings Christmas joy to TCI kids

TCI draws more than 1 million tourists in 2011


Togo to Receive Assistance to Better Manage Flood and Land Degradation Risks


Tokelauan New Zealanders get help to maintain language


Tonga speaker at risk of arrest over bail breach

Investor embarks on beef plan

Trinidad and Tobago

Chicken prices will eventually go up

Key and ministers off to Oz


Native of Turkmenistan Oleg Kononenko in second space flight


New Tunisian premier names coalition government dominated by Islamists

American Children Kidnapped and Taken to Tunisia By Father


Turkey: Post-Earthquake, How Easy to Stop Substandard Construction?


The Tuvalu Drought: A Microcosm of Things to Come


Don't Break Your Nails. Hire a Chef

Lazy Ugandan men face arrest


Ukraine will start 2012 in precarious condition

United Arab Emirates

Citizenship law for Emirati women sets good example

Young people spend nearly 10 hours a day online

United Kingdom

Sony - Netflix's U.K. Plans Undermined By Amazon Deal

England riots: all-night courts praised, but were they a publicity stunt? (Perspective)

United States

U.S. Population Grows at Slowest Rate Since 1940s

The U.S. Isn’t Into Social Networking as Much as You’d Think, and Females are Into It More Than Males


Uruguay Set to Invest in Its Dairy Farmers to Make Them More Green


Vanuatu minister accused of making threats


Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Calls Obama a 'Clown'

No more kumbaya

Malicious Spam Depicts Demise of Venezuela President

(PHOTO: Theresly Malavé, Venezuelan criminal defense lawyer & president of NGO Justicia y Proceso Venezuela (Venezuelan Justice & Process) & Jackeline Sandoval, the director of the Foundation for Due Process (Fundepro); Credit Gustavo Bandres)NGOs count 24 political prisoners in Venezuela


Vietnam fuel companies suspected of dodgy tax practices 

Wallis and Futuna Islands

Real Estate In Wallis And Futuna Islands Look Great

Western Sahara

Justice for Killing of Young Saharawi Boy Demanded


Unrest puts child marriage issue on back burner

Yemen faces critical period to cement political settlement: UN envoy


Zambia’s Free Education Policy to Benefit Poor

(PHOTO: Lusaka, Zambia; CREDIT: Jacqui Wintle; September 2011)Women farmers need funding in face of climate change says environment advocates

Zambia to host 200th David Livingstone celebrations


Women still marginalised in Zimbabwe

Blitz Triggers Transport Woes




Prince Harry Headed Back to Afghanistan


Asian women shine in politics


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Widening sectarian rift in Iraq as US troops pull out (REPORT) 

By Jane Arraf in the Middle East 

In the calculation of what was won and lost in this war, Ahmed Hassan lost almost everything.

Sitting in front of the trailer that is now his home in a compound for displaced people, the former shopkeeper explains how he lost three sons within months of each other in 2006.

Two were shot and the other killed by a bomb planted near his car in the city of Khalis in Diyala province. The family left their home after that, along with tens of thousands of Iraqis forced out by sectarian violence.

The elections that were the country’s biggest achievement, with voters proudly dipping their fingers in ink to show they had voted, are small compensation.

“We sacrificed our sons for that purple finger,” Hassan says.

With the last of the US combat troops gone, the fractures at the intersection of security and political faultlines here appear to be widening.

“My fear is that pressures are building and there could be a spark,” said US Army Colonel Richard Welch as he packed up to leave. “We have not yet reached a phase where things are irreversible.”

Welch worked in Iraq for seven years – the longest time spent in Iraq by an US officer –trying to persuade Sunni armed groups and Shia fighters to put down their weapons and take part in politics.

After an election last year in which no single group won a majority, the main Sunni-based party, Iraqiya, joined a coalition with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Shia bloc and the Kurds to form a government of ‘national unity’.

The power-sharing that Iraqiya and its supporters expected never happened. Instead critics say, Prime Minister al-Maliki consolidated his hold on power, creating new security services to answer directly to him, replacing army commanders with party loyalists and using the pretext of suspected coup attempts to arrest political opponents.

The political bloc, Iraqiya, said on the weekend it was suspending its participation in parliament and in cabinet until it was given a role in decision-making.

“Last year in the 2010 elections many on the Sunni side or the Shia fringes joined the Iraqiya list,” said Welch, adding “many in the group are wondering whether the democratic process is going to work for them and they are deliberating that right now.”

Outside of Baghdad, tension seems to be running even higher.

In Diyala, a province with a Sunni majority but a large Shia minority, Shia fighters set fire to the governor’s house after a push by provincial council members to demand autonomy for the region.

Syria going Iraq way?

Adding to the worries are fears that violence in neighbouring Syria could reignite sectarian tension in Iraq if the unrest spreads. More than 5,000 Syrians have been killed in the government’s crackdown against an uprising.

“In Syria there is definitely a sectarian dimension to the fight and this is a fact,” Hoshyar Zebari, the Iraqi foreign minister, told Al Jazeera. He said Iraq was working to persuade the Syrian government to implement an Arab League initiative to stop the violence and open talks with the opposition.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad along with key leaders and many of the senior military officers are from Syria’s Allawite minority, an offshoot of Shia Islam. Most Syrians are Sunni.

Zebari, who says Iraq came to the brink of all-out civil war five years ago, warned that if unchecked, Syria could go the same way.

“It has a strong dimension of sectarian conflict…these things can develop into civil war unless they are checked.”

Jane Arraf has covered the Middle East, Europe, the U.S. , Turkey and Canada for two decades. Posted in Baghdad before, during and after the 2003 war, she has covered from the front lines most of the major events in Iraq's recent history.

Originally published by AlJazeera under Creative Commons Lincense 


Nepal’s Peace Process: The Endgame Nears (ANALYSIS) 

By International Crisis Group

Nepal’s peace process has moved into a phase of definitive progress. More than five years after the ceasefire, the parties have reached a deal on the Maoist fighters, who will leave the cantonments and enter the army or civilian life.

An unofficial deal sets out power-sharing arrangements until the next election. The parties are focusing on the critical task of writing a new constitution, which promises a deep restructuring of the state to become more representative and decentralised.

Challenges remain, including from continuously evolving coalition dynamics and divisions within parties. There will also have to be further discussions on the combatants. As the parties discuss federalism, which of all peace process issues goes most to the heart of ordinary Nepalis’ expectations and anxieties, groups within and outside the Constituent Assembly will see their options narrow, which could strain the process. Yet, this is still the best chance the parties have had to reach formal closure on the war and to institute some of the fundamental changes they promised, provided they have the courage to make far-sighted compromises.

The breakthrough on 1 November was the result of a series of realignments between many political leaders and factions of parties, which strengthened the futures of certain individuals and acknowledged their political lines.

The major players also had few unused tools left in the negotiating process, and gratuitous inflexibility and stalling had run their course as bargaining tactics. Major power centres in all three parties, including a dogmatic faction of the Maoists, resent having been left out of the talks.

But while they can obstruct and slow the process, they cannot derail it. A consensus government will have to be formed sooner or later, though it is unclear whether the present government will need to resign or whether the opposition will join in.

Power-sharing remains the most tangible dividend coming out of the peace process to date, though there was no mention of it in the November 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The formation of a Maoist-led government in August 2011 was the first factor that made progress possible. Without that, the party would have been reluctant to give up its army. Following that was the Maoists’ willingness to unofficially accept the main opposition party, the Nepali Congress (NC), as leader of the post-constitution government to oversee the next election, which should take place some months after the new constitution is adopted.

The Maoists’ main coalition partner, the Samyukta Loktantrik Madhesi Morcha (Morcha), an alliance of five Madhes-based parties, has often been seen as fractious and anti-Maoist, but the strength of the front and the new government challenges that perception. Finally, there has been a gradual shift in India’s policy line in 2011, reversing an often hostile approach to the Maoists in favour of accommodation and cooperation.

After the 1 November agreement, the Maoist combatants were surveyed and chose either integration into the national army or voluntary retirement with a cash package. More fighters chose integration into the Nepal Army (NA) than the 6,500 allowed by the deal.

This opens up another negotiation on the final number. Combatants likewise showed themselves to be unhappy about decisions made on individual qualifications for entry into the NA. Ranks have not been decided yet either. The special concerns of fighters with disabilities will also have to be addressed. Discussions could be protracted, but are not likely to derail the constitution writing process.

The term of the Constituent Assembly (CA) was renewed for six months, from 1 December, and the state restructuring commission, controversial but mandated by the interim constitution, was formed. The commission should build on proposals already prepared in the CA and also provide recommendations to that body.

Its composition, however, suggests that critical decisions will be taken elsewhere, at the highest political level. Indeed, senior leaders are on track to negotiate compromises on the proposed federal states and system. They will have to balance acknowledging historical identities and discrimination and the rights of Nepal’s many ethnic, caste and linguistic groups.

The manner in which negotiations take place matters as much as the outcome. Historically marginalised communities, their representatives in mainstream parties and other ethnic formations have to be engaged, rather than simply be informed of decisions.

Centralised, top-down decisions on federalism cannot be sold easily outside Kathmandu, where identity-based groups and sceptics of federalism have been mobilising. There is supposed to be public consultation on proposed constitutional provisions. Rather than treat this as a formality, the parties should see it as a way to increase the buy-in of various groups.

As the future landscape becomes clearer, resistance could well come from traditionally powerful constituencies that are outside the CA and see the proposed changes as a zero-sum game, including a mix of anti-federalists, Hindu groups that oppose secularism and some royalists.The parties in the CA and their factions will also look to extract the most from the process, and parliamentary parties on the right are regrouping.

For many, the temptation could be to not negotiate, but instead to sharpen social polarisation along the divisions the peace process seeks to narrow: ethnic, religious, cultural, regional and class.

The peace process has informally come to mean only the question of the Maoist fighters, rather than the whole of the CPA. Politicians do regard the constitution as a matter of urgency, but they are also exhausted and want to see the process quickly concluded, so Nepal can go back to business as usual.

The commitment to democratise the Nepal Army has already been dropped. The commission on land reform is a dead-end. The issue of justice for war-era abuses continues to be defined by the lack of incentive for all actors to deal with it.

These issues and the complexities of federalism will not lose relevance simply because the mainstream parties decide to ignore them.

Whether or not they prove to be drivers of mass mobilisation or violence in the coming months, they will be critical ahead of the next general election. Nepal’s political class needs to make some difficult decisions rather quickly, so as to ensure its own relevance.

Kathmandu/Brussels, 13 December 2011 - The International Crisis Group is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation committed to preventing and resolving deadly conflict.


Democratic Speed Bumps in Latin America (PERSPECTIVE) 

By Taylor Dibbert

After a decade of growing popularity, democracy has hit a slump in Latin America. A recent Latinobarómetro poll cited by The Economist in late October underscores this point. In all but three Latin American countries, fewer people than last year believe that democracy is preferable to any other type of government. In the cases of Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico, the drop in support for democracy is significant.

The 2009 removal of democratically elected Manuel Zelaya and the post-coup human rights abuses of the government of Porfirio Lobo are obvious indicators that Honduras is on the wrong track. Dozens of political murders have taken place in Honduras, and there has been little outrage from Washington.

Additionally, November’s presidential elections in Nicaragua and Guatemala (and recent polling on Mexico’s 2012 election) reinforce the notion that many in the region have grown skeptical about democratic governance.

Reasons to be Skeptical

Many reasons could explain this change in perceptions. Increased crime — particularly around the flow of illegal drugs — is perhaps the most obvious factor. Latin Americans want law and order and are willing to overlook an administration’s democratic lapses to achieve domestic security.

As people get wealthier, the Latinobarómetro poll suggests, they expect more and better government services. This craving is understandable, although the highly inefficient tax regimes in the region make this difficult to achieve. Large informal economies and numerous loopholes or exemptions to current tax collection systems pose challenges that most politicians have been unwilling to address. For example, Mexico’s rate of tax collection is the worst of any country in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). But Guatemala’s is even worse; it was only 10.5 percent of GDP last year. The average rate in Latin America is about 14 percent of GDP.

Legislative inertia is also a factor. Since the end of military dictatorships in Latin America, many countries have been plagued by frustrating legislative gridlock. "The truth is that people in Latin America care very little about parties and congresses, and expect even less from them," according to a Brookings Institution analysis.

Global financial crises have also not helped. In terms of economic prosperity, Latin America remains the most unequal region in the world. During these crises, the poor and lower-middle classes prioritize meeting their daily needs. If their ability to make ends meet declines, they tend to blame the ruling parties and give in to the temptation to simply “throw the bums out” and bring in new leaders, regardless of their stances on human rights, transparency, good governance, or the rule of law. At a time when electorates view their leaders as weak and ineffectual, those who promise a "strong hand" become more attractive.

Backward Steps in Nicaragua, Guatemala

During his campaign for a third term as president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega repeatedly reassured voters that he was a strong, experienced leader who knew how to get things done. To a certain extent, he is right: Nicaragua has a history of economic volatility, but the situation has remained relatively stable under Ortega’s recent stewardship. His anti-poverty programs and subsidies, partly a result of generous Venezuelan loans, also helped persuade voters.

Nevertheless, from banished term limits to alleged corruption, and from a judiciary stacked with Ortega loyalists to convincing evidence of electoral fraud (which was not even necessary), Ortega is already well on his way to bringing Nicaragua back to the authoritarianism that the country is all too familiar with.

In 2006, Ortega was instrumental in changing Nicaraguan electoral law to lower the threshold for a first-round presidential victory from 45 percent to either 40 percent of votes cast or 35 percent, as long as there is at least a five-point difference between the first- and second-place candidates. In the 2006 presidential election, Daniel Ortega captured 38 percent of the vote, thereby precluding a run-off that many analysts believe he would have lost.

Ortega accepted electoral defeat back in 1990, although Nicaragua has remained, at best, a fledgling democracy since then. Nicaraguans were again reminded of Ortega’s perennial presence on the Nicaraguan political scene in 1999 with the implementation of el Pacto, or “the Pact,” an agreement reached between Ortega and then-President Arnoldo Alemán of the Partido Liberal Constitutional. Although the two leaders were not close at the time, their two parties held almost all the power in the country’s National Assembly. This “pact” shielded both leaders from criminal prosecution and consolidated power in the judiciary and the Supreme Electoral Council. (This agreement is still in place, even though it has now become clear that Ortega has gotten more out of the deal than Alemán.)

Alemán still did get a 20-year prison sentence for numerous charges of corruption in 2003. In 2009, Nicaragua’s Supreme Court exonerated Alemán; his conviction was conveniently overturned. Transparency International recently honored Alemán in their list of “The World’s Ten Most Corrupt Leaders” in recent history.

The 2009 Nicaraguan Supreme Court ruling that exempted Ortega from only serving two presidential terms sent a strong message that good governance in Nicaragua was waning. Under the Nicaraguan constitution, presidents are not allowed to run for consecutive terms and are supposed to respect a two-term limit. But because Mr. Ortega essentially controlled the Supreme Court, its judges ruled that the previous laws constituted human rights violations and should not apply to him. Legally speaking, Ortega could be president for the rest of his life. Nicaragua’s institutions were never particularly strong, but as its extremely politicized court makes clear, they are undoubtedly weakening under Ortega’s watch. Due to rampant fraud committed by Ortega’s Sandinista party in 2008 municipal elections, the EU and the United States suspended aid.

In Guatemala, meanwhile, the incoming administration of Otto Peréz promises to be a step backwards in terms of human rights. Peréz held a number of high positions in the Guatemalan military during Latin America’s bloodiest civil war. Many voters were too young to remember the massacres in the country’s western highlands, most of which occurred during the early 1980s. Crime statistics in Guatemala are atrocious, and security was voters’ foremost concern throughout the campaign. Guatemala has one of the world’s highest homicide rates. In 2010, there were more than 40 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, rising to an astounding 110 per 100,000 in the capital. To put this in perspective, the homicide rate in the United States is less than five per 100,000. Guatemala’s neighbor Mexico, which is in the throes of a bloody drug war, has a homicide rate of about 14 per 100,000. With a pitiful prosecution rate hovering around 2 or 3 percent, Guatemalan voters are desperate for a solution to what they consider their most pressing problem.

Peréz’s campaign slogan of mano dura  or "the strong hand" — promised to crack down on violent crime and pursue offenders relentlessly. Security concerns dominated the presidential campaign, as runner-up Manuel Baldizón also put an anti-crime message at the top of his agenda. Once in office, Peréz will likely involve the military in police matters, reversing a trend toward civilian control.

Feckless Governance in Mexico

Mexicans, meanwhile, have grown tired of the feckless governance the country has experienced since its “democratic breakthrough” in 2000. Nowhere is the lack of compromise or legitimate negotiation more obvious than in Mexico's federal legislature. Under Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) leadership, legislative gridlock has plagued Mexican political life for the past decade. President Felipe Calderón has fared slightly better than former President Vicente Fox, although frustration among the Mexican citizenry remains. Voters have finally gotten a taste of multiparty democracy and discovered how bittersweet it is.

A recent report published by Human Rights Watch, which documents widespread abuses by state security personnel and even judicial actors, has shown how damaging President Calderón’s misguided “war on drugs” has been for ordinary Mexican citizens. Calderón’s egregious mismanagement of Mexican security policy has exacerbated citizens’ growing exasperation, and rightfully so. Systematic and widespread abuses by state security personnel under the auspices of PAN “democracy” would make anyone question whether democracy has developed in Mexico over the past decade.

Certainly, the media environment has improved since 2000, and the country’s judicial system is more relevant and unbiased than it was under the rule of the long-serving Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI). Nevertheless, much of the political power in Mexico has moved from the federal executive to the country’s various governorships and, perhaps most tellingly, to Congress and key players within Mexico’s three big political parties. During the 70 years of PRI authoritarianism, political actors from disparate groups did not need to work together. Mexican politicians are still learning how to accomplish this.

Calderon’s drug war has undoubtedly failed, but more fundamentally, Mexican citizens simply do not trust the country’s existing institutions, of which political parties would probably top the list.

For next year’s presidential election, the PRI candidate Enrique Peña Nieto, a former governor of the state of Mexico, is the current frontrunner. As in Guatemala, many voters are too young to remember the authoritarian past and the PRI's connection to it.

In a 2010 Latinóbarometro survey that included 18 Latin American nations, Mexicans were more apathetic about democracy than anyone else. Nothing would indicate that things have changed since then. A recent UN study revealed that 36 percent of households were victims of crime last year, a year that witnessed around 22 million “common crimes.” This is not entirely drug-related violence; criminal activities are more pervasive than that. There is no evidence to suggest that these statistics will improve between now and next July’s presidential election.

Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala may be bellwethers for a regional shift away from democracy, or they may simply be exceptions. The counter-examples of Chile, Uruguay, Costa Rica, and Panama suggest that democracy is not completely on the decline in the region. Nevertheless, challenges from crime to legislative gridlock are likely to persist in the region, and these challenges will put pressure on what are still fragile democracies.

U.S. Foreign Policy vis-à-vis Latin America

There was a real and not unfounded hope that the administration of George W. Bush would make a concerted effort to engage with Latin America’s political leaders. But after 9/11, the region fell to the bottom of U.S. foreign policy priorities. The Obama administration has not done much better. Plan Colombia and the Mérida initiative, which deal largely with security issues and fighting an unwinnable drug war, do not constitute a coherent grand strategy. More recently, U.S. policymakers have again been reminded of the tight links between energy security and national security.

This provides another reason to strengthen U.S.-Latin American ties, especially since China’s influence in Latin America will only grow over the coming decades. In 2009, China became Brazil’s biggest trading partner.

Placing a greater emphasis on human rights and respect for civil liberties is crucial. Washington’s lackluster response to post-coup violence in Honduras only encourages further democratic backsliding elsewhere. Revisiting comprehensive immigration reform would be another good place to start.

The devastating effects of the 40-year war on drugs are related to current violence in Central America. And yet, there is little to suggest that anyone in Washington is willing to reexamine U.S. drug policy. As the United States shifts its focus to East Asia, reengagement with Latin America will probably be a gradual process.

U.S. policymakers must approach the region with more nuanced strategies. Latin America is not a monolithic entity, where a certain set of policy goals in one country will be relevant or entirely applicable to another. In spite of many similarities, Mexico is not Guatemala. Andean nations should not just be lumped together in the same policy category. Although there are no easy answers, appreciating the specific context of each country will be essential.

Strengthening relationships must go beyond military or security-related bonds. Right now, American foreign policy in the region is unacceptable, counterproductive, and will likely presage a continued rise in authoritarianism. Latin America is not the Cold War hot spot it once was, but it is a region that still merits attention. Diplomacy on the cheap usually produces undesirable outcomes. The perpetuation of current U.S. policy will be no exception.

Taylor Dibbert earned a BA in political science from the University of Georgia and a Master of International Affairs degree from Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). He served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala from 2006-2008. He is the author of the book Fiesta of Sunset: The Peace Corps, Guatemala and a Search for Truth.

Originally published by the Institute for Policy Studies licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.